General Question

johnny0313x's avatar

How would you and how hard is it to paint metal?

Asked by johnny0313x (1860points) April 28th, 2009

I have this metal kitchen table set, and it’s white(painted)[i think unless there is white metal] metal, but I’d really like it to be black, how would I go about painting this. Would I just get some sandpaper and brush over the white and then a can of black spray paint and go to town? I’d like it to look nice…not like I got a crazy idea and ruined my kitchen table lol

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17 Answers

SeventhSense's avatar

Remove any loose paint by scraping and sanding down, paying special attention to any rusty areas. Sand down the entire surface to prep but it doesn’t have to be down to bare metal. You’re just trying to create a good “tooth” for the new paint layer to adhere to. Use a paint specifically suited for metals like Rustoleum in a spray can. Apply a metal Primer first and then the Paint. Just make sure you do it in a well ventilated area and mask any areas that you don’t want painted

Darwin's avatar

Also, put a series of thin coats on rather than a few thick coats, because the Rustoleum will drip otherwise.

johnny0313x's avatar

great answers..thats what I kinda figured was the approach. Is a clear coat or anything like that required at the end?

SeventhSense's avatar

Couldn’t hurt but the more layers you add the more likely you will be to add a drip or lump so like Darwin says a number of thin layers is best and don’t be afraid to sand between layers with a light sandpaper.

Darwin's avatar

You shouldn’t need a clear coat finish on it, unless it is going to sit out in the weather like a car would.

johnny0313x's avatar

nope just in the kitchen. Thanks!

susanc's avatar

Rustoleum is designed specifically to withstand weather, so you don’t need a clear coat – the clear coat is inherent.
The sanding between coats should be done with steel wool – very refined, no scratches.
And you might want to think about using a brushed-on Rustoleum – it comes in all the same colors as spray-on, but is
much easier to control and doesn’t get into your lungs as readily.
Commendation and lurve for making something out of something not quite as nice..

SeventhSense's avatar

Painting a metal surface is infinitely easier with spray and much less likely to get lines.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

just call sherwin williams about it, they are great at giving advice and how to tips.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

if you use a paint brush you easily get lines, and if you use a roller it may not look as smooth as you want it too. thats why spray paint is a good option for metal.

augustlan's avatar

Definitely use spray metal primer and spray metal paint. You’ll get a much smoother finish.

jca's avatar

or if you have an air brush you can do it that way, or if you know someone with a body shop (cars) you can ask them and they’ll have all the equipment to make it perfect, quickly and professionally.

SeventhSense's avatar

A raised surface that shows brush strokes as opposed to say the finish on your car. Anyone who has ever painted with a high gloss paint in a dark color in a bathroom or kitchen knows the torture it can be.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@SeventhSense good thing you don’t believe in Hell, as I think the demons would appoint you as head painter in the smaller rooms of Hell, using a crappy brush and dark glossy colors. You can just imagine what the lighting in Hell is like.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well the low lighting would be good to hide your brush strokes.

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