General Question

whatthefluther's avatar

Is fluther an appropriate medium for proposing marriage?

Asked by whatthefluther (13830points) May 12th, 2009

Hey slow down…maybe you don’t think it’s a great question, but it is my first question here on fluther. I suppose I should point out that I have not been bashful submitting well over 700 responses, so I guess turnaround is fair play. But I am a relatively old man so I plead for kind but honest responses. And for you traditionalists: this will not be the first marriage for either one of us, we’ve been living together for about five years, I already gave her a very, very expensive ring and to be honest, she has practically proposed to me (I succeeded in avoiding a direct response). So I thought I would do it a bit differently and share the moment with our old fluther friends, rather than going with other previously utilized (by others) media such as renting a billboard, skywriting or via an announcer on a radio station or in the middle of a ballgame or some such event. Besides. I think she will get a kick out of it, with it being a very public, yet at the same time, a rather anonymous proposal (anonymous for you folks…I can assure you she knows who I am…I mean come on, wtf?!).
So. assuming (yeah, I know, I know) you approve, here goes:

Sccrowell, I carved the following words in stone and presented them to you some three or four years ago…they are as accurate and relevant today as they were then, even more so as they have withstood the test of time::

To my sweet & sexy Sherry (aside: there goes some of your anonymity, but hey, you blew that long ago with your username):
Whose beauty, kindness, understanding, love and encouragement gives me the inspiration to not just persevere, but to continue to grow & learn, to create & dream, to laugh & love. My love for you is eternal, sweetheart! Gary XOX (aside: OK, to be fair, there goes some of my anonymity, and let me point out that I use the word “anonymity” even though it is one of those that honestly tongue-ties me and always successfully avoids proper pronunciation).

Well sccrowell, will you marry me, wtf?

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536 Answers

Allie's avatar


(Waits impatiently for sccrowell’s response…)

Mtl_zack's avatar

Aaawwwwwwwwww this is so sweet!!!! Thanks for sharing the moment :D

TaoSan's avatar


cak's avatar

Waiting for response! How wonderful!

Likeradar's avatar

Best. Question. Ever. Congrats!

knitfroggy's avatar

what would really be great is if they could say their I DO’s on fluther…

Mtl_zack's avatar

It would be REALLY awkward if she said no

Haroot's avatar

I approve. Hope the best for you two. If you do the wedding over Fluther too I’ll be in awe.

Allie's avatar

(Nudge) Shut up Zack.

Mtl_zack's avatar

will do allie

lefteh's avatar

Awe aweeee! Sccrowell, come respond!

TaoSan's avatar

Breathe Sccrowell, breathe :)

augustlan's avatar

Ah, lurve. <3

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

In your situation and with all the details you’ve given stating this is a proposal and not a question for the collective, then sure why not.


shilolo's avatar

I volunteer Bendrew to officiate the Fluther wedding.

Nimis's avatar


I’m so excited/gushy for you both!

Has there ever been so many
people waiting in anticipation
for a marriage proposal?

wildflower's avatar

Oh Wow!!! This is soooo sweet!! :)

richardhenry's avatar

Can Andrew perform weddings? If not, how do we hook that up?

Allie's avatar

He can take classes online. I think. Can’t he? Then he gets a print out certificate. Haha. Seriously, I think that’s possible.

PupnTaco's avatar

This is so moving. Knowing a little about your circumstances makes it all the moreso.

L’chaim! Mazel tov!

Nimis's avatar

@Allie It varies with county.
Reverend Andrew has a nice ring to it.

richardhenry's avatar

Bridesmaid Ben.

Strauss's avatar

holding my breath HHP

jlm11f's avatar

I am so glad lefteh linked me to this question. It totally made my night. Thank you wtf, for sharing this moment with us. I wish you and sccrowell best wishes for your current and future life together.

Now, sccrowell, quit playing with all of us and give us your answer ;)

Nimis's avatar

She’s crafting a response!

Allie's avatar

(GASP) Here it comes!

cak's avatar

oh wow!

sccrowell's avatar

YESSSSSSSSSS…... You had better no be kidding me…. Everyone…. I’m crying

Likeradar's avatar


augustlan's avatar


Allie's avatar


jlm11f's avatar

Awwwwwwww. And it’s official! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

wildflower's avatar

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!

cak's avatar

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!


augustlan's avatar

Best night on Fluther ever.

Nimis's avatar

Congrats to you both!

TaoSan's avatar


this even beats Vegas, ha! To both of you:

May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

cak's avatar

Thank you, both of you for sharing this wonderful moment with all of us. This is truly a special moment! Thank you for sharing! I’m so happy for both of you!

augustlan's avatar

You two really know how to make a comeback! :D

richardhenry's avatar

This is amazing.

AstroChuck's avatar

Wow! All I can say is…whoa!
I’m speechless. That’s gotta be a first!

jlm11f's avatar

Pancakes for everyone!

nikipedia's avatar

<3 Congratulations!

Strauss's avatar

Let’s raise a glass of cheer to the happy couple!

ben's avatar

Congratulations to both of you! Andrew and I are and smiling ear to ear. Mazel Tov!

Nimis's avatar

Where can we send the cake?

ru2bz46's avatar

Damn, she gave her answer while I was still reading. Congratulations to both of you, @whatthefluther and @sccrowell

Strauss's avatar

When and where will the reception be held?

whatthefluther's avatar

Phew ( sigh of relief). I promise I’ll bring you guys to the ceremony. Thanks everyone.

lillycoyote's avatar

Congratulations! Yay, love scores another one!

ru2bz46's avatar

How many tiers of pancakes are appropriate for a wedding cake?

AstroChuck's avatar

This is a first, right? No one has done this here before, I mean.
Wow! Congratulations, you two.

delirium's avatar

Congratulations you two. That’s… pretty spectacular. 4chan, eat your heart out (if you have one).

