General Question

KatawaGrey's avatar

Why are tattoos on the lower back considered "tramp stamps"?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) April 27th, 2009

Why are these kinds of tattoos considered inherently slutty? The way I see it, it’s just another place for someone to put a tattoo. It makes perfect sense, to me at least, that this would be a popular place. It’s a central location that is easy to show without displaying any private areas. Where does this idea come from?

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95 Answers

Facade's avatar

That’s where most sluts get their tattoos

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Tramp stamp slang aside, it’s not original anymore. Hasn’t been for a long time.
It’s as trite as the tribal band around the arm. It’s a cookie cutter design and all it says is “I blew $50 at the tattoo parlor on an image I picked out from the wall”.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i don’t think it’s really fair that anyone with a tattoo there is said to have a tramp stamp, but alas.
i was at the beach with a bunch of friends and we saw this girl with one, and the one boy we were with is like “trampstamp alert. it’s like a target.” and i just thought that was really really funny. and i guess that’s one perspective. (;

Dog's avatar

Did we not discuss tramp stamps recently at length?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Facade my god
do you have evidence for your claim?
obviously not

KatawaGrey's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic: Do you mean the location isn’t original? If that’s the case, then no part of the body is original. (I’m not trying to sound nasty, just asking for clarification).

@Dog: I just saw that question, yes, but I’m more interested in knowing why a tattoo on that part of the body is considered less appropriate than a tattoo on, say, a woman’s breast or right above her pubic area.

Edit: Sorry, my brain isn’t working right. I finished the sentence. :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m assuming they’re called so because when a guy (presumably) fucks a woman from behind, he can see her ‘tramp’ stamp and then cum on her back…this is yet another bullshit sexist way our society tells women what to do and how to look and an example of something people do for attention, whether it’s negative or positive…or just because…I have what you’d call a ‘tramp stamp’...I got a tattoo there because it was the only place my parents wouldn’t see it…I was 19 then and thought it mattered what my parents thought, ha…now, MANY tattoos later, I still love my first one…and personally, while we’re at it, I don’t believe in ‘slutdom’ or ‘being a tramp’...that’s nothing but people on a high horse telling other people how much sex to be had is okay…a barometer of their of promiscuity and/or prudeness…save the judgment for the heavens, thanks

charliecompany34's avatar

if a tat is right there, you want him to see it and go for it right there.

if you get a tat there just because everbody else does, just be prepared to get looks and gawks and horny approaches because it says “i want you to notice my ass and do me if you dare.”

it says “i am available” but you really arent because you have a man already, but WE men dont know that.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

but if you know nothing of these really limited to western urban places cultural cues, it doesn’t mean any of that

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@KatawaGrey It’s a tired theme. It’s as trendy and played out as studded belts at a Green Day concert.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic: But what part about it is tired? Do you mean the cliched tribal designs with no actual tribal affiliations?

tigran's avatar

It is actually very elegant and says you are a a conservative woman. I don’t know where you got the idea for that question!?

charliecompany34's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic in the west it means “i want you to notice the ass,” but dont touch. but, ok, please do notice.”

kevbo's avatar

I wonder why straight guys don’t have them (or do they)? Also, (and obviously this would be difficult to measure) I wonder whether, all things being equal, abstinent women have them at the same rate as women who are sexually active.

@Simone_De_Beauvoir, no offense intended.

JasonRobbed's avatar

Naw Facade is right. Mad sluts get their tattoos there and we all know why thats a popular place. The ones gettin heated are the sluts who have one or want one. Don’t feign morals girl, we know what you’re all about.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@kevbo none taken, though if a connection is found between sexual activity and tattoos, it’s not necessarily that one is because of another but because both are both a part of the same pattern…as in people who live in cities, who are educated in one way or another are sexually active, also get tattoos, also drink, also have fun, etc.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@JasonRobbed you don’t know me, jason

Facade's avatar

@JasonRobbed I wouldn’t say I’m right, but it’s an observation I’ve made.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Facade well you’ve seen my explanation
do you think i’m a slut?

Facade's avatar

I didn’t read what you wrote, actually. it’s too long. I have no idea if you’re a slut or not. I also didn’t know you had a “tramp stamp” the only tattoo of yours that I’ve seen in the big one on your back.

SeventhSense's avatar

Back it up. Beep beep.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Facade that’s correct, you don’t know
so how can you state that ‘that’s where sluts get tattooed’ in the same breath as you say that you don’t know…i just think it’s a silly reason to judge someone

qbert's avatar

Because tattoos on women are skanky and tacky.

Facade's avatar

“silly” and accurate, thus far.

JasonRobbed's avatar


Well by modern standards maybe not. But modern standards are in the toilet. You talk about double standards for women. Yes, there probably are double standards. There shouldn’t be, but perhaps it is because you bear our children. Perhaps this is why your bodies are considered more sacred somehow, and maybe thats why when a girl lets any old guy she met on the internets or at a bar penetrate and desecrate she is widely disparaged. But now I’m just speculating… The tramp stamp just happens to be widely popular with THAT girl. Coincidence I suppose, hmmmm.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

accurate…again, you haven’t provided any evidence..

