General Question

Master's avatar

In light of the possible swine flu pandemic, will you be taking any precautions?

Asked by Master (1358points) April 25th, 2009
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46 Answers

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Master's avatar


That is seriously fucked up. I hope you are kidding.

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Master's avatar


It’s really sad xenophobes like you still exist. What makes you even think “illegal” immigrants are to be feared? Shows how ignorant you really are.

You have reasons to be sorry after all.

oratio's avatar

Boy, did this turn somewhere else quickly.

There is not much you can do really. Look out for symptoms mainly. It’s easily treated with Tamiflu. This is not likely going to become a pandemic.

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oratio's avatar

Ok. These things don’t get spread by illegal immigrants. They spread from person to person. Just like on kindergarten, where the kids come back home and get their parents sick. But I agree that illegal immigrants are not immune, and can also get sick. If your news station claims this to be the case, maybe you should switch station.

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miasmom's avatar

Wow. There are other ways to come into contact with people in Mexico, people travel there all the time, doesn’t mean an illegal immigrant brought it here. Not to mention it is already here, so maybe you should just stay home and not leave your house until this is all over. You could get it from anyone.

I think standard precautions are all you need, wash your hands when you go out and about and come back home. I’m not too worried at the moment.

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_bob's avatar

I ain’t visiting swine farms, that’s for sure.

oratio's avatar

@Lothloriengaladriel Give it a rest now, huh.

Ivan's avatar


Yup, because the only thing crossing the US-Mexico border are illegal immigrants. Jesus.

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The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

This is how racism is perpetuated.
Classic xenophobia.

These things are all media induced mass hysteria. I’m not doing anything I didn’t already do. Good hygiene and a healthy attitude are the best preventative measures.

Living in fear is a crappy way to live.

SuperMouse's avatar

I wash my hands a lot and I plan to continue doing so, but I am not going to avoid other people of huge gatherings.

@Lothloriegaladriel, are legal immigrants ok? Yours is a pretty sweeping and rather racist sounding generalization isn’t it?

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Ivan's avatar


But you’re only a germophobe when you’re around illegal immigrants?

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Ivan's avatar


How about the massive amount of other people who come from Mexico to the US? I’m not even sure if this virus can only be spread person-to-person. What if it can be acquired via contact? Are you going to avoid all of the food goods that are shipped from Mexico too?

Facade's avatar

I haven’t witnessed this much ignorance in a while.

but to answer the question, I hadn’t heard about the problem with pork until now. I guess I’ll stay away from it; I normally do anyway.

casheroo's avatar

I actually don’t know much about this flu, I haven’t been paying attention to the news at all. I don’t really take drastic precautions for anything like that, unless there’s an outbreak near me.

oratio's avatar

Man, you don’t get swine flu from eating pork. You can get swine flu from being in contact with living pigs cause they are one of the gateway animals for diseases between humans and animals. This particular strain is a little different. It doesn’t mean that you get this one from petting a pig in the states. If you get it it’s gonna be from a human.

Facade's avatar

@oratio Oh, ok. See, I know absolutely nothing about it.

fireside's avatar

I think that the biggest reason to not assume illegal immigrants are the only people to avoid is because it spread from Mexico City to New York. Most illegal immigrants don’t travel that far in a week.

Sounds more like someone on an airplane.

I’m probably not going to change my life much in an effort to avoid potential contamination. But I didn’t change much when there was an anthrax scare or constant fire drills in case of bombs because my office was right in Times Square.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ll probably steer clear of swine.

Darwin's avatar

Flu doesn’t recognize borders, and it can be spread by legal immigrants, tourists and U.S. citizens just as easily as it can by illegal immigrants. The cases in Texas are happening in San Antonio, which is 262 miles from Mexico, but not in the closer places such as Brownsville, arguing dispersal by airplane traveler, not illegal immigrant.

And this particular flu virus is a brand new one that is made up of genetic bits from people, birds and swine. Your best bet, however, is stay away from people, especially sick people.