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey, I’m ordained in the Universal Life church. I’ll marry you crazy kids.

Bet nothing like this has never happened on!

augustlan's avatar

@AstroChuck You’d lose that bet! Two of their people met there and got married. :)

ru2bz46's avatar

@AstroChuck Ooh, touche. @augustlan, I don’t believe he proposed online, though.

Allie's avatar

@AstroChuck and @augustlan And they had a baby.

augustlan's avatar

Though, to be fair, I don’t know if the proposal was made online.

@Allie Oooh, that’s right! I forgot about that part.

Jeruba's avatar

This is magnificent! It definitely calls for B A L L O O N S, as the very best events do.

sccrowell's avatar

This is soo awesome…. We have our WHOLE FAMILY here,,, Everyone i have grown to love and admire have back.. Gosh, everyone, I don’t know what to say to you all!! Thank you seems soo inadequate… You are all the greatest & I love you all… I believe I this calls for a group hug

lillycoyote's avatar

@augustlan @ astrochuck met, married and just had a baby. You’re the one that brought up the W word. :)

TaoSan's avatar

! Huggles !

Nimis's avatar

[group smoosh]

augustlan's avatar

Somebody call asmonet and wake her ass up. She should be here for this!

AstroChuck's avatar

Oh, good. Here come the wedding burritos!

cak's avatar

@Nimis I love that! Group smosh! (((hugs!!)))

Allie's avatar

@AstroChuck Someone say burritos?

TaoSan's avatar

TaoSan plays Barry White: Can’t get enough of your love baby LOL

jlm11f's avatar

I definitely heard burritos too. My brain just knew. Can we all drive somewhere and meet up right now for some burritos? and pancakes? At times like these, Fluther seems like a big family sitting in one room.

sccrowell's avatar

Richardhenry, now WE can really say, WE’VE been through a lot together!!!!

ru2bz46's avatar

Mmmm…burritos and pancakes…:P

richardhenry's avatar

This really is amazing. Congratulations guys.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

AstroChuck's avatar

Me thinks JP has fallen asleep on his keyboard again.

augustlan's avatar

Fallen asleep or passed out?

figbash's avatar

This is absolutely A M A Z I N G ! ! ! ! Congratulations!!!!

augustlan's avatar

Seriously, this could not have happened to two nicer people. I wish you every happiness.

whatthefluther's avatar

jp…wake up! one too many PBRs!

AstroChuck's avatar

@augustlan- I was being nice.

augustlan's avatar

You know me. Meany McMean ;)

jlm11f's avatar

I linked him to the thread and then all of a sudden he said “Fuck, gotta go.” I guess he forgot to stop composing and is now just taunting people when he isn’t even at his computer.

shilolo's avatar

@sccrowell Did this pop up in your “Questions for you?”, cuz, that would be sweet.

jrpowell's avatar

Congrats.. This actually makes my day.

And remember when I asked about getting into classical music? And you sent me a bunch of CD’s. I bought gifts for both of you and you vanished before I could send them. I still have them (they are in Eugene in am in Portland now) and they would make a good wedding gift. I lost the paper with your address in the move.

sccrowell's avatar

Hi Shilolo, YES IT DID…. I honestly didn’t have a clue…
Dang wish I or we had a party line

whatthefluther's avatar

jp…I’ll PM the address to you (otherwise I think we’ll be inundated with cake, pancakes, burritos, balloons, and Ben and Andrew!).

sccrowell's avatar

I have NEVER BEEN THIS HAPPY BEFORE!!! Having ALL OF YOU share this incredible moment with me / us…

nikipedia's avatar

@whatthefluther: jp sends good gifts. But I bet the rest of us do too…......!

shilolo's avatar

Or a webcam shot of your reaction as you’re going:
1. Should I eat before I exercise?—-> Skip
2. Organizing PHP code? —> Skip
3. Is Fluther an appropriate medium for proposing marriage?——> WTF @whatthefluther!

sccrowell's avatar

Augustlan, can you believe this? I keep pinching myself, thinking okay, I’m dreaming and will wake up…

whatthefluther's avatar

@Astrochuck…I thought of you and gave jp my NINE digit zip code

sccrowell's avatar

!!!!!! WoW !!!!! This is one night I will never forget!!! So, Gary, when’s the big date? You can choose…. And I do not want a long engagement….

jrpowell's avatar

I have a big backyard if you want to make it official in Oregon. Lots of trees.

whatthefluther's avatar

ASAP…I already printed out the license application which we can actually complete on-line

Dog's avatar

WOW!!! This is the most awesome fluther moment ever!


A champaign toast!

“May your lives be rich and your days long and joyful!”

shilolo's avatar

I just broke a wine glass in your honor. Ok, I lied. I broke it washing dishes, but, I was thinking of you, so there.

sccrowell's avatar

JP, how far are you from Garberville, CA OR HUMBOLT COUNTY? Sorry about the caps?

augustlan's avatar

@sccrowell Believe it girly… it’s one great night, for sure! :D

Dog's avatar

@whatthefluther Your unique and romantic proposal made my night!

sccrowell's avatar

Augustlan, since i am in bed because of a headache i no longer have, plus ive been typing on my iphone, Gary’s going to check it out..

sccrowell's avatar

Dog, mine too…..

augustlan's avatar

I’m glad your headache is gone. Amazing what happiness can do, huh?

jlm11f's avatar

@sccrowell – So I am curious. Did he just tell you to go check Fluther? Or did he have a pre-checking Fluther speech too? How did it all happen??? WE WANT DETAILS!

sccrowell's avatar

Yeah, I agree.

Oh, for the record, no we don’t live in garberville or humbolt, my brother does… I know he’s a hour from the CA/OR border

Dog's avatar

Anxiously awaiting official word on date of nuptials.

