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Jude's avatar

How do you combat the sleepies whilst at work?

Asked by Jude (32210points) April 17th, 2009

I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

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24 Answers

qashqai's avatar

Liters of coffee.

loser's avatar

I literally slap myself around a bit. Not only does it help me wake up, but it also seems to keep other people from bothering me…

marinelife's avatar

A brisk walk around the building (outside if possible).

casheroo's avatar

I just drink coffee.

I have to be into work by 530am, so I’m pretty exhausted while at work..I just push through it.

GAMBIT's avatar

Mountain Dew and Fluther.

mcbealer's avatar

• stay hydrated
• set up work area to be ergonomic
• do routine stretches or go for a short walk if you’re able to
• chew spearmint gum or get a diffuser and add spearmint essential oil ~ it really works!!

basp's avatar

Do some stretching and walk around a bit.

seekingwolf's avatar

Coffee, gum (keeps you concentrated), and Twitter breaks.

chyna's avatar

I take No Doze. Most of the people in my office take that or Vivarin.

Mr_M's avatar

Do NOT eat a big meal. For lunch have a power bar.

mcbealer's avatar

@Mr_M ~ that is so true. I was in training yesterday, and a lot of the people had big meals for lunch,
then wondered why they were fighting off sleep all afternoon.

Mr_M's avatar

Actually, because of that, I always take the latest lunch possible,

3or4monsters's avatar

I just like that someone else calls it, “the sleepies”. :)

Coffe, sprinting up the stairs 2 at a time, and every now and then, a healthy dose of rage inspired by silly customers. Murderous intent increases awareness. Also, napping in the car during lunch break.

Jack79's avatar

I know, it’s a nightmare. Well luckily enough when I work at the school (I’m back at my old job again now) there is a basement where we keep some old photocopies. I go there during the break and try to take a 4-minute nap on the armchair. It helps.

I also drink tonnes of very strong tea before I start off, but by the time it starts working, it’s almost time to leave.

phoenyx's avatar

I go to the break room and play Rock Band.

jo_with_no_space's avatar

Tea! Tea! Lots of tea!

Also take little breaks to give your mind something dumb and irrelevant to focus on for a bit.

laureth's avatar

A tiny dab of peppermint essential oil at the tip of each nostril. It sounds weird, but it works.

Jeruba's avatar

I usually resort to Diet Coke.

It’s horrible to be that sleepy when you can’t nap. There have been days when I have literally dozed off at red lights on the way home. I think the real answer is going to be found at night and not during the day.

mcbealer's avatar

@laureth ~ now that warmer weather is around the corner, I’ll be switching my shower gel to Dr. Bronner’s peppermint castile soap. It’s a little ritual I have .. and it’s so invigorating in the summer!

arnbev959's avatar

Coffee (but not too much), fasting, and avoiding computers as much as possible.

laureth's avatar

@mcbealer – I agree! It’s really nice in the summer. I just have to be careful to avoid putting Dr Bronner’s on certain body parts which don’t appreciate the invigorating sensation of his Peppermint soap!

mcbealer's avatar

@laureth ~ been there…done th… ouch… that!

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