SeventhSense's avatar

penetrate and desecrate she is widely disparaged.
Ease up there Oral Roberts

sjmc1989's avatar

@qbert so is tattoos on men skanky and tacky or just women

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

no, there shouldn’t be double standards…and hardly are women’s bodies actually considered sacred by people…and to call them sluts for having tattoos is not a good example of respecting those that give birth…I think many girls who are what YOU’d consider promiscuous have tattoos on the lower back and many of the same ‘type’ of girls do not…that’s all

Facade's avatar

Simone, it’s my opinion. Don’t get all bent out of shape. Show me a girl with a lower back tattoo and nine times out of ten, she’s a slut or is aspiring to be one.

JasonRobbed's avatar


I know, morality is fairly distasteful. Though you’ll notice I never said I was the one doing the disparaging.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@qbert well, that’s a matter of opinion

sjmc1989's avatar

Im a slut and I have mine on my hip not my lower back. So… proved the theory wrong I guess :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Facade does it seem like I’m getting bent out of shape..didn’t know there were webcams around, :)...this is me just expressing my distaste for how quickly people jump to call women ‘whores’ and ‘tramps’ (as if that’s negative to begin with) without any actual backing up…but I suppose with such a construct as ‘sluttiness’, there’s no hard evidence…it’s all a matter of opinion and you and i are both entitled to ours

SeventhSense's avatar

i think u need one over those honey buns :)

lillycoyote's avatar

I had no idea they were considered “tramp stamps.” A woman like anyone else should be able to get a tattoo where ever she wants and not have it be considered a sign of sexual promiscuity. There’s a double standard here, as usual.

Zen's avatar

I don’t like ink. Period.

SeventhSense's avatar

Thinly veiled and obvious intent at insult. Nothing moral about it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@SeventhSense i sit here, shaking my head, wondering how the eff we wound up connecting tattoos to morality but, after all, i shouldn’t be surprised

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense Not a good idea. Apparently that would make guys think im a slut not my forwardness or the bottle of tequila in my hand

SeventhSense's avatar

Be proud and just know that it is what it is.
I don’t know whether to send you to bed without supper or send you to mine.;)~

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense I think you know the answer to that

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense thats what I thought. And you know I like it when you talk all fatherly to me anyway :)

SeventhSense's avatar

I don’t know about the hip tattoo but I will discipline that booty…

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense I like the way you think

cak's avatar

Didn’t know you could sum a person up, based on ink. Yep, it sure must tell the entire story about a person. eye roll So, what’s the clear sign that someone is judgmental and intolerant of other people’s choice on ink or the location of their tattoo? Since there is a clear sign for a tramp, then there must be a clear sign for someone being judgmental, narrow minded and rude – right?

I respect someone’s right to have a tattoo or not to have one. I respect someone’s right to decide where it is on their body and I don’t sum a person up in the location of the tattoo. It’s it like assuming that a guy that is effeminate must be gay. Just passing judgment on people you don’t know. Ridiculous.

SeventhSense's avatar

let’s get a room. your place..on my way

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense Ok I’ll wait up for you and who needs a room the weather is great down here :)

KatawaGrey's avatar

@cak: Good answer! See, I agree with you. However, I also understand that people are going judge others based on the way they look, which includes tattoos. This is why I got my tattoo in a place that I can easily hide. It’s big and beautiful and I can still show it to people, but I can also keep people from seeing it if I don’t want them to.

Basically, I think the label of tramp stamp is wrong on many levels. First of all, that area of the body is often visible whether or not someone wants it to be. If I crouch down to see something near the, floor it’s visible. If I sit down, the area is visible. As I said in the question details, I think it makes sense for that to be a popular area for tattoos. It’s a central location that can be show or hidden somewhat easily at the discretion of the owner/wearer (what do you call someone who has tattoos?). Maybe some people who have them are extremely promiscuous, maybe not.

SeventhSense's avatar

always hot and steamy down South…maybe Facade wants to join…the two of you might wear me out though ~_~

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense Maybe not Im pretty sure your still young at heart and Im sure you have the energy of a….well 20 year old You’ll do fine!

Facade's avatar

I’m not participating in group sex without my babe :P

Looking back, I think I was misunderstood. I should have said that most sluts have tramp stamps, but not every female who has one is a slut. Yea, that’s better.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well bring her along too. :)

Facade's avatar


cak's avatar

@KatawaGrey – I agree, and it’s unfortunate that people do pass judgment so easily – but it’s always going to happen. I just wonder how many do this so easily, but don’t want to be judged by their appearance, their choice of clothes, religion/or non-belief, color of skin, or where they live. Some judgments, I guess, are more acceptable than others. I’ve just often wondered where the line is. It’s okay to judge someone on tattoos, not okay to judge on sexuality. It’s okay to judge on where someone lives, not okay to judge based on economic standing. It’s just craziness. I think I was surprised to see a such judgmental attitudes flow so easily and just a blanket statement, based on some ink someone has on their body, especially when generally, there is an attitude that people should be treated fairly and that we all know that you really can’t judge a book by it’s cover. Except for women with tattoos and where they are located.