This totally rocks!

sccrowell's avatar

No, he said, wow! There’s a question the had all ready gotten 11 great questions, but be didn’t say who or what the question asked. He knows me oh so well because he knew I’d check. But I had a headache and was lying(sp) down. Anyway, I went to fluther and in my Questions I saw WTF had asked soMething but didn’t really read it. And to be totally honest which I always am. It didn’t dawn on me he was asking me until I wasmore than halfway… You have to understand, cont

sccrowell's avatar

Because of his illness (ALS) and it being terminal… He said he didn’t want to remarry… He didn’t want me to hurt me more. And so, I agreed… We would love as much as we could and as long as we could until he could no longer endure…

whatthefluther's avatar

@Augustlan…Very sweet…thanks. I had to download Java and switch from Safari to IE, but I got it and printed it out for Sherry to see. Thanks again and many thanks to everyone.

sccrowell's avatar

ÜBER, you made it!

shrubbery's avatar

I can’t believe this! This made my week. Wow. I’m crying. Congratulations!! Sending you all my love!!

sccrowell's avatar

So this came as a COMPLETE shock….

El_Cadejo's avatar

Congraulations guys!
sorry i wasnt here earlier i missed alll the funs :(

El_Cadejo's avatar

this is question why fluther is fucking awesome.

MacBean's avatar


I have never given so many GAs in such a short amount of time…

shrubbery's avatar

Now if this isn’t cause for a Fluther party, then I don’t know what is. I think everyone should come to Australia :D

rooeytoo's avatar

I don’t really know you folks but how can I help but be caught up in the joy, so add my congrats to the collective! May you have the best and happiest!

sccrowell's avatar

I asked Gary where you were. I can’t believe you’re awake!! Yeah!!! I love this website… IT IS THE BEST… As ALL OF YOU ARE!!! This night these friends who are no longer friends but have now become OUR EXTENDED FAMILY!!! THANK YOU BEN & ANDREW ahhh heck with it. BENDREW! YOUR FLUTHER OUR FLUTHER has brought me the most AWESOME night in my life, besides the birth of my daughters and that of my grandchildren.

sccrowell's avatar

You have all spread the love, I sure as heck can spread the lurve and have!!!

jrpowell's avatar

I am a short drive.. Maybe 6 hours. My sister loves weddings. If you want something small and personal we could rock that out.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Congratulations again and i wish you guys nothing but the best. :)

im glad i decided to check fluther one last time before i went to bed :) Good night all.

whatthefluther's avatar

Again, many thanks to everyone, but I’m exhausted and overwhelmed and must head to bed. I promise to catch up with you and all who PMd me tomorrow. I’ll listen to Sherry reading your responses as I drift to sleep. See you. Much love…wtf

sccrowell's avatar

Okay, I think it time for me to go to bed. I want to thank you all again for sharing this very special occasion with me… BenDrew, thank you both for making it posible!!! Now everyone, it’s time to go night night…. XOXOXOXO

Trustinglife's avatar

I smile, imagining your joy at going to bed together on this special night. Congratulations!

jlm11f's avatar

I can’t believe how many times I have read and reread this thread. It just doesn’t get old.

sccrowell's avatar

I agree… I asked WTF to print it. To keep this always! Thank you PnL =)

richardhenry's avatar


Phew. That took ages. Fluther was all like “would you like that to be small?” and I was like “no I’m making pictures!”

jrpowell's avatar

The ad at the end of that is kinda fucked up.

richardhenry's avatar

@johnpowell Sort of screws with the mood, doesn’t it.

richardhenry's avatar

——————xxxxxxx Sherry & Gary xxxxxxxx——————

That’s what I’m talkin’ about.


I feel like a little girl this happens too often

essieness's avatar

holey moley I almost missed this thread! Wow congrats guys! What a great fluther moment!

3or4monsters's avatar

Congratulations!!! :D :D :D

cyndyh's avatar

A big congrats, folks! That’s so nice to see. Cheers!

chyna's avatar

What a great thread to wake up to. Congrats!

bythebay's avatar

Hands down, the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. I wish you both many years of happiness and the same kind of joy you felt today!

janbb's avatar

I’m awfully late to this party (story of my life) but I want to add a big “MAZEL TOV” to all the other congratulations.

Great news and a wonderful Fluther occurrence!

mcbealer's avatar

wow I’m just now waking up to all this fun I missed last night :) arg! of all nights to be on an east coast schedule… anyhow, congratulations to both of you !!

lefteh's avatar

Damn, I went to bed just before the answer! Congratulations you two! Webcam us in at the wedding :)

fireside's avatar


aprilsimnel's avatar

Aw, I had to be asleep and I missed this! Congrats! I’m sure you crazy kids’ll have a great life together!

jonsblond's avatar

This is just the sweetest thing to wake up to. Congratulations! :D

SuperMouse's avatar

This by far is the coolest thread in the history of fluther. Frizzer? What’s that? CIA? Let them watch. Pancakes? I’ll take an extra large stack!

Congratulations WTF and sccrowell and thank you for sharing this moment with Fluther!

Thanks Augustlan for linking this thread!!

Dog's avatar

Can we favorite a thread? Can we add it to the memes?

The first thing I thought of this morning was how awesome it was being a part of such a really beautiful and touching event as it unfolded.

So when is the date- or are you eloping today?

asmonet's avatar


TaoSan's avatar

oh gawd, I just noticed that this the first time EVER that I witnessed someone propose!

HA! You guys enriched my life :))))

TaoSan's avatar


You missed it ‘because you ignored my GET UP GET UP GET UP txt LOL

asmonet's avatar

I am shamed.

I fell asleep on time for once!

sccrowell's avatar

GOOD MORNING asmonet!!! You made it!! Thank you!! Can you believe this?? I’m so happy =)

Dog's avatar

@asmonet you might have noticed earlier if you had not broken fluther (again) ;)

asmonet's avatar

@Dog: damn it!

