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NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Why don't we say "bless you" when someone burps?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) April 18th, 2009

What’s so special about a sneeze?

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40 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

burp != sneeze.

it’s a superstition…here’s the wikipedia article on it.
reader’s digest version: no one knows exactly where it came from, but they’ve got some theories.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Well can’t we start doing it? A fluther movement? xD

jonsblond's avatar

I like the idea. I’ll also say it when someone farts!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Excellent. I’m in!

jonsblond's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater I heard that.

Bless you. :)

knitfroggy's avatar

The sound of someone burping makes me so furious and grossed out that I really couldn’t bring myself to say ‘Bless You’ too them, so I’m out.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@knitfroggy well just for you maybe we can say F U! ... j/k But seriously.. how often does someoen fart or burp in public anyway xD

electricsky's avatar

I think it’s because when you sneeze your heart stops beating for like half a second, so people say “Bless you” because you basically just died. Am I making sense? I don’t know. It’s late.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@electricsky that sounds right.. but peculiar.. I wonder why they would think that.. the first people who did

knitfroggy's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater The F U idea sounds great to me. Where I work people will sit across from you in the breakroom while you are trying to eat your lunch and belch out a huge one like nobody’s business. So nasty!

tehrani625's avatar

A burp is not a sign of sickness unlike a sneeze.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Howsabout when someone burps, we all say “pubes”?

jonsblond's avatar

@knitfroggy I live in a house with two teenage boys and a 38 yr old manchild. I hear burps all the time. You get used to it when you are the minority. :)

@eponymoushipster I’m too choked up to say it. Please no pubes!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jonsblond choked on pubes? Blondsjon’s got all the luck….

jonsblond's avatar

@eponymoushipster They’re worse than popcorn kernels. :P

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

It’s gonna slip.. I can tell.. someone is gonna burp and I’m gonna yell PUBES!

sakura's avatar

I though bless you for sneezes came from the plague?? Wasn’t sneezing a symptom therefore if you got the sneezes you were blessed in case you had it? I always encourage an ‘excuse me’ if I burb or ‘excuse you’ when someone else burbs!

ru2bz46's avatar

Because sneezes are a gift from God, and burps are the work of the devil.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

if the devil’s got the market on burps.. who’s got the farts?

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Well that’s not good.. Last time he was in charge of something somebody got shot…. we might want to delegate someone else XD

ru2bz46's avatar

OK, @NaturalMineralWater. You get all the farts, Fartman.

ru2bz46's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater Um…that’s taking it a little too far…

casheroo's avatar

My husband actually says excuse me when he burps, farts, or sneezes. It’s so weird. When I started farting in front of him, he’d always say “you’re excused” or something like that. I was like “uhhhh” lol. He guilted me into say “excuse me” after any bodily function noise hahaha

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

A friend of mine I worked with used to say “Bless you” whenever I sneezed, he was a such a nice guy. Then he found out I was an atheist, and asked, “What does one say to an atheist when he sneezes?” I replied, “I don’t know, maybe ‘go to Hell?’

He thought that was hilarious, so after that, whenever I sneezed, he’d say “Go to Hell” and we’d laugh like little kids.

knitfroggy's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra That’s funny, I’m a non-believer and have wondered what I should say, I still say bless you, because I can’t think of anything else!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@knitfroggy feel free to use it. I still do, even though I don’t see that friend much any more.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo when you queef, do you say “pardon my french”?

kj3690's avatar

From what I have heard we say bless you because your heart stops. If you don’t want to say bless you say Gesundheit it translates as good health.

knitfroggy's avatar

@kj3690 well, I guess that would be nicer than the F U that was mentioned earlier!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

LOL .. you guys are all hilarious!

casheroo's avatar

@eponymoushipster a lady doesn’t queef and tell.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo you ain’t no lady. ;)

BBSDTfamily's avatar

I’ve heard that your heart actually stops beating for a split second while you sneeze and that is why… I don’t know if there is any truth to it though.

jo_with_no_space's avatar

Because a burp was never indicative of a potentially life-threatening illness.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

A sneeze was indicative of such a thing? Interesting. Funny how these old traditions stick around.

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