Would you be against the idea of adding ecstasy(MDMA) to the Middle East's water supply?
It had been reported a lot recently, about US drug companies dumping drugs into the water in the US, which ends up in our water supply.
Why not use this same concept to bring peace to the middle east?
Ecstasy is known as the love drug. Anyone who has used it before, knows the many positive effects it can have on people.
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76 Answers
send them on the roll of a lifetime, lol
Oooh look at them cuddly ‘lil guys!
This might result Love being equivicated with Homocide Bombing…
There is so much wrong with this idea, yet so much right…
This question makes me sick. That’s it. No more Fluther for me today.
@Les: Yes, but it is just a question. Actions can be sickening. Until actions have been taken, I will take it with a grain of salt.
Yes, that’s exactly what the Middle East needs. Heightened sensitivity to their emotions. ~
(For the non-regulars, the tilde ~ indicates sarcasm)
And so healthy for the youngsters and infants.
Isn’t one of the side effects over heating, and you want to do this to people who live in the desert. You are sick.
What?! This is a ridiculous and stupid idea!! You can’t just go in and poison a country’s water supply because you “think” it’ll help them become nicer. MDMA in their water will surely NOT cause this at all.
Would YOU like to have your water supply secretly poisoned by another country with an agenda?! Golden rule, folks! Golden rule! That’s all you need! You’re damn right I wouldn’t want this happening to me, so why on Earth would I ever want to do that to someone else!?
I’d like to see these reports about drug companies willingly dumping drugs in the water, as I’ve heard of zero reports of this happening. I HAVE heard of small amounts (we’re talking microscopic amounts here) of drug components being found in the drinking water, due to people processing the drugs through their body or dumping old pills into the toilet and having the water reclaimed/sanitized (I guess their filters aren’t as small as to stop these drug components).
Oh, if you actually care about having piece in the Middle East, the first thing America needs to do is get their meddling hands OUT OF THE DAMN AREA. You know, if my country had been dicked around for decades by foreign “do gooders” who really only care about their own interests, I sure would be angry too.
Oh, and you should do yourself a favour and describe who exactly the “Middle East” is, because Iraq is still a part of the Middle East and thus would be attacked (oh sorry, forcefully pacified) under your silly blanket statement.
Am I the only one smirking at the idea of free X ????
MDMA alters serotonin levels causing that euphoria. For many people this also results in a “come down” which can cause severe depression. No good.
Cmon really? You want to poison the well?
@The_Compassionate_Heretic We certainly wouldn’t want to cause “severe depression” for residents of the Middle East. It might result in suicides. Oh! Wait a minute…
This was a joke question, right?
@Lupin (love Lupin III) The US has already done enough to put the entirety of the middle east into a deep depression.
@The_Compassionate_Heretic Ah… you recognize the pix. Nice.
They certainly don’t need any other stimuli to add to the depression. Let’s see: it’s hot, in a desert, limited water, neighbored by zealots and extremists who believe their cause is the only just one because this land was theirs and was taken away 40, 60, 100, 500, 1200, 2000, 3000… years ago and a relative was killed by the other side 40, 60, 100, 500, years ago. Yikes.
the cost of shipping glow sticks and platform boots to them needs to be weighed before you go about undertaking such an action.
Lol epony….
Ooooooooh c’mon guys, spiking the punch is funny!!!! Live a little…..
Most Arabs are rather homophobic. Can you imagine them all cuddled up with huuuuuuuge pupils???
Here in the US, we allow corporations to poison our water supply, so we’ll just play dumb, give some no bid contracts for merck to synthesize some MDMA and well ship it over a butt load of bottled water, glowsticks(GA by the way,epony), and 5-htp(for depression).
@taosan most Arabs are homophobic, please, i’ll wager the guys are less uptight and more tactile with each other the the Anglo Saxon variety. This question is indeed nauseating, the answers flippant with out a hint of irony or humour. Poor.
I really hate to trump up, but unless you work for a federal contractor with representatives in 5 Arab nations, and deal with Arabic resources in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq and Libya on a daily basis (which is what I used to do until a few weeks ago) you’re out a wager.
And maybe you should pop an E too ;)
Why is the question nauseating?
AP Reports 87,215 Iraqis Killed Since 2005
That is what is nauseating to me. IDK maybe Ive taken too much ecstasy in my life.
@taosan how disappointing that your only experience of Arab culture is solely from a commercial perspective, hardly an objective appreciation, and yes i’ve dabbled in Ecstasy (yawn)
MDMA is only a “love drug” if people get over their hang ups, it doesn’t get rid of the hang ups on its own. My old roommate’s girlfriend started talking to me once time and his reaction was like a dark storm cloud.
