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gailcalled's avatar

Does anyone own THE COSMIC CODE; by Dr. Heinz Pagels?

Asked by gailcalled (54647points) December 14th, 2007

A book about quantum physics; pub; 1982. I am looking for the text of last two pages.

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4 Answers

ivanmusic's avatar

I have “Perfect Symmetry” by Heinz Pagels. “Cosmic Code” only in German and Chinese :) I am simply dying to read “Cosmic Code”. Please send it in any electronic form. I shall be very grateful.

gailcalled's avatar

Sorry; it is now out-of-print. I have the last page only somewhere…a xerox from a friend.

oratio's avatar

@gailcalled You recommend it?

gailcalled's avatar

It’s a very interesting and readable book and still getting 5 Star reviews for his explanation of quantum physics.. He starts with the molecule (chap. 1, I think) and procedes to the atom, nucleus, proton, neutron, electron etc.

Amazon is selling 12 used copies. . Read the reviews – some of them as recent as 18 months ago. Everyone is beggng for a new printing.

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