General Question

ru2bz46's avatar

Have you seen Clucky?

Asked by ru2bz46 (6748points) May 10th, 2009

Many years ago (early ‘90s), SNL (or possibly, In Living Color) did a fake animated commercial for “Clucky’s Chicken Shack”. I’ve not seen it since, nor can I find it online. Anyway, as the disembodied head of “Clucky” flies around giving a tour of one of his restaurants, he sees a plate of chicken and exclaims, “Hey, that’s me!” I would lurve to find that clip again. Have you seen it?

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11 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

It was from SNL. It’s a commercial parody for “Cluckin’ Chicken. The mascot is Clucky, and is voiced by Adam Sandler. I saw it when it first aired, but not online. Sorry.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

omg, that was great! Have you checked youtube?

arnbev959's avatar

Have you googled Clucky snl?

First hit

sccrowell's avatar

Okay I googled it it’s at myspace just type what astrochuck said

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@jonsblond: you just made a few people oh so happy!

sccrowell's avatar

I’m on my iPhone so I can’t cut & paste, sorry!

jonsblond's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence I <3 SNL. :)

@sccrowell I had to switch from the iphone to laptop to link it. I feel your pain. sorry! :)

ru2bz46's avatar

Holy crap!, I’ve been looking for that thing for years! I remembered it wrong. I thought the whole thing was animated, so I never even clicked on any thumbnails of real life. I also kept trying some variation of the words clucky, chicken, and shack. I really love this sight, now. Thanks again to everybody!

peedub's avatar

Is Clucky a clucker as well?

oratio's avatar

Bah, can’t be streamed outside the states, and don’t seem to find it on youtube. Ah, well.

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