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Do you ever find it difficult to dislike people?
Sometimes I find it difficult to dislike people. For example, there’s this teacher at my school that everyone hates. All people do is talk bad about her. I know she isn’t a good teacher, but I kind of feel bad for her. Like, I find it hard to join in on the hating. (Keep in mind I don’t actually have a class with her, but I know many people who do). It’s not like she’s an evil person, she’s just not a good teacher.
Also, there was this guy I knew whom a lot of people seemed to dislike for no apparent reason (they hated him behind his back). And I didn’t. I just thought he was nice and harmless. I remember one time my friend ditched him and I was like “Why? Why do you have to ditch him? You don’t even know why you don’t like him.” Luckily that was last year and their opinions have since changed.
Sometimes when a person is hated by a lot of people, I just feel bad for them rather than hate them too.
And I’m up so late because I was helping my adorable friend study for the calculus final. If he doesn’t get a C in the class, he could get rescinded from Cal Poly.
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