Do you ever wonder if you know someone in fluther in real life?
Sometimes I’ll read a question or a response and think that it sounds like something one of my friends or someone in one of my classes would say. So far, I’ve only asked one person if they were someone on this site (I though petethepothead was a kid in one of my classes, but he’s not :P) but sometimes I wonder about others. I was in North Carolina last weekend and I wondered if any of the more Southern jellies were at the same card tournament. Do you ever find yourself wondering about this? If you did discover someone on fluther was actually one of your classmates, a co-worker, a teacher, etc. how would you react?
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59 Answers
I don’t have any flutherite friends.. none of them have the level of concentration required to read through a question.. let alone answer it.
Most people volunteer the area that they are from, so I know who I would possibly run into..I’d say Daloon or Epony(crap, what’s the rest of your screenname? haha) are the only two.
I don’t read any questions and think that people I’m friends with wrote them, I’d be pretty shocked if any of them were on this site. I did tell a few about it, but I’m unsure if they joined.
I would probably react by laughing it off, it’d be pretty funny.
I have found out that a certain fluther couple live within one hundred miles of me, and that one other flutherite lives in the next state (within driving distance) but I doubt there are any within my town.
That’s normal for me, as most of my online friends always live at least 800 miles away. I don’t think anyone on here knows me in real life, though.
I don’t think I know anybody on fluther. Looking at the fluther map, and the general obscurity of the area where I live, I don’t necessarily think it’s likely anybody from my area is on here.
I mean, there’s only a few people from my area in a group, a site which draws a little more traffic…
AstroChuck lives in the next city, two other jellies went to my school (I know one of them), and several live in SF which isn’t that far away.
Yeah, sometimes I’ve read responses and thought it sounded like something someone I know would say. It never ends up being them though.
i can think of a few i’d like to know IRL. ME-OW
it’s ~moushipster, @casheroo!!
I know cwilbur lives about twenty miles from me. As did the banned and departed 90s_kid. So it’s possible we could run into each other.
I already know several fluther users IRL but haven’t recognized anyone else yet.
These are all great answers, but I was talking about more if you only knew the person in the context of fluther, but also knew them outside and had no idea. What if daloon is my boyfriend’s stepdad? What if I’ve babysat for jonsblond and Blondesjon? I think I’d be excited to find that out but also it would be a little odd. If daloon was in fact my boyfriend’s stepdad, I’m pretty sure I know more about him than my boyfriend does. I’ve shared some stuff on here that most people in my life do not know. I think it’s safe to say that other people have as well. How would that knowledge change how you viewed the other person?
What if my mom is on here and has read some of the things I’ve said about her? It’s a scary thought…
There are some I wish I knew in real life.
@KatawaGrey if Daloon is your boyfriend’s stepdad, be prepared for some long chats.~
As we all know, fluther is nothing more than a thousand monkeys randomly typing on keyboards.
My first thought is that people should be “promoting” fluther, because it’s such a great site. But, it’s not like Facebook or any other normal social site, people express opinions on here that they feel are very private.
Personally, I don’t say anything on here that I’d be ashamed of, if my parents happened to stuble upon it. Yes, I joke around sometimes, but I like to think that I don’t come off in a bad light. So, I wouldn’t care if I were to find out I knew someone in my life, who also fluthered.
@casheroo we can meet. we’ll find a neutral wawa and get pretzels! it’ll be a grand day.
then, we go to mexico.
Haha. That would be weird if someone on here turned out to be my teacher or someone at work but I doubt it. Besides, my name & where I live is on my profile so I would hope they would reveal themselves by now….if they are out there….cough, cough….
I ain’t about to go to Mexico, fool. I’d bring Cash way you could kidnap both of us, too much noise from a toddler
@casheroo i love that it’s devolved into a dual federal offense.
@KatawaGrey I think that I would be upset if I found out that my neighbor was a flutherite. I was upset when I found out that my husband’s co-worker (Sakata) was on Fluther because this is my place to bitch about life. I now need to be careful at times because I don’t want to say anything that could get my husband in trouble. Sakata’s wife is Blondesjon’s boss. I should probably quit talking now and just go to bed.
@jonsblond if movies have taught me anything, now’s the time for someone to seduce someone else.
@casheroo and @eponymoushipster if i’m not completely wrong, I think you guys are actually fairly close to me when i’m home from college. A couple hours drive most likely. On that note…I don’t think I say anything that really gives away who I am, so therefore I wouldn’t be too worried if people I knew were on here. The thought has crossed my mind though.
@jonsblond how awkward.
I know people on fluther, as well as “IRL”. I don’t like to think about it. haha
@eponymoushipster I know WHO they ARE haha. I’m not sure why you’re referencing them?! you are a very strange boy sometimes
@eponymoushipster oooh…i’m a bit young haha. Has Simon or Garfunkel been spotted in your area of the country, possibly stalking you? Is that why I said I might live near you and you jumped to them? if that is the case, I have some questions I would like ask them, pass that memo along
[mod says:] Let’s stick the the topic. Feel free to PM each other.
@adreamofautumn well, hall and oates tried to buy my used car once. if i see them i’ll passs your twitter along.
[everyday joe says:] boo
I’ve wondered, but I’m pretty sure that no one I know fluthers, with the exception of the ones who I already know about.
@jonsblond: Everyone knows what I did last summer :( ... I got caught doing it!
I live in a relatively large city, so it wouldn’t be shocking if someone from high school or from college (I go to college in the same city I grew up in) was here, but I certainly don’t think anyone in my circle fluthers, even if I’ve never mentioned fluther because they aren’t into this stuff.
It would be fairly interesting if say, my mother-in-law turned out to be a member. I am far more liberal than she probably realizes. (Not that I lie, but there is a lot we don’t discuss). The screen name I use here is my universal screen name, too… so anyone who knows me IRL, would know augustlan is me. I don’t think I’d be terribly bothered by it, but they might.
@TitsMcGhee I don’t know what you did last summer. I just know I lurve you! :)
How would I react? Something would probably pop in my head right away and I’d say something like, “Oh, I can’t believe you said that thing about the frizzer!” Or “Dude, why do you tell people you’re a woman twice your actual age?!” Or “Man, I’m telling your wife!” Then I’d start laughing and let my head wander over things they’d said or maybe said and I’d have to go look some things up once I got back home.
No, I don’t know people as smart as flutherites in real life.
No, and I wouldn’t care at all.
@jonsblond: I feel like I would experience that kind of awkwardness too. I recently asked a question that painted my family in a pretty unflattering light and I wonder, what if my mom saw that? What if my cousin or my aunt saw that? Family gatherings would be shot completely to hell (moreso than they already are).
@augustlan: My screenname is my universal one too. The only person who really knows this is my boyfriend though. I often come here to ask some advice about him. That would be pretty awkward if he found some of the questions or the responses about him…
I have to agree with gashgai, no one I know in real life would find anything interesting about fluther.
By the way, here’s the fluther map if you’d like a visual on people that live near you.
Yeah, I’m not on the map either.
You have to have a google account, and then you go to the map and hit “edit” at the corner, and there should be something to create a new placemark. You should then be able to drag the placemark to somewhere on the map.
But you need to be signed into gmail/google.
I’m @KatawaGrey‘s boyfriend’s stepdad? Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!
deleted by owner—whatever
@daloon uh, daloon, you live probably 25min from me and you’re asking about a package.
actually, I’ve been stalking you. Didn’t you wonder who was leaving those severed dog heads on your lawn?
@daloon that was you? oh silly. i blamed the mormons.
well, true, they actually left the heads, but I was the mastermind of that evil plot!
@daloon you are a regular John Smith
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