General Question

Elfman's avatar

Best cutesy nicknames for your partner/spouse?

Asked by Elfman (452points) December 18th, 2007

Schmoopy, for example.

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23 Answers

ironhiway's avatar

I use Amorcito and Mi Amor.

Most english names like baby, honey, dear don’t make sense to my girl friend. Although she craves a need to feel special by using a name only she calls me or I call her.

I wonder if it’s true that nicknames stemmed from cheating partners who chose to use them instead of their partners real names in fear of accidently using the wrong name at the wrong time.

GD_Kimble's avatar

Sugar Britches

kevbo's avatar



Baby meat

Poser's avatar

Caramel face.

Supergirl's avatar

Bug, Pudding Pop, babycakes

soethe6's avatar

slutbiscuit or slutmuffin, according to preference

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@elfman: I love how you put schmoopy as the example. I take it you watch Seinfeld?

zina's avatar

pumpkin / punkin / bumpkin / punkin-bunkin / etc

cica (pronounced “tsee-tsah”, means kitten in Hungarian)


honey bunches of oats

their name or part of it + s or ster (like marta -> martster, marts) – obviously only works well with some names, but there are many other funny endings…..

nicholasbeem's avatar

lero and/or longo

Jonsonite's avatar

My dad always calls my mom “kid”. I think he either got it from Casablanca or because he’s 10 years older than she is.

susanc's avatar

Mi vida

ketoneus's avatar

my (soon-to-be-ex)stepmother uses “munky-punky.” Short for monkey-pumpkin I guess. Absolutely makes your skin crawl.

somedirection's avatar

I nicknamed my girlfriend “Bacon” because she’s a vegetarian and she’s skinny as hell.
It fits great. It’s just like the biggest guy in the jail yard named “Tiny”

warispeace's avatar

I used to work at a restraunt and we would use food-based terms of endearment, like “honey-butter” or “my little cheddar biscuit”. “Sugar-booger” is another good one.

finkelitis's avatar

Hemingway’s first wife called him “Tatie,” if I remember right. Short for “Sweet Potato”, maybe. In fact, in my own time in Paris I was once called “Tatie-head”. Ah, Paris…

GD_Kimble's avatar

Tiny Hynie is another fave.

zina's avatar

i just heard a new one – “precious head” !

IBERnineD's avatar

My boyfriend and I call each other Pooh Bear and Piglett. He is Pooh Bear because he is always getting in trouble and making a mess, while I’m Piglett because I’m his best friend, love pigs, and can be very anxious and am easily startled.

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