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Dr_C's avatar

Bluetooth headphones for iphone?

Asked by Dr_C (14344points) May 1st, 2009

I have a bluetooth handsfree device.. that’s NOT what i’m looking for.. i just want a pair of bluetood earbud style headphones… no wires… just small little earpieces with decent sound. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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6 Answers

Bagardbilla's avatar

Is there such an animal out there?
I’d be interested myself. :~

DeanV's avatar

No support for stereo bluetooth headphones currently on the iPhone.

But I think update it in the iPhone 3.0 OS.

Lightlyseared's avatar

OS 3 will add support for Bluetooth headphones (assuming apple don’t change the specs or leave it out for a latter update or whatever).

Given that I would be surprised of apple release an official pair soon.

gooch's avatar

They have them but they cost like $300.00. I personally would not pay that much for headphones. They are available at my local AT&T store.

arturodiaz's avatar

@gooch Unless you have to plug an extra bluetooth transmitter. I dont think it is possible since the iphone currently does not support stereo bluetooh.

DeanV's avatar

To revive this question, with the iPhone 3.0 update yesterday they have added support for stereo bluetooth… Article here.

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