It’s an interesting and frustrating response. I guess the whole idea of judging people so easily, is one of my hot buttons. can you tell?

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense How does everything always turn sexual with you :) ?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@cak people draw the line at what other people say/don’t say…that is it seems that everyone can and should make fun of fat people as there are many fat people of all races…stupid shit like that

SeventhSense's avatar

it’s you baby girl…

cak's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir – Yep, I guess so.

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense Hmmm yeah you might be right about that…

SeventhSense's avatar

it’s like feeding a tiger a little bit of chopped meat… and holding the rest

Likeradar's avatar

It is a perfectly logical place to get a tat. It’s easily cover-able and it’s not too in-your-face. The “tramp stamp” name is stupid, and generally used with any seriousness by judgmental people. (and yes, that’s me being judgmental towards people.)

casheroo's avatar

I believe the original question was asking why it’s referred to as a “tramp stamp”, the question had nothing to do with judging women who have lower back tattoos.

@facade is doing what she does best, blindly judging others.

I have a lower back tattoo. I guess I got it because I liked the location, I felt it would look nicely there. It’s a generic tattoo, but it’s still a part of me. I don’t care if people judge me when they see it, that’s their problem.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@casheroo i tried to answer why, but i def had to address the judgmental responses as well

casheroo's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir oh i know. it’s hard to ignore the stupid people.

cak's avatar

@casheroo I didn’t even bother trying to answer the question. I know, bad Flutherite! My soapbox was out and ready for use.

Likeradar's avatar

Am I the only one who gets stabby when someone or something is labeled “slutty”?

augustlan's avatar

<< Was a slut in a previous life (and is not at all ashamed). Has no ink whatsoever.

cak's avatar

@Likeradar I can honestly say I’ve never heard the term, “stabby” before! If it means that it just annoys the snot out of you, I get that way. I’ve seen people mislabeled, wrongly labeled with the “slutty” term, before. When someone is using it to tear someone down, I think it’s a cheap damn shot

@augustlan – lurve.

edited to change: mislabeled to wrongly labeled.

Likeradar's avatar

@cak I even have an issue with saying “mislabeled slutty” (not an issue with you though :) ). Who gets to judge what someone does with their body? It may not be what you, I, or someone else would choose to do, but who the hell are we to place a hurtful word on what someone wants to do with their private bits? Who gets to decide what is “slutty”? And yeah, stabby means it makes you want to stab someone. :)

cak's avatar

@Likeradar That’s exactly why I edited my answer from “mislabeled” to “wrongfully” labeled! :) Why the heck do people feel the need to label people? BLAH!

Likeradar's avatar

@cak I ranted before you edited :)

elijah's avatar

Tattoos don’t make someone slutty. Fucking anyone and everyone does. Sorry, but thats my opinion. A tramp stamp does not mean someone is a slut, it just means they got the most played out tattoo ever. Shit happens. But hey, if they like it that’s all that matters.

DragonFace's avatar

Put a tattoo on your forehead and watch people call your SMART

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Likeradar yes, i get stabby…women demonizing other women for their physicality and sexuality and expression of either PISSES me off especially

elijah's avatar

If any man or woman wants to sleep around that’s their personal choice. We all have different standards and levels of sexual morality. But you can’t get pissed just because some people don’t agree with you. I don’t get pissed because some people sleep around, And you can’t get pissed because some people don’t sleep around. If you are assuming I think people who are slutty are bad people, you are wrong. They just choose different behaviors than I do. To each his own.

casheroo's avatar

@elijah there’s a difference between judging people who sleep around, because you don’t agree with their standards and morals, and judging people that have lower back tattoos and assuming that they’re whores because of it….

elijah's avatar

@casheroo, I know, I said that in my first post :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

oh i don’t get pissed if they don’t sleep around…my god, who cares, right?...i just get pissed that women judge women with sexist remarks…

cak's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir that really burns my butt, too! grrrrrr!!!!

palerider's avatar

honestly what image do you love enough to imprint/burn it onto/into your skin permenantly? tattoos on women are nasty, and too bad if you think i’m being sexist or chauvinistic. women should be held to a higher standard, else the standard is always on the decline. same for men as well though, should be a higher standard for the appearance of both sexes. with the exception of maybe swimming, can anyone name a reason why any other person should be able to see your lower back, belly button, or upper ass hanging out in public in the first place? as a society we need to pull our shirts down, pants up, cover up the “body art” and at least act like we have some class.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@palerider That tattoos are nasty is only one person’s opinion.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@palerider: Wanna know a secret? People with class know how to capitalize.

palerider's avatar

wow, what a piercing quip.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@palerider Why, did you think yours was a creation of a literary genius?

KatawaGrey's avatar

Piercing, I get it! Because it’s a thread about tattoos! ~

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