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Should I change my major?
So I’m at the end of my sophomore year and I’ve changed my major a million times, but in 15 days I’m registering for fall classes, and if I want to graduate on time I have to settle down (and taking on more loans is seriously not an option).
Right now I’m in linguistics, and it’s the first time I’ve ever enjoyed my major. When I told everyone I had switched to linguuistics, everyone was like that’s your natural fit.
But I know there is no job I can get with a linguistics major. The major I was previously is an applied non-engineering science with a good job selection and the department at my school has a 100% placement rate and lots of internships…but I hate chemistry and it’s very chemistry heavy. Specifically, I hate labs, I dread them.
Do I stick with what I enjoy, or go back to the major I am capable of doing but will never enjoy? It’s the job issue really. I know everyone says your major doesn’t matter, but in this case I kind of think it does. My parents definitely do not like me doing linguistics. They definitely want me going for the major that leads to a job (I’m being vague about it for a reason).
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