@sccrowell: Congratulations! I am sending you hugs and champagne via internets. :)

sccrowell's avatar

Welcome TO THE VERY BEST SITE ON THE INTERNET!! my home away from home! Thanks everyone!!!!!

Dog's avatar

@tanay2035 Welcome to the Rocking Fluther of Love! Yes- it is a great site.

We are now Cupid’s Domain!

TaoSan's avatar


Good morning and welcome to Fluther!

casheroo's avatar

awwww!!! I didn’t see this last night, I’m glad Fluther is back up (did this question break fluther?!) so I could read it!

Congratulations! I wish you two the best <3

PupnTaco's avatar

@sccrowell: pm me an address where I can send one of my prints as a modest wedding gift. Your choice!

cookieman's avatar

Aw I missed all the festivities while sleeping.


I lurve weddings

EmpressPixie's avatar


EmpressPixie's avatar

@cash: The pure awesomeness of this question so totally broke Fluther.

andrew's avatar


asmonet's avatar


Dog's avatar

Are Congo Rats on the Wedding registry? Are they the ones from the Congo or the ones that dance in a line?

Supacase's avatar

Awww, this is so sweet! Congratulations!! :)

sccrowell's avatar

Oh my Gosh Dave, that is soooo awesome… You pick, I saw them and I think they’re all great.. are you serious? No going back back, now!

Allie's avatar

This will go down in Fluther history. <3
Congrats again you two!

PupnTaco's avatar

Dead serious. :) I’ll pick one if you don’t have a preference.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

This is definitely a momentous occasion, and therefore must be added to Nimis’s Fluther Timeline.

Congratulations!!! Sorry I missed all the fun last night!

ru2bz46's avatar

@Dog You’re thinking Conga rats.

sccrowell's avatar

I’m soo glad we were able to share this moment with our extended family. Andrew, awww when do you start agh that new course Allie mentioned<grin> Now, really LATE TO WORK, but I’ll check back throughout the day!! EVERYONE HAVE A GREAT DAY, I know I will. XOXOXO

TaoSan's avatar

@whatthefluther & @sccrowell

Seriously you two, it’s been a privilege to be part of this moment! I’m very grateful!


aprilsimnel's avatar

This thread has me grinning from ear to ear with all the awesomeness!

SpatzieLover's avatar


I hadn’t seen this until now

Hope you’ll fill us in on your registry and web cam some of the ceremony, too!

Darwin's avatar

This is quite a week. First sandystrachan finds out from Fluther that he is going to be a daddy again, and now a wedding proposal.

Well, congratulations to everyone.

cak's avatar

My husband even smiled hearing about this, it’s just a really happy moment!

TaoSan's avatar


right right right!

Almost forgot that one!

jlm11f's avatar

@Darwin – I missed that. Link?

wundayatta's avatar

Congratulations, you crazy kids!

chyna's avatar

I thought about this throughout my day and work and smiled every time. This is just so great. Happiness and love throughout your lives together.

Dog's avatar

@Chyna—You and I both.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@augustlan thanks for linking!

Congrats to you both!!!!!! I tad late, but still, congrats!!!!!!

sdeutsch's avatar

I can’t believe I missed this! Congratulations to you both – I’m so happy for you!!!

arnbev959's avatar

Oh Man.
This is so wonderful.
Fluther is awesome.
Whatthefluther is awesome.
Sccrowell is awesome.


AstroChuck's avatar

Hey, has anyone actually answered the question yet?

ru2bz46's avatar

I saw a few answers up there. @Haroot and @hungryhungryhortence did early on. I just said, “yes”, right now, too.

AstroChuck's avatar

I guess I’ll have to flag all the other comments then.

ru2bz46's avatar

Yeah, I dare you.

chyna's avatar

If that is Sherry’s picture in her avatar, she will be a beautiful bride.

whatthefluther's avatar

Again, many thanks to everyone for the kind words. I’ve completed my part of the license app…Sherry’s is still pending (in her defense, she had to work today).
@chyna….That is indeed a photo of Sherry and she is quite beautiful.
@AstroChuck….Before you flag those comments, please consider my note above (that you may have missed) where I state that I thought of you when giving jp our address and gave him our nine digit zip code.

breedmitch's avatar


jlm11f's avatar

@AstroChuck – If you flag all the comments and clutter my email inbox with 200 new emails, I will hunt you down. And I won’t even need a nine digit zip code ;)

SuperMouse's avatar

Twelve more Great Questions and this question will beat the number given to the infamous frizzer!

cak's avatar

Oh…PnL! The fierce side of you is pretty damn fierce!

augustlan's avatar

PnL is my hero.

Jeruba's avatar

Are we going to have the wedding here? The officiator posts a question: “Do you, Gary, take Sherry”—and we all sit and wait while you post the answer, and then there’s the question for Sherry, and the exchange of vows, and everything—we could do it all right here! and then retire to the chat room for toasts and champagne! and prepare music dancing videos in advance and link to them! This could be the fluther party of parties!

Judi's avatar

I can’t believe I saw this question and didn’t open it until now. I missed the party! Congratulations you two. Many blessings for an amazing and wonderful life together.

cookieman's avatar

Can there be Fluther bachelor and bachelorette party threads?

Darwin's avatar

In answer to the original question:

Well, it worked, didn’t it? She said yes, so it certainly didn’t bother her. And isn’t that what counts?

So apparently Fluther is indeed an appropriate medium by which to propose marriage.

Dog's avatar

Whoo Hooo!
Can we get Tao to dance at the Bachelorette party?

Seriously though- a virtual vows (even if just symbolic after wedding) would be incredible.

fireside's avatar

How do you think the tossing of the bouquet will work?
That would be fun to watch.

Dog's avatar

I bet @JohnPowell could write a random script to simulate the bouquet toss!