Wash your hands frequently, keep yourself healthy, and stay away from sick people and large gatherings of people. Also make sure you go to the doctor if you have symptoms of flu, as this flu does respond well to Tamiflu and other anti-viral drugs.

adreamofautumn's avatar

I’m just going to keep up with the hygiene I generally have, lots of hand washing, etc. If you are a healthy young adult and you suddenly come down sick it is best to see a doctor ASAP, they say most of the cases are appearing in healthy young adults and since that demographic should not be particularly susceptible to illness if you suddenly come down sick it’s a good idea to head to a doctor. Better safe than sorry.

asmonet's avatar

Holy shit.

missingbite's avatar

How about staying away from ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS because they are ILLEGAL. What ever happened to going through legal channels to stay in the US like my friend from Germany? Sorry for the drift. Bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good!

adreamofautumn's avatar

@missingbite speeding is illegal, drinking underage is illegal, marijuana is illegal, wearing your pants sagging down off your ass is illegal (in some states), not coming to a COMPLETE stop at stop sign is illegal…you sure you’ve been staying away from everything illegal or do you just limit that to humans?

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

@missingbite: I bet your friend from Germany also had considerably more money and time to go through legal channels.

Darwin's avatar

Unless they have their green card pasted to their forehead, how can you tell if an immigrant is legal or illegal?

shilolo's avatar

I’m already reviewing the pandemic flu recommendations at the CDC website since I have to work in a big hospital in California and am an infection control point person for the hospital. Here is the most recent (April 25, 2009) information from the CDC.

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes, I will, as soon as the first case is documented in Europe. See also my new question:

missingbite's avatar

I knew my response would not be liked but it is what it is. No I don’t speed. (at least not on purpose) Driving is a privilege and should not be taken lightly. I don’t run red lights and I do stop at STOP signs. I have never taken a drag off a cigarette much less marijuana, and my pants fit. My friend from Germany was far from well off. You are correct, you can’t tell who is illegal and who is not but the response is still valid. If you know they are illegal, stay away. Don’t hire them and increase crime. I believe that is part of the problem with this country. What’s the problem with a little weed? It’s illegal whether it should be or not. Follow the rules! Sorry more thread drift.

richardhenry's avatar

[mod says:] Racist/off-topic remarks removed. Please send me a private comment or email richard (at) fluther (dot) com if you would like to discuss this.

ratboy's avatar

Stop fucking pigs. If that’s too tough—then at least refrain from kissing them on their mouths.

asmonet's avatar

Oh, you’re a charmer.~

adreamofautumn's avatar

@mattbrowne looks like swine flu may be in Europe. TIme to start preparing! ;).

@all I think those zombie shelters you’ve secretly been building and didn’t want to admit to bulding might be well put to use if a pandemic breaks out ;)

Dr_C's avatar

just a little FYI people.. the first cases reported in the US were prep school kids from NY that went to Mexico for Spring break… and i’m sure they steered clear of potential illegal immigrants.

But hey… you never know right? i mean if you believe people like Rush Limbaugh then Obama may have caused the swine flu epidemic… and earthquakes!!!

mattbrowne's avatar

@adreamofautumn – Yes, and meanwhile it has arrived in Germany too. The media is doing a great job. Awareness is there, but no panic.

Darwin's avatar

But then there is Yahoo, loudly trumpeting that the first death has occurred in the US (of a toddler from Mexico who was taken to the hospital after traveling to Brownsville).

mattbrowne's avatar

@Darwin – Some media will always try to exploit a situation. But from a scientific and medical point of view we have to acknowledge that the situation is potentially very dangerous. When people change their behavior it does make a difference slowing down the development. Reaching people on a large scale wasn’t possible in 1918. So we should also acknowledge the positive role the media can play and ignore some of the trumpets in the orchestra, right?

SpatzieLover's avatar

They haven’t decided yet, but Milwaukee has made some decisions to close schools and has stopped all HS rec & sports activities until further notice.

We have been staying close to home, and will continue to keep a watchful eye on our 3yr old. Other than that, we are always “hand washers” and I always carry sanitizing wipes, gel & foam in my purse when we go out (MRSA was in our County not long ago).

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