How do you drive on the open road or highway?
do you know driving etiquette on the highway? do you hate drivers who do not know to get in the right lane of a 2-lane highway so “speeders” or “lead-feet” can drive on?
do you use your cruise control or go manual?
do you speed?
do you have open -road driving secrets that help you to get where you are going without getting a ticket?
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52 Answers
-Stay under 10 miles above the speed limit.
-Make sure all lights are working.
-Wear your seat belt. Highway cops will pull you over for the least of reasons.
-Don’t hit the road with expired tags.
The following are more for safety:
-Make sure your car is in good working condition before hitting the road.
-If you’re driving alone, pull over if you’re the least bit tired.
-Drive slower at night. Animals in the road appear at the last second.
i just got back from Springfield today up 55 and was so aggravated by drivers who stayed in the left lane who WERE NOT DRIVING fast enough. arrrrrrrrgh!
get the hell over!!!
@charliecompany34 If its an interstate route, many times people will drive in the left lane because the road is so worn by the truckers in the right lane that driving on that side will kill your tires remarkably quick.
I am one of those drivers that everybody passes because I drive the speed limit, and I have the right to do it in every lane available. Those “move over” speeders do not have any more right to a lane on the highway than I do, and I prefer to drive in the lane that is the least bumpy, or smoothest lane.
sometimes doing the speed limit is also hazardous.
@YARNLADY In some places, isn’t the left lane technically a passing-only lane?
I could literally go crazy about drivers blocking the left lane, but then, I’m from Germany where you get A FAT TICKET if you block the left lane.
This behavior is not about the right to use a lane, but about being a road hazard. Speed limit enforcement is the job of the police, not lane blockers. 65 in the left lane is a tremendous accident hazard.
@YARNLADY Props! I’m also one of those drivers, for the most part. And I hate tailgaters and those who feel like they have the right to act like jerks when they are the ones breaking the law.
Some states have a left lane law that only allows passing in the left lane.
@jonsblond I believe I live in one of those states. Left lane is for passing. And you are not to exceed the speed limit to pass. Of course slower cars are also supposed to keep right. But slower doesn’t mean just under 80, lol, as many who drive in the left lane would think.
I am too German to participate in this thread LOL
BP just went over 160 systolic lol….
@RedPowerLady I hear you. I only drive 5mph over the speed limit, if that. It’s just very annoying when someone drives slower in the passing lane. It’s called “passing lane” for a reason.
stay out of the stinkin’ passing lane if no one is in front of you! And Why the heck do people slow down when passing a truck?
@The_Compassionate_Heretic , you may have a point, but get over when someone comes up behind you! I’ll be out of your way in no time, and you can come back in the passing lane. I drive in LA a lot and it amazes me how 2 cars will pace each other in the 2 fastest lanes and slow traffic for two miles behind them with no one in front of them!
In the NT of Australia, up until about a year ago there was no speed limit and let me tell you when a 4 trailer road train passed you, it was a time for prayer even if you weren’t sure to whom you were praying! Now we have a “civilized” limit of 130kph which equals just under 81 mph The result is a lot of road kill and there are lots of critters here to kill. A feral camel or huge boar, roos, emus and even large crocs during the wet can really mess up the front end of your car. It makes driving a wild life adventure! Most roads are only 2 lanes and a lot are unpaved so I usually hang around 115 because the land cruiser eats a lot of petrol when you go over that speed so if you want to pass me I will slow down so you can do it. The road toll here is extraordinarily high though but usually involves alcohol.
@TaoSan: I know I will just refrain from participating. I could write a book about the road.
Okay, here’s my two cents. I am an ex-truck driver. The states that mandate the left lane is for passing usually say that you can exceed the limit a little (about five mph) to pass someone. This helps to keep the lane clear.
Second, people sometimes slow down when passing a truck because they (a.) are worried when the truck has moved towards the center line, as they should be, since your 4,000 pound car is no match for an 80,000 pound truck, Keeping an 80,000 pound vehicle steady is harder than it looks, given the weather, the wind, road conditions, etc. I’ve seen semi trucks blown completely over by a good stiff wind. (b.) they want to be sure the truck driver sees them, i.e. if you CANNOT see his mirrors, he CANNOT see you. You should really find out where a trucks blind spots are and avoid them, and (c.) they are really cautious. This can be just as much of a hazard as being too reckless.
