Thank you for your thoughtful post. This posting had been
particularly difficult for me, strangely enough, the song
‘You are my baby, and I am your man…the power of Love..’
by Celine Deone kept pleying repeatedly after and during the
posts, I am not certain about that relevance, perhaps just
coincidence, but I am certain that you have a genuine
desire for truth, are a very loving individual, and
believe in accountability for yourself.
Yes, the bible does discuss the things you references, in part…It stipulates, ‘do not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers,’ also, ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone,’ (pertaining to the stoning to death of an accused adulterer..yet we are All in sin after age seven, even if we haved lived a ‘spotless, pure life.’ Even observing a
person not a spouse with lust is such, among other things…)
That said, sin is unavoidable, consequently, No Woman
should be stoned to death…In terms of prothelization, this is but one of the many catagories of Christian, teachers, prophets, speakers of tongues, (I intepret literally as
another spoken language,) and apostles, each with their own degree of responsibility and accountability.
I am certainly not Perfect only He was, but I strive
to honor Him by discussing such things with anyone
who will listen, even the remotest softening of the
heart can allow for miracles to happen, I believe you
are on the verge of such an epiphany…Mine was the
birth of my child, and the nobility and honesty
of his mother, I strive every day to be worthy
of such a blessing. Though I had been introduced
to many believers previous to this, and for some
while after was wayward, and..sometimes even now
vaccillate, I continue to read the word, speak about to those who will have ears to hear and pray every day…and strive to be a better person each day…
It is not my intention to attempt to personally fix lives
but to provide testimonial and information for so
that they may allow Jesus into their heart and He
will beging the fixing…I am by no means qualified
to fix anyone, barely even myself…