General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Have there ever been any good studies on the effects of wi-fi on the brain?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) May 4th, 2009

Do the wi-fi signals produce any significant changes to brain chemistry?
Is there such thing as a wi-fi addiction?
Do we know any long term effects of constant exposure to wi-fi?

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4 Answers

theartfuldodger's avatar

Tin foil hats are really effective.

kevbo's avatar

The best I can offer up is a stink raised by citizens of Santa Fe over allergies to Wi-Fi. You’ll have to dig around, but here’s a starting point…

SeventhSense's avatar

much lurve for being the conspiracy theory reference librarian. :P

kevbo's avatar

Ha! Cute.

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