Semi trucks take (at least) ten times the distance to stop as it does in your car. Your brakes are hydraulic; his are air. Hydraulic brakes are instantaneous when you stomp the pedal – air brakes take a little longer to engage. Giving any truck a wide berth and all the room you can is not only courteous, but it is also might to save your life. If you cut off a trucker and he runs over the top of your car, odds are greatly in his favor that you will die and he will hardly get a scratch. Sure, he’ll lose his license, but that won’t do you any good, you’ll be dead.
I’ve seen what truckers can do when they are pissed at someone with no courtesy on the road. Most truck drivers are professional at all times; but there are always a few bad apples in any profession. You piss one of those nutjobs off, you might just find yourself run off the road right into a very conveniently-placed DEEP ravine. Truck drivers usually know every inch of the roads they drive, as they drive them on a daily or weekly basis. Piss them off at your own peril.
In Texas, the left lane is for passing and there are signs periodically that remind drivers of that fact.
That said, I typically drive in the right lane, set cruise control for 70 mph (the daytime speed limit), pass in the left lane at about 75 mph, and use my lights to thank truckers for letting me by or to tell them when it is okay to come back in to my lane (so they won’t squish me).
I also wear my seat belt, refrain from using the phone, putting on make up or reading while driving, and in general I avoid idiotic activities that take my eyes or attention off the road. In addition, before setting off I always have the truck checked over mechanically, get the oil changed, make sure all the various lights are working, and make my kids put their seat belts on. I also stop once an hour to stretch my legs, make a bathroom stop, or get a snack.
Just to keep things straight, as a Texan I drive a 3/4 ton crew cab pick up truck with an 8-foot bed, not an 18 wheeler.
Life is short enough as it is.
@evelyns_pet_zebra ;
That’s exactly WHY I expedite my pass of a truck! I don’t want to hang around in his blind spot and I know that they are squirrely so I want to get past them and out of their way, not hang around in their blind spot for 10 minutes!
How do you drive on the road? Well, first, you need a vehicle. It also helps to have driving lessons. But you can learn by watching someone else. Then, gas that sucker up, and hammer down the gas pedal!
Depends on what highway I’m on.
Driving through Jersey, I’m a paranoid mess because the cops are hidden all over and they take your license away if you speed a certain amount…and being from PA, that would really suck.
Driving on 476 in PA, I know the road so well, that I could do it blindfolded exaggeration. I go pretty fast, but usually stick to the middle or left lane, unless I’m going to get off an exit, then I stay in the right lane. I usually go between 60–75mph.
Driving on 76 in Philly is a free for all. You have to be incredibly aware of every single driver, because there are too many accidents on 76, which I don’t want to be involved in.
I used to be a tru Philadelphian driver, but it’s tamed down a lot over the years.
@jonsblond I hear ya on that. It gets on my nerves too. Just not quite as bad as the tailgaters, lol
Passing a truck is an EXCELLENT opportunity to let that 5.6 liter V8 scream a little :D
They need that now and then, you know?
@Likeradar In some areas there are signs that state “Slow traffic keep right” and then I do, but most of the freeways do not. I also make it a point to try to get out of the way when there is heavy traffic or at night.
@evelyns_pet_zebra A co-worker of mine was actually killed when a truck blew over on her car on the way to work.
@YARNLADY ; That’s why I don’t dilly dally when passing trucks. It’s not safe. It’s also not safe to hang out in the fast lane and back up traffic for miles when there is no one in front of you.
@TaoSan, Can you tell it’s probably my biggest pet peeve? I am usually a very nice person unless I am dealing with drivers who are not paying attention to what’s going on around them.
Yeah, I noticed you deviate from your standard MO a bit there :D
Right on tho, I get crazy over this.