AstroChuck's avatar

I hear you @PnL, but just know you blew it. I was going to ask you to marry me. Now you can forget it.

elijah's avatar

Wow, I missed the best question ever! Congratulations!

fireside's avatar

’,`’,`’,`’`,’,`’`,’`,`’,`’ birdseed `’`,’`,`’`.’`.’`.’`.`’.`’`.’`.`’,`’,`’

augustlan's avatar

Silly ChuckieDuckie… 6 year olds can’t get married!

jlm11f's avatar

lol4rl @augustlan But I don’t care what the law says, the answer would have been a resounding yes! As long as I am allowed to read other people’s mail once in a while.

adreamofautumn's avatar

I now propose that you conference call/skype this whole ceremony via chatroom for your fellow flutherites. Also…congratulations! okay i’m a bit late, I’ve been a bit behind schedule on my fluthering these days).

tiffyandthewall's avatar

oh my gosh! this is the cutest thing ever, i seriously teared up as i was scrolling down trying to find the response. congratulations, this is so awesome. i’m so happy for both of you!!

officially the most epic thread on fluther

sccrowell's avatar

@Astro? Do you wear shorts and have sexy legs?

Jeruba's avatar

Only two GQs away from topping the frizzer, which currently stands at 60…

sccrowell's avatar

You have my word, if there’s a way, you all will be at our wedding! Now THAT WILL BE THE COOLEST WEDDING, dontcha think?

sccrowell's avatar

LOL Jeruba? Not to sound like an idiot, but what is fizzer & if I spelled it wrong it’s because I’m not wearing my reading glasses and Im on my iPhone…

Dog's avatar

AWESOME! We are officially invited!
Now to figure out what to wear.;)

sccrowell's avatar

@ Dog, come casual, be comfortable… So long as you make it!!!! That’s what really counts!

augustlan's avatar

@sccrowell Without further adieu, I present The Frizzer.

richardhenry's avatar

60 GQs. Neck and neck with the Frizzer question. Someone PM someone, and get them to give this a GQ. And then it’s officially the greatest question ever. I mean, it is anyway, but we might aswell reinforce that numerically.

Jeruba's avatar

I will. I’m PMing Harp.

augustlan's avatar

@mcbealer Good job! Official best question ever!

sccrowell's avatar

Hey now the answer wasn’t too shabby either, eh?

richardhenry's avatar

@sccrowell I guess it was okay.


augustlan's avatar

46 great answers (for your ‘yes’) is pretty damn good too. :D

sccrowell's avatar

OMG LOL!! I laughed soo hard at some of those answers. Of course I had to spread the lurve,,, some great ones. Thanks again!!

augustlan's avatar

@sccrowell Oh yeah… the frizzer is a classic. And now, so is this thread!

Harp's avatar

Without a doubt the best Q ever! Loads of continued happiness to the two of you! sccrowell has also smashed the previous GA record, I might add

SuperMouse's avatar

WTF beat the frizzer!! WAHOO!!! (Now there is a sentence that only makes sense on Fluther!)

elijah's avatar

I’m telling everyone this fluther proposal story. Ive told like 6 people. First they say WTF is a fluther? They don’t seem to understand how cool it is. I don’t even know you guys and I’m still excited.

fireside's avatar

I liked Augustlan’s virtual present so much that I made another Proposal thread Wordle now that this has become the best question with the best answer.

Dr_C's avatar

I´m so excited for the happy couple! This has to be one of the most original mediums for a porposal ever… and involving the whole community certainlly gives fluther a big family feel.

I wish i had my computer when this thread started… i couldn´t answer on my phone for some reason and i´m sad that i couldn´t contribute before.

To the happy couple:
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. I have no doubt that you will have an amazing life together and wish you all the best.

So i´ll be the last one to participate in the group hug but i wish you all many many many moments that take your breath away…. and a ginormous stack of pancakes :)

Dog's avatar

@Dr_C you may be a tad late to the question but I am sure you are not the last by a long shot.

Awesome that this Q takes it’s rightful place in Fluther legend!

gailcalled's avatar

My huge congratulations as well. I am a little late to the party but wish you both joy and some delirious moments together. Love conquers or mitigates many things.

Gary, why did you change your mind?

essieness's avatar

This thread, the happy couple, Fluther, the jellies… all of it makes me all twitterpated inside :) God, I love this place!!

augustlan's avatar

It occurred to me that you two might have missed another important question that’s been referenced many times in this thread: Pancake

I wish you many pancakes!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

this is wonderful, congratulations
@augustlan there was no proposal, we both agreed to the marriage but it wasn’t on, though we did meet on and have a

elijah's avatar

I hope you have triplets so you can name them Pancake, Frizzer, and Bendrew.

skfinkel's avatar

Sherry and Gary: Many congratulations and much joy to you both. I loved wtf’s proposal. What could be sweeter?

So glad to be able to share this with you both and the fluther community.

whatthefluther's avatar

@fireside….Thanks for the gift….very cool!

@gailcalled…Greetings my dear friend. It’s difficult to answer your question without casting a shadow on this thread, but when I do pipe in on fluther, I’m never less than perfectly honest, so I will address the question directly but spare some detail.

My previous marriage ended in tragedy when my still relatively newlywed bride, who was also Sherry’s best friend, committed suicide. I had already been diagnosed with familial ALS when I met her. My rare genetic mutation, simultaneously discovered in me and one other patient halfway around the world, would put me, as it has Professor Stephen Hawking, in the 5% of ALS patients to survive ten or more years (I am approaching that goal, though my grandmother, the only other known victim in the family only survived eight years, but that side of my family had several early in life tragic deaths of other potential victims). (Aside: I believe this is the third time in fluther history that the names wtf and Stephen Hawking have been mentioned together…I am so not worthy). I misread my late wife. I thought she had the strength to see me through my illness. She did not. She was also on on a lifelong quest for an unattainable goal that was destined for failure. Following her death I put my fate in the hands of a then dear friend who betrayed me in a yet to be explained heartless fashion which I rightly or wrongly attributed to my worsening hopeless condition.

