General Question

killertofu's avatar

Where can you special order a necklace pendant with own design?

Asked by killertofu (115points) May 9th, 2009

im wondering where i can special order a necklace pendant with a unique design (Achille’s shield)? i’d prefer an online store, or at least ideas where to look in town

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6 Answers

ru2bz46's avatar

I think Blue Nile does custom pieces. Where do you live? I can recommend people near Sacramento, CA.

Supacase's avatar

You could try There is probably a seller there who does that sort of thing.

figbash's avatar


I’m usually pretty good at turning this stuff up, but they don’t appear to be making pendants, necklaces or anything with the Achilles Shield on it. The only other suggestion I can make it start looking at museum jewelry shops and to also frequent Etsy, as mentioned above. You can find a jewelry designer on there who has the ability to do casts and may be willing to make one for you!

killertofu's avatar

@ru2bz46 i like in Wilmington, NC. yea…opposite side.

@Supacase and @figbash: is awesome, but i didn’t think anyone would do custom on it. ill try it though

bpeoples's avatar

Our engagement ring was made by this guy: who does AMAZING work for surprisingly little. He made it from a pretty rough sketch I sent him.

He also did the wedding rings to match =)

YARNLADY's avatar

Here is one for sale, maybe there will be a source there.

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