You know what I hate is road bullies. The people who get annoyed at someone for doing they perceive as bad and then bully you around. Now that is dangerous!
smart people avoid the bullies by getting out of their lane ;)
@TaoSan Hey the slowpokes have a right to pass the semi’s etc.. as well ;0
In all honesty though I don’t drive slow in the left lane when I can help it. But what really bugs me is when there is only one lane and somebody wants to pass me but there is no passing lane. Sometimes I pull to the side but it gets really quite old. I wish people could just ease up on the gas a bit and enjoy the drive. That’s what life is all about. And not pressure me into driving unsafely. I’ve been in a nasty car accident and I don’t want to be there again. Leadfoot driving, to me, is a lot about selfishness. I want people to consider my safety and the safety of my family as well. So for all of you who just wish the slowpokes would get over, take a deep breath and enjoy the drive!
If it is only a 2 lane highway and there is not solid line it is perfectly safe, legal and acceptable to pass a slower vehicle. It is not safe when the person being passed thinks that NOW is the time to speed up when the passer has seen a safe opportunity to pass.
@Judi was that directed to me?
@RedPowerLady ; I don’t know? Do you speed up when someone tries to pass you on a two lane road? (one lane going each way)~
@Judi No I always drive slow. LOL. It was right under my post but I didn’t see how it was relevant to it so I thought I’d ask.
I use cruise control as much as I can.
I speed, but never over 10 m.p.h. of the posted limit.
I do not block the H.O.V. (fast lane) because it is discourteous
@daloon nice tongue-in-cheek answer; taken seriously, that sort of attitude is exactly the kind I’ve seen where cars and trees meet. The tree ALWAYS wins.
@evelyns_pet_zebra – Sometimes I’ve seen it be a close tie between car and tree – neither one survived the impact.
However, it generally is much harder on objects made of meat and bone than on those made of either wood or metal. Or concrete.
@TaoSan I agree with you, my truck loves having its 5.7L V8 aired out. Normally on an on ramp. I love having a 3Ton living room that does 0–60MPH in about 6.4seconds.
No really, I normally drive one lane left of the right lane so that I am out of the lane that people enter and exit the Freeway in. I usually don’t get into the far left lane because I don’t go more then 7MPH over the speed limit for the most part… Also the longer the wheel base of your vehicle the better it will ride at speed. Also I highly recommend creating a play list for cruising, its not a good idea to mess with your stereo or mp3 player while driving at speed.
Also I highly recommend creating a play list for cruising, its not a good idea to mess with your stereo or mp3 player while driving at speed.
I agree sincerely and know families who have been devastated by a loss from another driver messing with the CDs.
@RedPowerLady I am 16, I just leave my cell phone in my pocket because I don’t want to risk having to talk and drive. I also love making play lists on my iPod because they don’t take up that much space and its a lot easier to skip a song then it is to find a specific one.
@tehrani625 Thank you for being such a responsible driver. And at such a young age. I think many could learn from your example. :)
@RedPowerLady Your welcome. I enjoy driving and I don’t even have my license yet, I have a permit and I will have to take my driving test soon before my permit expires. I will also have to drive to school every day because I am switching to a school that is too far away to take the city bus and get their at a reasonable time every day.
@tehrani625 Well if I lived near you I would happily provide a reference (not that you need one but you get my point, lol).
It’s good that you’re being smart! I like that. Driving fast and save/smart aren’t always exclusive of each other. Fiddling with your iPod at 85 is definitely not a good idea.
In case anyone was interested I just got my drivers license today. Anyone need a ride some where? I am in Phoenix AZ but I can get to just about anywhere :P
@tehrani625 Congratulations!! Now keep those positive driving beliefs in mind. It’s tempting to break them.
@tehrani625. I’m in Phoenix, Arizona too and I could use a ride to work. I’ll give you gas money. =)
Ummm… I wasn’t quite that serious
and I live in central phoenix and am driving out to Scottsdale to get to school. When summer is over.
I wasn’t quite that serious either. I live in northwest Phoenix and I drive to my base at Skyharbor Airport which is where I work. Have a good day at school.
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