With two “innocent” victims, I vowed to myself that I would not allow my condition to take anyone else out with me. But I failed in keeping that vow. I opened my heart to Sherry and fell madly in love with her. Over the last five years I have not only given her opportunity to leave but every reason to want to leave but I can’t seem to shake her. She has not only proven that she has the strength, understanding, and love to see me through this thing but she has in fact been my strength and inspiration as my body continues to weaken and fail. Besides, I had already given her a rather nice ring, turned my cheek when she inaccurately referred to me as her fiance and felt it was time to make her an honest woman considering the many pets we had together gathered around us. And lastly, as I mentioned previously, she had recently begun to practically propose marriage to me which just kept sounding better and better. So I caved, although I’m still scared to death how the remainder of our journey will affect her. But I know she will be lovingly at my side for the duration and what more can I ask for. I must also point out that had I been healthy there is no question in my mind that I would have proposed to Sherry long ago. So by not doing so when I knew that was what she wanted, was a cautious yet selfish decision on my part, which took some time to sink into this thick skull of mine. I hope I answered your question, Gail and pray I made the right decision for Sherry’s sake.

@Augustlan…Thanks for the frizzer and pancake links…they are both hilarious (if I had to choose,make mine pancakes with lots of whipped creamy butter and hot sticky maple syrup. And hell, a big dollop of fresh whipped cream on top might be fun. That would suit me just fine, as long as I get to share it all with Sherry, of course)!

janbb's avatar

@whatthefluther It’s such a trite saying, but this time, truly, thank you for sharing. And may you both have as much happy and loving time together as possible.

Likeradar's avatar

@whatthefluther Beautiful, beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it. My eyes welled up a little reading it… I wish you both a happy, loving life together.

augustlan's avatar

Sherry sounds like a wonderful human being to spend the rest of your life with. You are both so lucky to have found one another! May your time together be full of blessings, as the both of you have surely blessed us. Love and lurve to both of you. <3

Dog's avatar

@whatthefluther It makes this thread all the more special.

I understand tragic and senseless death of a lover and the rebirth of love from ashes when all hope was long dismissed.

May this new chapter of your lives be the best years.

sccrowell's avatar

OMG !!!!! I’m bawling now < tears are pouring(sp) >. Would someone please tell me how to turn off these tears… And for the record, I learned of this just minutes before you, my new fluther brother’s and sister’s…
Gosh, now you will understand just why I love “whatthefluther” so very much!!!!

ru2bz46's avatar

I’m speechless.

Dog's avatar

@sccrowell Do not forget to drink lots of water. :)

jrpowell's avatar

we love him too

aprilsimnel's avatar

Bless you both, from the bottom of my heart.

AstroChuck's avatar

@aprilsimnel- And not the heart of your bottom.

sccrowell's avatar

@AstroChuck? Have you answered my question yet?

chyna's avatar

Wow, just… wow.

TaoSan's avatar

aaaaaah my substitute family! :)))))))))

I’m still feeding off this!

jonsblond's avatar

I really love this thread! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D

Dog's avatar

@Tao- is that new dashing avatar your formal wedding attire avitar? :)

bythebay's avatar

@whatthefluther: Your description of your journey to love with Sherry is more beautiful than any soliloquy ever disclosed. Honest, raw, full of love and not always perfect; it’s just real life with real love. No matter the path you took to find each other, it will no doubt be strewn with both roses and thorns in the future. I have no doubts about your ability to care for each other along the way. Amazing.

skfinkel's avatar

Isn’t this the kind of inspirational story the New York Times covers on it “marriages” page? It’s real, it’s extraordinary, it’s touching, it shows love and humanity, and it’s great fun for many people who were made a part of this story.

essieness's avatar

This thread goes down in the Fluther memes, right? Oh, and I’m “Digging” this page.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@AstroChuck – Oh, good heavens, no!

cak's avatar

Wow. That just made this all the more touching. Just when you think the story doesn’t get anymore touching and loving. A story of wonderful people, just what everyone needs to hear.

TaoSan's avatar


Ha! No way, of course I’ll dig out a suit LOL

Dog's avatar

So has a date been set yet? It is not that I am putting pressure on the happy couple of course- but that if there is going to be a Fluther ceremony I do not want to miss it. Thus since I am heading to NY for a few days I need to know if I should pack the laptop or not.:)

Strauss's avatar

@sccrowell and @whatthefluther May I sing at your wedding?

jrpowell's avatar

Ha.. I have been visiting this all day when I needed to be cheered up.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; Puttin’ on my top hat, puttin’ on my white tie, puttin on my tails. Oh, wait. I already have one. In any case, I am ready and take up less room (and don’t drink) than most of the flutherites. I have packed my suitcase, mouse jerky and catnip and am eager to see CA.

janbb's avatar

I think Milo’s presence at the wedding would just be great. He can be the Fluther representative! Such a party animal!

elijah's avatar

@gailcalled Milo should jump out of the cake.

cookieman's avatar

We should all be watching the various wedding shows on cable to gear up for the big day.

@elijah, what are your favorites?

gailcalled's avatar

Well, Rooeytoo has designed a fetching little tutu and satin ballet slippers for Milo. Now he needs only a muzzle and I need gauntlets for dressing him.

AstroChuck's avatar

@sccrowell- I wear shorts 365 days a year, and I have very sexy, muscular, tanned legs.
But I promise to wear regular dress slacks when I marry you two.

