General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Are you ready for "The Chicken Show"?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) April 18th, 2009

Target: prime time television.
Concept: chickens as a thematic element in entertainment, novelty, and teaching segments.
Format: four segments in an hour-long show.

Segment 1. The Chicken Challenge

Chickens compete in a challenging task. The winner gets to not star in the last segment. Winner is not announced until later, building suspense.

Segment 2. History and Humor

Short pieces on chickens in history, in art, and in entertainment.
– Dramatization of scenes from history in which a chicken played a part.
– Great film scenes featuring chickens.
– Interview with Gary Larsen about why he puts chickens in so many “The Far Side” cartoons.
– Celebrity interviews on meaningful chicken experiences they have had or important chickens in their lives.

Segment 3. Chicken Man, Chicken Woman

Contestants are placed in reality situations that test their moral, physical, intellectual, or emotional courage, often by making the situation appear to be testing one thing when it is really testing something else. For example, in a boat race, an accident is staged and the real test is whether a contestant will put himself in danger to rescue a competitor. The person who fails the real test is chicken of the week.

Segment 4. Chicken in the Kitchen

The loser of the first segment becomes the guest star of the last segment as a celebrity chef prepares one of an infinite number of possibe chicken recipes.

What do you think? Is there an audience? Should I pitch this to a network executive?

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6 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

This would certainly be far more interesting than the present reality shows. I know a number of local chickens who would love to audition.

Gary Larsen is retired, I think, and in hiding, like J D Salinger, but I could be wrong. (That has known to have happened.)

unused_bagels's avatar

lol @ gailcalled.
I must say, I would rather watch this than wussies cry on survivor, or the fanfic writers fight over the script of Heroes.

cookieman's avatar

The farm I work at has about two thousand egg-laying hens and a bunch of roosters.

I’ll be happy to act as their agent.

Oh, and to answer the question: Not only am I ready for it…I’m hungry for it!

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@Jeruba, I’m ready!!! I carry this. It’s rubber.

filmfann's avatar

It would be more interesting if the loser of segment 3 was prepared in segment 4.

MacBean's avatar

I’d watch it.

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