General Question

klaas4's avatar

Memory Stick Pro Duo mp3-player?

Asked by klaas4 (2194points) December 7th, 2007


A friend of mine wonders if that exists. It mustn’t have internal memory – only for firmware of course – and he would like to have the smallest display possible. Not displayless. He doesn’t want to spend some €200,-, otherwise he’ll buy an iPod.

Thanks, us.

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1 Answer

sndfreQ's avatar

The kind of DAPs/PMPs you are describing are becoming more and more scarce these days-as many manufacturers are taking advantage of large influx of internal flash memory media in the supply market.

Also, Sony is the key developer of the proprietary format SD Memory stick pro duo-and controls the licensing and implementation of that media storage format. Most of the current usages for that specific memory is still being used for expanding storage for cell phones-as with sony’s walkman mobile phones. But as with the iPhone and new LG voyager, even cell phones are going the internal flash route.

So imho the popularity of SD memory stick duo pros and the like are dwindling, and are seemingly being relegated to Sony-specific items like the PSP and other media-limited gaming/communication devices (i.e. Sony Mylo, etc.)

The latest developments in removable memory seem to be pushing in the direction of high-capacity, high-bandwidth SDHC memory sticks that are being used in entry-level high definition consumer dv cameras, i.e. AVCHD video cams. Also CF is also increasing for high-megapixel DSLRs…

There are supposedly some Sony PMPs out there that still fit the bill, I found a reasonably good review resource here

Maybe that Sony PMX-U50 is most like the current iPod Nano video w/the added SD memory expansion slot-but note-it’s only being sold in China! Don’t know of Sony equivalent-maybe other brands?...

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