General Question

Zen's avatar

Does it ache in the places where you used to play?

Asked by Zen (7753points) April 17th, 2009

Mine does, and I won’t say what. Everyone has something that aches and hurts (not you, kids, I’m talking about the 35 and over crowd – give or take a kvetch). This is the official KVETCH question where you may feel free to complain about your aches and pains: Groan away!


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37 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Except my head… Every. Inch. Of. My. Damn. Body. Fibromyalgia is a bitch.

Zen's avatar

@augustlan Missed you. Feel better. (((hugs)))

Facade's avatar

Every joint in my body is damaged. I’m 20 years old. Yea, it sucks. Parents, don’t put your kids in gymnastics. Just don’t.
(insert other various ailments i’m too tired to name here)

Zen's avatar

@Facade Oy vey, I feel for you. Wish I could draw you a bath, then give you an aromatherapy massage. What scents do you like/dislike. I’ll try to send you a virtual spa treatment.

@augustlan too, if you want dear.

steve6's avatar

What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger!

Facade's avatar

@Zen I like anything but peppermint :P

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Uhm. What a question! Oy and Vey.

filmfann's avatar

Recently had to consider getting a cane. Instead, I checked the dosage of my Glucosamine/Condroiten and found I was 1000 mg off. Upped it, and 3 days later much better.

Zen's avatar

@steve6 Why so serious? Sir, yes, sir.

filmfann's avatar

Didn’t want to get a cane. I was worried that once I started, I would never stop. And I watch way too much House.

Zen's avatar

@filmfann That’s good. A cane is major – good you don’t need it.

I almost missed you cuz of the avatar I was used to – was that your photo (before, not now ;-)?

Zen's avatar

@Facade _Sending you good vibes and a package spa treatment. Pour yourself a bath, get naked, then call me and I’ll tell you what to do next.


filmfann's avatar

was. Sometimes the questions get pretty personal, and I felt better having them less connected to me.

Zen's avatar

@filmfann It’s all good. I couldn’t imagine putting my ugly punim as my avatar. I’l let the good captain do the “talkin”.


AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@steve6, two weekends ago found me lost in Jessamine Co.

filmfann's avatar

I think you commented once that you used to have a radio show. The term “face made for radio” came to mind.
Some of the answers I have given included some details about a former boss of mine, and I started getting worried about that psycho wanting retribution.

Facade's avatar

@Zen lol, i’m telling

@filmfann do you think the stuff you take for your joints would help with ones that slip out?

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m in my late forties. Man, it aches everywhere.

filmfann's avatar

No, not if they slip out. What an awful problem to have!

Zen's avatar

@filmfann You are correct, sir! I had a radio show, mostly interviews and music. I described someone once and she loved my description of her, after explaining that it was one of the challenges in radio: not having the visual… I said she looked like everyone’s favourite aunt.

I look okay, so I’m told. A bit like Picard meets Bruce Willis, make love, and have a son.

But I still wouldn’t want my pic as avatar: too personal, and it would make my jokes and comments – well, different I guess. I think you nailed it before. We think alike, you and I, from what I’ve read of yours.


filmfann's avatar

Years ago i worked as a long distance operator, and the room was full of ugly old women who callers constantly hit on. Great voices, but looks that would make you hysterically blind.

Zen's avatar

Like the 48-year-old woamn from England’s Idol who sang Les Miz? Close your eyes, and her voice is heavenly.

Society has become so shallow, and Gen-Z is really fucked up that way – with their reality TV, instant everything, 60 second songs, and McFucking world.

Give me some Jazz on black, slow food and a good book. Man, they don’t know what they’re missing while they are googling crap, and getting answers from wikicrapaeia – the encyclopedia updated two seconds ago by me, you or a retard from kalamazoo who was bored. Shee-eesh.

But I digress.

cookieman's avatar

In 1994 my wife (then girlfriend) and I were blind-sided by a drunk driver. Messed up my back royally.

I tried everything and had simply resorted to oodles of ibuprofan and pushed through the pain.

Then, late last year, I was hired to overhaul the website of this acupuncture clinic. In the end, he didn’t have the money for the redesign, so I suggested we exchange services.

What an improvement!! Between acupuncture and acupressure, I haven’t taken an Advil in over four months.

rooeytoo's avatar

I am 64, knees giving out, bit of a slump to the shoulders and yep all achy. But I refuse to age gracefully, I just did a mini triathlon and came in faster than a lot of the younger ones, especially the kids, what is happening to kids??? Next one the community has is going to be even more mini so the kids will participate. When I was 10 or 12 I would have been mortified to have been beaten by an old lady!

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

*****Knock Knock******** on wood I am nearly 50…only days away. Honestly, I have very few aches and pains. I drive quite a bit and after a 500 mile drive I might be a bit stiff, but other than that I feel very good. I guess Margaritas do a decent job of lubing the joints.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous, Happy Birthday, early!

I have aches and pains in my knees, ankles and feet, but weight training is really helping!! So is biking.

Zen's avatar

@cprevite Your story is inspirational on several levels. Thanks!

Zen's avatar

@AstroChuck Use your God-like super powers and heal yourself, dude. Don’t be a Spider-man; no need for you to be in pain.


cookieman's avatar

@rooeytoo: Good for you man!

@Zen: Thanks. Ironically, my primary MD is an older guy from China and he thinks acupuncture and the like are a bunch of hooey. His solution is that I keep taking Advil.
I don’t care if it’s real or in my head, I’m just glad it works.

@Sueanne_Tremendous: Happy soon-to-be Birthday!

augustlan's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous Happy early Birthday!

casheroo's avatar

Something is majorly wrong with my knees. I don’t know what. I thought it could be from a fall back in January, but they just ache all my joints and bones just hurt. It feels like what I imagine arthritis would feel like. I need to see a doctor, because just being hurts sometimes :(

cookieman's avatar

by the way, the title of this thread is from a song – no?

rooeytoo's avatar

@cprevite – ahem, it is woman thank you!!!

cookieman's avatar

@rooeytoo: Good for you wo-man!

the dog looked male, I swear

rooeytoo's avatar

@cprevite -hehehe, wrong again, she is a bitch and gorgeous, part dingo and total wild child! She came from an Aboriginal town camp and lives to tell the tale (and wag the tail as well!)

cookieman's avatar

@rooeytoo: Cool. But is it nice to call her names? ;^)

Zen's avatar

@cprevite Taken from a Leonard Cohen song, can’t remember which, don’t feel like searching.


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