General Question

Jude's avatar

This has to do with career choice. Would you rather do something that is challenging, fun, but you may not necessarily succeed in, or something easy, with guaranteed success, that is boring?

Asked by Jude (32210points) April 22nd, 2009
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22 Answers

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

East jobs that don’t challenge you get old quick. There’s no growth without challenge.

dynamicduo's avatar

Challenge in my job is something that’s required, otherwise I have no motivation to go in and do my work with passion. And failing is just another way to learn (as long as you don’t take a lot of people with you when you go).

Zaku's avatar

Probably I’d go with the challenge and fun over ease and success, unless the second choice left me enough time and energy to do something else that I found fulfilling.

Les's avatar

Ugh. Neither. I’d want to have a job that is challenging and fun that I can succeed in. They’re out there, I just know it.

I’m job searching right now. What a horrid existence I am leading now. I don’t know how all these people who are losing their jobs can do it. I pretty much cry myself to sleep every night, and I don’t think I have it that bad.

Facade's avatar

I’ll take the second choice. I’m more focused on relationships than a job.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Challenging and fun, please!

drClaw's avatar

I like the point @Zaku made. Why not take advantage of the easy job and use it to bankroll your true passion? However if I was forced to choose only one, then I would have to go with challenging and fun.

cookieman's avatar

I’ll choose “A” please.

squirbel's avatar

Why wouldn’t you succeed in what is challenging and fun to you?

Tennis5tar's avatar

Challenging and fun, for sure.

cwilbur's avatar

If it’s a binary choice, I go for easy, boring, and stable, because I gotta eat.

Fortunately, in the real world, it’s not a binary choice.

avalmez's avatar

the folks who are the most successful at their jobs generally enjoy their jobs and have fun meeting the challenges their jobs present – enjoyment and fun are major factors enabling success.

May2689's avatar

I’d rather do something I like than something boriiiing!!!!!!!

skfinkel's avatar

For me, this is an easy choice—challenging and fun. What could be better? There are never any guarantees anyway. Might as well enjoy your life, and have a chance at fulfilling yourself.

qashqai's avatar

It depends.

Quantify ‘guaranteed success’ in US dollars.

avalmez's avatar

success means different things to different people, but certainly compensation commensurate with the degree of success is to be expected. It’s just is not quantifiable across the board. a successful deck builder will earn something distinctly different than a successful doctor.

anoop66's avatar

If i am having fun and working hard on it, it’ll get me success. So, it’s not like you can’t do both together. Anyway life’s too short for such pondering. You don’t want to think at 70 that your past 30–40 years were a drag and you wasted them all

jo_with_no_space's avatar

Challenging and interesting, every time. Far more satisfying.

monsoon's avatar

I’ve had this same question. I decided on Computer Science. I find it super fun, and am practically guaranteed a nice paycheck if get a degree, with possibility of wild money-making success if I can go the extra mile.

tabbycat's avatar

I’ve always opted for the challenging and interesting, and I’m sure that I’ve had a richer life in most ways because of it. I’ve always felt that since we spend so much time at work, we might as well work at something that we can feel passionate about.

I still feel this way, but such a philosophy does come with a price. I’ve often felt that it cut into my personal relationships and my leisure time. However, I don’t know many lives that are able to strike the perfect balance. We just do the best we can.

mattbrowne's avatar

I told my kids to create a list with about 8 items. Number 1 is most challenging and fun and something you totally want and are very passionate about. Very often the pay might not be so great or there are only few jobs out there and lots of competition. There’s a risk you might not get what you want and you might even be not very successful. Number 8 on the other hand means you are most likely successful, but the jobs could also become quite boring. It’s something you do have the skills and you do consider, but you are not really passionate about it.

My advice: Pick number 3 on your list.

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