I think there are enough dark clouds over there right now.
who says I have a solely commercial perspective? Your assertion that Arab culture would deal with homosexuality in a more decent way than this culture shows me only one thing, you have in all likeliness never been to an Arab country, and if, then on the well-established tourist path.
would this be the alternative to the “gay bomb” that the U.S. was working on for a while? or do they use that, then pass out E? that’d be a sight.
I agree @Likeradar. So fucked up, yet so ingenious…
we’d need to import a lot more glow sticks….
who wants to start a business with me? we’ll become the first Rave Supply coorpiration, definately make millions.
We’ll call it… “Really Awesome Visual Enhancements Inc.”
I wouldn’t get heavily armed people high. just saying.
@dynamicduo i would just like to say i would LOVE another country to start adding MDMA to my water suppy :P
While throwing it into their water may be wrong, i do firmly believe everyone should try MDMA at least once in their life. Everyone would be so much happier and understanding.
Absolutely. Immorality central.
by using your logic, if someone thinks you’re gay, and you just don’t know it, it would be okay for them to gang rape you, to open your eyes to what they think would make you happy.
does that sound good? Is that something you think would bring joy to your world?
But that would be a violation of my right to say no to anal sex.
And those who live in the Middle East…are their rights being violated when you give them X in their water?
We’re not violating their rights by occupying their territory?
I also hear no one up in arms over the fact that our rights our also being violated by US pharmaceutical companies dumping drugs into our water supply.
Has any government told us to leave their territory?
What do you mean by “occupying”?
By occupying, I mean that we have over 500,000 troops in over 150 countries, including an embassy the size of the Vatican in Iraq. We are never going to leave that country or any of the other 150 countries until we have a serious change of foreign policy.
The CIA has something that they call “blowback.” Blowback is the unintended consequences that come due to our foreign policy. Osama Bin Laden himself has said that the 9/11 attacks were due to our occupation of many holy sites.
Of course no government is going to tell us to leave the country. If they do, we’ll just send the CIA in to overthrow the government and insert a leader who will be a puppet. And even if certain governments were against what we do, our media turns it around to make them the bad guy.
Wow, dude…you have issues.
Why is that? Because my view is different than yours? I will gladly post links to any information you request
Im curious… How would feel if a country, say China, came over, took over Florida, and put a military base there?
It’s not like we control the Vatican.
Having a military base does not equate to taking over.
Is your opinion that we should disengage from the world completely?
Not that I disagree about our empirical policies have caused tension, just that I wonder about the subjectivity of that blowback. If we were to withdraw all troops from foreign countries, would everyone love us again?
@chris6137 You said: we’ll just send the CIA in to overthrow the government and insert a leader who will be a puppet.
Can you site recent examples? Last 16 years please. And don’t say Iraq. That wasn’t CIA.
And why exactly the last 16 years??? ROFL
I say:
Nvm them, look what they did to Galileo! I say go Chris! Free X for the fanatics! Suicide bombings would stop over night.
16 years covers the last 2 presidents. 8 for democrats, 8 for republicans. We could go back a ways further.
When was the most recent CIA overthrow you can think of?
We will know in 50 years when the records get declassified :D
I’m sure Mr. Noriega has a word or two to say about it lol. And as I am strictly opposed to such operations I find it decidedly inconvenient.
Noriega? That wasn’t CIA either,in or out.
He did have CIA backing when he went in.
The last full on CIA overthrow was Guatamala in ‘54 I think. They have some involvement in other military incursions, but not like Black Ops.
@Dog pancakes in the frizzer!
at Taosan your Arab attitude sucks, jaded and uninspired, bit like the old colonial attitude to the natives. Maybe your eyesight was impeded by dollar signs, who knows, who cares, boring thread.
@chris6137 why is this question nauseating? because it typifies the smug indifference most westerners have to tragic global political problems, particularly as many of these problems are actually exacerbated by our governments, i’m all for the darkest humour, but this thread like a lot of other threads on this site, go on and on and on with flippant exchanges about horrific world incidents, crack a cheap laugh, move on to the next topic, right?
@mammal i may just be a smug westerner that doesnt understand the true workings of the middle east so maybe you can give me your insight on this question. Is there unnecessary violence over there? If you answer is yes, i still stand by my statement that they should take MDMA.
so I guess you’re all for suicide bombings then, god-given right and what not. Your assertions only show me one thing. You don’t know the first thing about the Middle East. I wonder how uninspired you’d find my views while receiving thirty public lashes for not wearing your burqa closed enough.
