Asking internet people if someone is cheating, does that make you crazy?
This girl thinks that im having sex with my downstairs neighbor while seeing her. This all stems from and i quote “You wont delete the picture of you and her from your Myspace so you must be”
She went to Yahoo! Answer’s to ask if i was and now doesnt want to talk to me because of what the Yahoo! Answer people replied with lol.
Does this make her crazy?
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No. It makes her desperate which what you can become if you think someone is cheating on you.
@cprevite Wait until she gets home and reads this. This is gonna be interesting.
She is a member of this site.
@Triiiple: Maybe you should both grow up and move on if this is how you communicate.
@asmonet Grow Up? Lol. Because i have a girl telling me who to be friends with? I just agree with what she says and let her blame me for whatever she wants.
@Triiiple: Yes, well the bigger question is, “Why does she think you’re cheating on her?”
Well, if she’s a member of this site, you know as well as I do that you’re sending her a message, a rather passive aggressive one at that.
So yes, grow up.
No, she knows this question is up.
I didn’t get that impression from your earlier response. Whatever, I think it’s childish, on both your parts.
Again: “Why does she think you’re cheating?”
Because i wouldnt delete that picture on my Myspace
I think you misunderstood the question he was asking.
OK, gotta agree with @asmonet.
Sounds like immaturity all around.
@Triiiple She sounds way too high Maintenance. Dump the bitch and date your down stairs neighbor. Make it a self-fulfilling prophecy for her.
If you want advice, the best I can give you is to ignore spresto.
If she’s your girlfriend and it bothers her then why not take the picture down? She must not mean much to you if you can’t do that one simple thing for her.
So i should sacrifice my friends for her? Yet she hides all her myspace friends/comments/anything lol. ok.
@Triiple – you both need to think a little more about this, fast – that is, if you want a relationship. One, if you really like this girl (current girlfriend) you wouldn’t put her in a position to feel like someone else (another female) is more important to her. Second, a picture in the bathroom? why? Can’t you compromise? Instead of having her as a default picture (why her, instead of your girlfriend?) why isn’t she just on your list of friends? The places where it would seem more normal to have your girlfriend, you have your friend, that happens to be a girl. Strange.
Now, your girlfriend has to learn not to panic over everything. given obvious cause for suspicion, any girlfriend would as – as many would, in this case She needs to learn to be more secure in herself and truly, if things aren’t right which in this case, to me, sounds iffy she needs to move on.
Also, did you really call this girl (friend) a budding whore? That’s just bad.
Both of you (current girlfriend and you) need to talk. You need to discuss and understand what is respectful (to each other ) and what is not. You need to see what each other is comfortable with, and not comfortable with – without boundaries and understanding what is okay and not okay – with each other, how will you ever know what is something you would hope that your partner would never do? Communication in a relation goes hand-in-hand with trust. Sounds like there is a major lack of both, in this case.
The picture is of me, that i happened to take in her bathroom she is not in it lol just her curtains?
@Triiiple: do you see how this looks fishy to your girlfriend? Do you see how she might feel threatened? Try to put yourself in her shoes, like if she had a male friend downstairs, and they were hanging out all the time, and drinking together without you, and she had a drunken picture taken of her in the bathroom. Would this be cool with you?
Maybe you think the rules are different for you than for her. However, if you haven’t agreed to this with her, it is wrong.
Women look at symbols of love much more than men do, usually. Things like pictures and who is in them, and who you spend time with, and how often you tell them you love them—they mean more to women. Men usually think these things are just a throwaway. If they don’t know you love them, there’s something wrong with them. They aren’t paying attention to the real stuff. Like what you do for them. We’re just different, usually.
You two have serious problems, unless you are jerking our chains. To put this stuff up in public, is turning the internet into some kind of Jerry Springer show. You have no shame, even if you are anonymous. This is not good. It suggests the relationship is already kaput.
Do you want to save this relationship? Or are you only interested in having another fuck buddy? Be honest. Actually, I don’t think it matters. This relationship is over. If not immediately, then before the year is over.
Personally, I think a relationship should be built on trust not obsession. This does not sound healthy.
@Triiiple – Ah – I misunderstood. So, she just has any objection to you being anywhere near her? That could be problematic, down the road. Will she always feel the need to determine who you can be friends with – that’s not a good path.
To be honest, if you were criticizing the girl (budding whore) and then befriending her, well….it might bother me. Are there other issues that she is bringing up, in regards to this girl? The drinking thing – again, a problematic issue.
It’s really time to determine what you want and sit and talk. Sorry I misunderstood the picture.
Wow. Way to be an adult about it. ~
Did I miss the catfight?
seems like a Jerry Springer show to meh
I miss so much Love in the time myspace was just not there. Now everything is so complicated..
Sounds like she is tying herself in knots over this. If you know that this is bothering her so much, why not take down the photo?
It sounds like she’s looking for reassurance and isn’t getting what she wants from you and is now looking for it on the web.
Either A) you have given her reasons to not trust you, so something that is innocent to you (the picture) is a sign she is seeing as another clue to your true feelings. She sees it as you choosing a picture over her ( your girlfriend).
Or B) she is insecure with herself and is looking to make drama to feel important. It’s a power struggle. By trying to control your myspace while keeping her myspace private is a sign she is looking for attention from other people to make her feel good. (The whole “do as I say, not as I do” problem).
Either way, your relationship sounds childish and petty. You both seem to put more value on what people on the Internet think as opposed to actually thinking for yourselves. Personally I think sites such as myspace are childish anyway.
So are you asking us if going on the internet to get peoples opinion on your relationship is crazy…Sweetie what are you doing right now?
Are you asking us if it makes her crazy that she is just not talking to you because of what the “internet people” responded with?
It just seems to me if she’s your girlfriend and it bothers her that much-wouldn’t it just be easier to take it down and forget the drama? You have to do stuff in relationships that aren’t necessarily always what you want to do.
Her behavior is crazy, but so is yours. As near as I can tell, you’re both drama-seekers who probably deserve each other.
Notice how he calls me “this girl” and not “my girlfriend” but I’m wrong right? Yea ok.
And it may be petty drama but it’s not something I’m happy about and if he cared he would change the stupid picture.
::poppin’ popcorn for the show::
You know, this needs an orchestra. There’s nothing like an opera with lots of drama and a nonsensical plot—as long as the arias have lots of high notes.
@cwilbur: oh there’ll be high notes; once she kicks him in the…
Maybe you two should work your problems out face to face in the comfort of your own homes not on a website. Just an idea and all.
@cwilbur Will the orchestra play High School Musical songs? On tiny violins?
Seriously though, there are always three sides to a story: his, hers, and the truth. Everyone minipulates facts to fit their own views. I don’t know anyone who has never done this at one point, including myself. I just don’t understand why two people who both have complaints about each other continue to stay in a relationship. Yeah it hurts but don’t make it worse by dragging it out. You both deserve someone who makes you happy. You both fight over stupid things because deep down you both know it’s not the right person for you.
I also don’t understand why people play this game. The last time someone said “If you loved me you’d….” I didn’t let him finish the sentence. “If you loved me,” “if you cared,” these are emotional blackmail and have no place in a healthy relationship.
i totally thought you guys broke up. i’m confused
NO. because every one is experienced in one area or another that done experienced the same thing you have.
@cwilbur – GA….those are emotional blackmail statements! ACK! departing the crazy train, now!
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