General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Do liberals believe that we need the government to constantly step in and pass new laws because they do not trust the common man to do what is "right"?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) April 27th, 2009
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12 Answers

SeventhSense's avatar

Not this one.

jrpowell's avatar

Actually, I trust the common man. I don’t trust people that are in the position to fuck employees (and investors) over for profit. We are in this mess because a few got greedy. The average guy did everything right.

emperorofcali's avatar

Just liberals? I thought the majority of society believed that way. Anything other than anarchy is a desire to be governed. Even one government law constitutes the “government stepping in”. And yeah, I do think that’s based on the amusing concept that we are all born as Damaged Goods. It was people’s belief in this and their desire to be governed that empowered Hitler, Jesus Christ and every other savior.

kevbo's avatar

Ha ha! Do you mean “right” as in “correct” or “wingnut conservative”? ;-)

I think I share @johnpowell‘s sentiment, but we really don’t need more laws so much as enforcement or management of existing laws. “All men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights” goes a loooong way when fully applied. Obviously, “All people…” would be an improvement.

lillycoyote's avatar

People can’t always be trusted to do what is right. That’s why we have and need laws. And government allows us to do things that can only be done collectively rather than on an individual basis like build roads, assure that clean water runs from our taps, and that our food supply is safe, etc.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I’m pretty darn liberal and that doesn’t describe me at all. Thanks for asking, though.

DREW_R's avatar

Some as do some Conservaives. ;)

ubersiren's avatar

Not just liberals, but it seems everyone. Liberals want the government to take care of them with the most laws and welfare options possible, and conservatives want the government to take care of them the biggest military and as much control over money as possible. Of course, that’s a harsh generalized look at it, but my point is that both of those two extremes are highly dependent on the government. And it’s imposing on the rest of us, which just grinds my gears. But that’s America! No matter what you believe, you either thrive or suffer TOGETHER, as one nation! **singing patriotic song in head**

GAMBIT's avatar

I think we have enough laws all ready on the books. What we need is for them to be enforced.

bea2345's avatar

Governments pass laws because they can do it. Then they have to pass more laws to fix the problems created by the earlier laws. Then they get to like making laws. And so it goes.

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