TaoSan's avatar


Better hope he’s not shedding….lol
Don’t smoke!!!!

cookieman's avatar

something about the image of a little boy describing his “very sexy, muscular, tanned legs” is just wrong on many levels.

sccrowell's avatar

Hiiiiii Ashley!!!!

thetypicalusername's avatar

Congratulations mom and Gary! I’m so happy for the two of you and I love you both so very much. Gary? Are you ready for a new daughter, grandchild (in the making…literally), and son-in-law??? :DDDDDD

Hi mom :) I fell asleep as soon as we got home from the beach and didn’t read it as I promised. So, I jumped on first thing this morning. It made me cry :*)

sccrowell's avatar

Thank you sweetheart!!! I’m still crying too… Well, there goes your anonymity, LOL

TaoSan's avatar

You are “Frizzer Killers” Yaaaaaaay!

Dog's avatar

Awesome! The family is starting to arrive!

@thetypicalusername Welcome to Fluther!

cookieman's avatar

Wow, the family is getting here early for the wedding.

Bendrew will have to make up the spare bedrooms.

Likeradar's avatar

@cprevite Maybe they’ll be good hosts and actually make us all that guac they promised…

TaoSan's avatar

oh, and by the way, after 293 positive responses and the observed outcome, finally, an answer to the OQ:

Yes, Fluther is definitely an appropriate medium for proposing! ;)

Dog's avatar

Yay! Guac + Tao and Milo entertaining! This is great!

cookieman's avatar

Hey, they need a band (at least virtually). Any musicians here in Fluther-ville?

I know about Jack79 – anyone else?

Dog's avatar

@aboywithboobs was in a band!

cookieman's avatar

OK, so that’s two. What instrument does he play. I think Jack79 plays guitar.

Let’s build the Fluther wedding band!

Jack79: Guitar
aboywithboobs (is this name right?): ???

Allie's avatar

It’s Aboynamedboobs03, and he plays the guitar.

cookieman's avatar

@Allie: There ya go…

OK, so the Fluther Wedding Band (working title) they’ll need a name when we’re done.

Jack79: Guitar
Aboynamedboobs03: Guitar

Allie's avatar

@cprevite: Refresh the page.

TaoSan's avatar

I’ll whip out the Lederhosen and sing German “Volksmusik” HAHA!

Allie's avatar

I’m a go on the triangle, the tambourine, the maracas, or any other instrument that requires little skill.

cookieman's avatar

Jack79: Guitar
Aboynamedboobs03: Guitar
Allie: Percussion
TaoSan: Comic Relief

OK, who else?...

Knotmyday's avatar

HOW DID I MISS THIS?????????????????????????

Congratulations, you young punks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Knotmyday's avatar

For a large wedding gift? just wondering

Knotmyday's avatar

ps, it needs work…pm incoming…

sccrowell's avatar

@yetanotheruser said he’d sing!! Do you think we’ll need backup singers as well?
BTW, I never knew I could ever feel so many emotions, in such a short period of time…
I had a perpetual smile on my face, that is when I’m not bawling my eyes out because of something one of you have said that moved me to tears. WoW!

cookieman's avatar

OK, update:

yetanotheruser: Lead Vocals
Jack79: Guitar
Aboynamedboobs03: Guitar
Allie: Percussion
TaoSan: Comic Relief

@sccrowell: You can never have too many back-up singers. Bring ‘em on.

and for Pete’s sake sister…stop crying. Your going to dehydrate. ;^)

janbb's avatar

I make mean brownies and carrot cake. I can do some desserts.

TaoSan's avatar

believe me, seeing me in Lederhosen is no relieve at all LOL

chyna's avatar

I can lipsynch but that’s about it.

jonsblond's avatar

Blondesjon plays guitar but it looks like you have enough guitar players. He does a great Frank Sinatra impression! My son also plays jazz flute. Will that work?

Oooh! I can play cowbell!

cookieman's avatar

Nah, we can have one more guitar.

OK, the jonsblondesjon trio is in.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo plays the scratching post, but boy, does he have rhythym. He’s tuning it right now.

whatthefluther's avatar

I play a mean…...................wait, I think I’m busy that day. Sorry.

elijah's avatar

@Knotmyday If you’re giving away cars, I’m getting married too!!

I offer my bartending skills, everyones going to need a drink after seeing @TaoSan in lederhosen.
My my, look at those sexy knees! Don’t smoke!

Dog's avatar

I play gutair, harmonica and limited violin. I refuse to sing.

cookieman's avatar

So Dog is on harmonica (I think we have enough guitars).

Dog's avatar

@cprevite Agreed- Guitars are well represented.

When not needed in the band I will take photos but am suggesting that @DarkScribe be the main photographer.

Allie's avatar

Will there be an open bar? Not that that will be the place I’ll be hanging out or anything.

Edit: Oh who am I kidding? Yes it will be. My percussionist abilities may get increasingly better as the evening progresses. Or increasingly entertaining at least.

chyna's avatar

^^Hanging with Allie.

Dog's avatar

Someone check to be sure @sccrowell is not dehydrated.

SuperMouse's avatar

Daloon is a musician as is tennesseejac (although he hasn’t been around for a while). I can’t sing, or play an instrument, or even dance for that matter, I am can give a very enthusiastic round of applause to the happy couple. I really like the idea of Milo jumping out of the cake.

gailcalled's avatar

@SuperMouse: Milo here; that’s fine with me.

chyna's avatar

@gailcalled Milo is beautiful! Love the beret.

cookieman's avatar

@Allie: Well @elijah us tending bar. @Elijah is it open bar?

@daloon: What do you play? We could use a keyboard/piano player and a drummer.

Dog's avatar

@gailcalled- that Milo is a handsome fellow!

elijah's avatar

If we’re gonna do this, let’s do it right. Open bar! Top shelf!*

*for people wearing fluther T shirts.

