Yeah, I know this problem. My wife said exactly the same thing about me. I thought the same thing as your husband. How can she not know? But, it seems, women are different (duh). They want to hear it all the time. And, as my therapist says, it’s a little thing, why not just do it?
But let me tell you my secret reason. When we were first falling in love, and the magic was happening, the term sprung to my lips without thinking. I was “in love.” Now it’s 20 years later, 18 of marriage on Tuesday, and it doesn’t feel the same. I love her, but that feeling of “in-loveness” doesn’t happen. Without that, it seems harder to say, “I love you.” In fact, even though it is true, and I do love her, it still feels like I am forcing something when I say “I love you.”
See, the thing is, I am not utterly obsessed with her any more. I can actually think of other things besides here. “I love you” is forever associated in my mind with that time when I was obsessed and could not think of anything but her. I know, intellectually, that will not happen again, at least, not in the sustained way it happened then.
I don’t wan to lie, and I don’t want to not lie, if that makes any sense. It is both a lie and a truth to say “I love you.” I love her, but it feels different now. However, if it will make her feel good and safe, and if it will make her want me more, then I’ll do it, because, in the end, I do love her.