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tinyfaery's avatar

Slash is on American Idol. Is rock & roll officially dead?

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) May 5th, 2009

What has happened to the rock star? What has happened to sex, drugs and rock & roll? I want my rock star to eschew the norm, to live to the extreme, to be excessive.

I must admit I kinda like Amy Winehouse, because she is a rock star. It also makes me kind of sad.

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38 Answers

chyna's avatar

I didn’t see him on there. Has he had a face lift like Axle Rose? When aging rockers start having face lifts, then it is the end of old rockers as we know it.

kenmc's avatar

What happened?

Money happened.

J0E's avatar

he’s still a rock star…but also a member of AARP.

ubersiren's avatar

The “War on Drugs” happened, AIDS happened, corporate greed happend, and people got wussy. Slash is still hot.

casheroo's avatar

I heard about this on the radio. I was pretty shocked.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Yes. it’s dead.

Dog's avatar

Was he on the show as a judge or contestant?

I feel like an era is gone…

tinyfaery's avatar

He was the special guest that worked with the contestants on their songs.

Dog's avatar

Oh damn. That is worse… he is now a consultant.

cookieman's avatar

Bills to pay, man.

can you imagine what he spends just on conditioner alone?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@cprevite and rehab? and baby momma money?

wait – slash didn’t even sing in GnR, right? wtf?

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t think Slash is hurting for money.

SeventhSense's avatar

That’s sad..I hear Buckethead’s doing Popeye’s commercials…

knitfroggy's avatar

Slash is doing American Idol because he has a solo album to promote. Not sure if the same people that watch AI are gonna want a Slash album, but you never know I guess.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I don’t think Slash is the epitome of Rock and Roll, but it doesn’t surprise me that an aging rocker is trying to get publicity for an album. GnR wasn’t particularly anti-corporate; I’d be more upset if it was someone along the lines of Iggy Pop or Sid Vicious (assuming he wasn’t dead).

SeventhSense's avatar

Iggy Pop is living? I’d swear that guy was the walking dead ;)

buster's avatar

Janes Addiction is touring soon. Tom Petty stills tours. Black Crowes still tour. Im going to see Judas Priest in a couple months. I seen them four years ago. They rocked socks off. Rock ain’t dead. Rock can’t die. Copies of Led Zeppelin recordings are still floating around.

Strauss's avatar

Hey, hey, my my
Rock will never die!
at least as long as Charlie Watts tours!~

Jack79's avatar

Hey, hey, my my
Rock will never die!

…oh, someone beat me to that already!

…who the hell is slash?

gooch's avatar

Rock is not dead. @jack Slash is an amazing guitar player from Guns n Roses. He also played in Michael Jacksons “beat It”

filmfann's avatar

I thought that was Eddie Van Halen…
Is rock dead? I thought so when I saw Elvis Costello in a tux singing with Tony Bennett.

He’s dead, Jim.

gooch's avatar

@filmfann you are right he only played on Michael Jackson TV special version of “Beat It”

EnzoX24's avatar

I read Slash’s book, an it was an amazing read if you are into that kind of thing, and he did briefly mention him doing stints like this. Pretty much now he has money and is doing stuff to keep him occupied between recording. Plus I wouldn’t doubt it if his wife pushed him to do the American Idol thing. Before he did it I heard audio of him talking about it and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to do it or not.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

TV crap comes and goes, and Idol is the crappiest of the crap. Rock and Roll will Never Die!

ubersiren's avatar

If it makes anyone feel better, Slash didn’t seem to especially enjoy being there.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Rock died when it became all bout the emo shit that passes for alternative these days. That’s why I listen to jazz, most of the REAL rockers are either dead or in a nursing home by now. Is there anything sadder than 60 year old rockers on a reunion tour?

chyna's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra The only thing worse was watching Ziegfield and Roy’s come back. It was painful to watch.

knitfroggy's avatar

Will I be mobbed if I admit I actually watch American Idol and somewhat enjoy it? :)

chyna's avatar

@knitfroggy No, most of the people I work with do. I don’t but I have other things I am watching at that time.

Strauss's avatar

What about Rod Stewart crooning anem~ lke Tony Bennett!!

Oh! I forgot Tony is reinventing himself again!

cookieman's avatar

@knitfroggy: You’re not alone. My wife, daughter and I watch it every week. It’s goofy fun.

chyna's avatar

@knitfroggy Ok, you forced me to admit it, I watch Dancing with the Stars.

cookieman's avatar

@chyna: Well since we are baring our goober souls here…I also watch So You Think You Can Dance.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra , yeah, there is something worse than 60 year old rockers on a reunion tour. 60 year old fans having to listen to the insults hurled by the uninitiated.

Now, mind your elders, run along, and buy some Porcupine Tree CDs. Gavin Harrison is the best drummer working today. He is under 60, but he’s probably older than you.

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IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@FAGIN, Heh heh, point made. I’m still here. You’re not.

dalepetrie's avatar

Slash has always been a rock and roll whore. One of his first opening gigs was supporting Stryper, that’s how he met Axl. He did session work on Insane Clown Posse’s Great Milenko album, and played guitar on two tracks on Michael Jackson’s Dangerous album (does no one else remember the Black or White video with Macaulay Culkin, Slash and MJ beating the hell out of a car whilst constantly adjusting his jock strap)? Hell, he worked with MJ several times after that as well. He sold his likeness to Guitar Hero. He once did an appearance on the Drew Carrey show. Even Fergie does guest vocals on his upcoming album.

So, two points to take from this:

1) Slash is not the arbiter of rock and roll purity, never has been and is therefore not a good barometer for the health of rock and roll in general
2) No matter what Slash does, even if he were to do backing guitars for the 98 Degrees reunion, he is still one of the greatest guitar players who ever lived, so who cares if he makes a buck being a guest mentor on AI?

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