What's wrong with sharing a razor?
My husband flipped out because I used his razor to shave my legs. He said it’s gross. We have shared much more personal things than a razor…I mean we have two kids!
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32 Answers
Razors are extremely dirty, if I were you I wouldn’t want to use his razor after him. Shaving is basically cutting hundreds of holes along your body. This leaves open surfaces on your skin and leaves bacteria that may have been on the surface of your skin on the razor or bacteria from the razor in your skin. If you husband uses this before/after you you’re basically exchanging bacteria and germs from different parts of your body. Even if you’ve had kids razors are much dirtier because of the foreign things that are on the outside of your body vs. the inside.
would you use his razor to shave your face after he shaved his pubes or legs?
@qualitycontrol No, as a rule, I don’t shave my face. :P
I guess I didn’t think it was gross cuz I didn’t shave anywhere gross with it, it wasn’t like I shaved my pitts with it.
yeah, but even so, we put that on our FACE…If he didn’t know you used he would have used it again…that’s yucky! It’s like putting dirty underwear on your head…
Oh please, razor blades aren’t like a sponge that absorbs all the bacteria it comes into contact with. Don’t most people wash their razor in hot, soapy water after use? My husband and I share a razor, that stays in the shower, and have for years. Neither one of us has ever had ingrown hairs or sprouted any fungus yet. We buy good quality razor blades, change them every couple of days, and all is well. And for the record, I shave my legs, bikini area, and my underarms… his face hasn’t complained yet.
It also dulls the razor considerably. That can cause problems on a very visible part of the anatomy. Guys really hate having to go to work with those little patches of toilet paper decorating their chin.
Do you and your husband share a toothbrush? Many men feel it is an equivalent faux pas.
I think it’s just one of those things that people are weird about. It’s not logical, it just is. I feel that way about my toothbrush. I think it would be gross if my boyfriend used my toothbrush, even though we regularly exchange the same kinds of stuff that is on a toothbrush, it’s just weird. I think the same must be true of your husband.
I don’t agree that razors are extremely dirty. As long as they get a rinse afterward, there shouldn’t be much left on them. And what… leg germs are more gross than FACE germs? I think not.
Would you share a washcloth with your spouse? Hairbrush? Nail clippers?
See: Nothing to absorb bacteria if rinsed properly:
Razor blades are periodically exposed to high levels of moisture and therefore must be made from a special corrosion resistant steel alloy. Furthermore, the grade of steel must be hard enough to allow the blade to hold its shape, yet malleable enough to allow it to be processed. The preferred type of steel is called carbide steel because it is made using a tungsten-carbon compound. One patented combination of elements used in stainless steel blade construction includes carbon (0.45–0.55%), silicon (0.4–1%); manganese (0.5–1.0%); chromium (12–14%) and molybdenum (1.0–1.6%); with the remainder being iron.
@ubersiren Washcloth-No But we do share hair brushes and nail clippers. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.
@asmonet: yuh huh
well I just think it’s weird people shaving and using things together…my stuff is mine and has my germies her stuff is hers and has all of her germies..no need to mix germies!
I guess I’m lucky, my gf doesn’t grow hair under her arms and the hair on her legs is so fine she doesn’t have to shave…so she really is a keeper!
@qualitycontrol: It’s actually more like wearing clean underwear on your head that has been worn and washed many times before. It’s not actually dirty, you just think it is because it look kinda worn.
As long as you’re positive he doesn’t have anything bloodborne, then I don’t see what the big deal is. HIV and Hep C would be a concern of mine, but since you’re married…you’d know.
I sometimes steal my husbands razor, if I can’t find mine. He doesn’t care.
I think the only way a razor would be dirty was if you shaved a dirty area with it, like your ass crack. My legs aren’t dirty and I shaved them in the shower…it’d been different if I’d used his toothbrush-and that ain’t gonna ever happen, I’d sooner die than use someone elses toothbrush.
@knitfroggy : Yeah, see… I don’t know why he flipped out. Tell him your nail clippers have tons more goop on them.
@ubersiren That is a great point-fingernails are full of germs, even if you wash your hands religiously.
I don’t share my razor. I like mine very sharp, and if someone uses it it would be dull. There is bacteria on a razor, especially if you keep it in the shower. It’s hot and wet in there, perfect for growing more bacteria. I don’t share my toothbrush. I don’t use a hair brush, but I have my own pick. My daughter has a brush and so does my son. I don’t share washclothes. I don’t share towels. I know it most likely won’t hurt me to share but it skeeves me out. I wouldn’t borrow someone’s underwear even if they were fresh out of the laundry.
@elijahsuicide The underwear makes me laugh…my mom lost some weight and gave me a bunch of her old underwear (they were almost like new and had no skidmark stains etc.) she told me to throw them away if I thought it was gross and I said it wasn’t gross since she’s my mom! I guess it is gross? I dunno…
i don’t think i could wear anyone elses underwear. even in an “emergency” i’d rather go commando.
While sharing a razor you may be sharing dirt, grime, hair and blood and whatever else happens to be on a persons mouth, chin or leg. I use very cheap disposable razors and throw them away every three days for sanitation purposes.
@knitfroggy I’m just really weird about stuff, but hey free underwear is great!
I don’t use nail clippers either, I use a file.
@elijahsuicide Tell me about it…have you seen the price on underwear these days?? :) Seriously, I wouldn’t like buy any unders at a garage sale or anything, but from my mom, I thought it was ok, would probably take some from my sister too. I’m weird about some stuff too, as far as germs go etc…I cannot drink out of a glass or cup that has been used before, so we drink a lot of bottled water etc.
@KatawaGrey yes of course we share germs, but their only the good, yummy kind. And besides, she probably doesn’t want my nasty face germs on her leggies or wherever girls shave…
After someone scrapes a razor blade all over their legs, I don’t want to use it on my face. It also sucks when the blade is blunt. I’m with your husband on this one.
It’s no problem to share a hairbrush with your spouse. If one of you has head lice, I’m sure the other one does, too.
That’s the primary reasons folks are told not to share hair brushes.
We don’t share anything when it comes to bathroom things. I certainly would not want to share a razor. To me, that’s just about as personal as a toothbrush. Our granddaughter stayed over night with us about a month ago. She asked if she could use my razor & I said uh…no. Let me get you a new one.
I would never use my wife’s crappy disposable leg blades for shaving my beard. Those things have to cut through very long swaths of very tough hair (and she has beautiful legs!)
I use quality blades on my face because they’re having to perform a much more precision job. And so no, I don’t want them being used to hack at leg timber.
The germs don’t bother me. Someone else using my my razor and dulling it up causes me to get razorburn and I hate that.
@knitfroggy – What it really comes down to is this: presuming that you love your husband (two kids and all that) you need to decide that this is one of his strange quirks and you will never use his razor again just to keep your beloved happy.
However, if either of you ever files for divorce all bets are off.
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