If you want to be all gloomy and aloof, choose a subject you know something about. The only thing jaded here is the same old anti-everything attitude by people that don’t know squat about the subject they talk about. Ohhh oh so gloomy. Pop an E, it’ll do you good.
@TaoSan actually it’s been a while… i’ve thought about it recently, have you ever done acid? (i’ll call a temporary truce on the middle east issue, for the sake of world peace and all)
Sounds good!
Actually, I was slipped acid once, and the experience was so shitty that I developed a strong dislike. Semi-traumatic I guess, because I had no experience with strong hallucinogens and it was reeeally nasty.
Wouldn’t take it if someone paid me for it LOL
LSD is the shit. Much much better than MDMA :)
Here’s something you probably didn’t know: Among the younger generation in Iran MDMA is the drug of choice. More that two-thirds of the population is under age 30, and about one-quarter of the population is under age 15, thanks to the Iran-Iraq war.
Alexander Cockburn reports in the current issue of The Nation that Georgian troops invading South Ossetia were equipped with packets of meth and combat stress pills based on MDMA. “The meth amps up soldiers to kill without mercy, and the MDMA derivative frees them of subsequent debilitating flashbacks and recurring nightmares.”
Still think its a good idea?
I did know that about Iran, thanks to Current TV. I also know that most Iranians, do not hate America, and just like us, have a tyrannical leadership that does what it wants. It doesnt matter what the people want. Maybe you are right. Maybe we shouldnt put it in the water supply. If we can somehow only give it to the leaders of the world.
It’s funny how it is finally admitted that Georgia invaded South Ossetia(thanks to the US), but while it was happening, it was all Russia’s fault. I still think it would be a good idea because I never mentioned meth, so its unfair to bring that into the conversation, because although MDMA is an amphetamine, it has different effects than the meth you are talking about. As far as using MDMA as a combat stress pill, maybe we should try that here. PTSD is huge among returning troops, many of which go untreated or treated improperly. There are many ongoing studies on using MDMA for therapy, specifically PTSD.
Here is one good study:
@chris6137 Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. The MDMA has to be taken while the traumatic event is taking place so that the person can ascribe (blame) his actions on the drug, rather than taking moral responsibility for them himself. It is our natural moral abhorrence of killing that makes the stress of battle so traumatic. And it is part of the cost that the generals consider in committing themselves to another morally wrong or ambiguous war, like Iraq or Vietnam.
Dosing anyone against their will is a monumentally bad idea under any circumstances. Its a form of psychological rape. And here you are messing with a person’s ability to take moral responsibility for his actions. You do NOT want to let the genie out of the bottle. Do you really want to have pharmacologically managed armies of remorseless killers? Actually, we tried managing “battle fatigue” with amphetamines and antidepressants in Vietnam, and got kill rates up higher than ever in history, but when the full moral horror of the killing inevitably broke through, we had an epidemic of broken Vets that are homeless, mentally ill or in prison today. What if these people turn on the society that created them?
@Zuma taking MDMA doesnt allow the user to blame his actions on the drug, it allows the user to sort through wtf actually happened and come to gripes with it.
MDMA is not like meth. Not even close.
fun fact hitler used to take meth daily in his vitamin injections.
@uberbatman Dude, I’ve probably taken more of both drugs than you have ever seen in your life.
@Zuma unlikely, especially if you think meth is like MDMA.
@uberbatman What’s the A in MDMA stand for? Trust me, I know the difference. None of the MDMA I’ve ever taken (starting in 1972) has ever put me in a frame of mind where I felt like “sorting through” anything. (Probably the less said about that condition the better, if you know what I mean.)
I am well aware of the fact that MDMA is an amphetamine but it doesnt really act like one. As far as never being put in that frame of mind, i really dont know what to tell you. Maybe you’ve never experienced good MDMA or maybe it just reacts with you differently than most. But if MDMA didnt have these traits about it, why is it that when shulgin popularized it in the 70s it was used for psychotherepy. I mean there had to be some reason for it wouldnt there? Its not like people were going to the therapist to bump lines of coke.
Its also important to note that MDMA is a phenethylamine. (mescaline and the whole 2C family falls into this grouping of drugs.)
<chuckles at someone doubting @uberbatman ‘s drug knowledge>
Well, even ignoring all the moral implications, the desecration of religion etc It’s not like the middle-east has a single water supply to spike. You’re talking about dozens of countries spanning millions of square miles, with hundreds of thousands of water sources.
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