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How can I control what I eat when my wife eats anything she wants (and she is the cook)?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) May 5th, 2009 from iPhone

I try to watch what I eat. I’m not obsessive about it, I just try not to eat too much crap. The thing is, my wife doesn’t have food issues like I do. She buys sodas, ice cream, cookies and candy all the time. She’ll come home, present me with a huge slice of red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, and say “I wanted to get something special for you.”

I am really good about my food intake during the weekdays, when I’m at work, but when I am home there is just so much temptation.

How can I get my wife to stop bringing so much crap food into the house? Or, how can I keep myself from giving into temptation, especially when the food is especially for me?

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