TaoSan's avatar

ooompah here ooompah here, Tao and a gootes Beer!

ru2bz46's avatar

@cprevite I believe @boots plays bass for a band. I can play the radio.

cookieman's avatar

So we have:

yetabotherloser: lead vocals
Jack79: guitar
blondesjon: guitar & vocals
Aboynamedboobs03: guitar
boots: bass
Allie: percussion
jonsblond: cow bell
Dog: harmonica
jonsblondesjonson: flute
TaoSan: comic relief

We just need a drummer and maybe some keyboards and we’re ready to rock.

cookieman's avatar

Also, we have elijah tending bar and janbb on pastry.

Anyone a chef?

AstroChuck's avatar

@cprevite- I could play drums and percussion, but it might be a bit difficult if I’m performing the service.

cookieman's avatar

@AstroChuck: s’okay, no need for drums during the ceremony. You’ll be free for the reception – so AstroChuck on drums.

Judi's avatar

Remember to ask the bride what she wants when you make these plans!

cookieman's avatar

@Judi: No worries – we are simply presenting this to her for consideration.

besides, she’s too dehydrated to make decisions right now

shrubbery's avatar

I can do keyboards if there’s no one else!
You’d have to give me enough time to learn the music though.
And you’d have to fly me over there. Or hey, like I said, everyone come over here…!

Darwin's avatar

I can sing, especially if you do any Broadway show tunes or any Christian rock. And I can sing tenor, alto, or soprano (and if I have a cold, bass).

cookieman's avatar

I N T R O D U C I N G…
For Your Listening Pleasure
we hope
the Virtual Fluther Funk Band

yetanotheruser: lead vocals
Darwin: vocals
Jack79: guitar
blondesjon: guitar & vocals
Aboynamedboobs03: guitar
boots: bass
Allie: percussion
jonsblonde: cow bell
AstroChuck: drums
Dog: harmonica
jonsblondesjonson: flute
shrubbery: keyboards
TaoSan: comic relief

Uh! Hey! GetDownNow…

ok, I’m beat. @elijah and @janbb can take over food service.

oh, Christ! Who’s on flowers?

Greenwriter's avatar

Congratulations you guys.



augustlan's avatar

I think Daloon plays the trumpet… and he dances. Judi’s son has a band, too!

Strauss's avatar

Just make sure the stage is very near the bar!

Strauss's avatar

And a funk band can never have too many guitars!

whatthefluther's avatar

to all….This is shaping up to be quite a party. We are tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 29th and hope to confirm by this Monday. This seems like a good date since many of you may already have plans for the long Memorial Day weekend (05/23–25), it’s a day Sherry may be able to realistically get off from work and being a Friday, it’ll give everyone an entire weekend to party (and maybe even recover). We’ll be in touch.

@Greenwriter…Riser!!! It is great to see you back. I have fond memories of some pretty wild threads on which we shared responses. What a wonderful idea for a webservice. I remember some years ago going to that photocopy business in Studio City (the one on Vineland or Lankershim with the dinosaur on their marquee board… they catered to the industry) to get my medical records copied and watched in awe as tree after tree wound up in stack after stack of screenplays/scripts/book drafts/stories/etc., most unfortunately destined for the landfills by recycling-unconscious producers/publishers/etc.. I wish you much success (and lots of saved trees) with your website. PM me your coffeehouse schedule for your mug give-away and I’ll do my best to catch up with you and buy you a cup of coffee! Again, welcome back…I look forward to your continuing active participation on fluther. See you around…wtf

cak's avatar

I have no musical talents…outside of singing in the shower. I’ll not volunteer; however, I am great at being a wedding guest and love giving gifts! @sccrowell, I cry, too!

Hey, I used to be a wedding planner, but this one seems to be taking care of itself!

sccrowell's avatar

Oh myyyyy… I just wanted to leave a quick note to my wonderful family, I apologize for not having responded to each of you. I promise to catch up tomorrow, so please be patient.
Love you! Muah(bigkiss)

Dog's avatar

@Riser! WB!

Looks like we are all shaping up to an awesome celebration to honor one of the most romantic weddings I have witnessed.

elijah's avatar

@cprevite @casheroo ‘s hubby is a chef, maybe she can offer a little “incentive” to get him to participate.

cookieman's avatar

There ya go…now we have a food team:

elijah: tending bar
janbb: pastry
caheroo-hubby: chef
casheroo: ::ahem:: moral support

cookieman's avatar

and @mcbealer wants to handle the vegetarian fare.

gee, I hope the actual wedding plans are going as smoothly as these virtual ones ;^)

casheroo's avatar

@cprevite lol moral support? what does that include?
I used to work at a banquet facility as a server for weddings. I’d prefer not to do any work like that though, because I’d rather be a guest. I’ll sit with all the children and entertain them. That’s a real job!
Hubby would gladly be a chef for a wedding, he could gather a team of other chefs quite easily :)

casheroo's avatar

oh and flowers should be left up to the bride, I went all Martha Stewart on my flowers, it was so much fun.

cookieman's avatar

@casheroo: You did your flowers from prison?!

casheroo's avatar

@cprevite lol! no, I took my theme off the cover of a magazine of Marth Stewart Weddings

Dr_C's avatar

Hey…. for the fluther wedding band… i play guitar and sing…. can i join?

chyna's avatar

@Dr_C You would be most welcome to join. This band is going to be the best ever.

cookieman's avatar

@Dr_C: Sure thing. As @Yetanotheruser said, “a funk band can never have too many guitars!”. And we should throw in @daloon on trumpet. Funk needs horns.

@chyna: Absolutely. Best wedding band ever.

gailcalled's avatar

@all; MIlo here;

Well, If I can’t be in the band, perhaps I could dance.

Costume (and red beret) courtesy of rooeytoo.

Milo en pointe.

Strauss's avatar

Many many guitars, 6-part vocal harmonies, a symphonic horn section if need be, and a good solid rhythm section…what the funk!

Add some interpretive ballet by the one and only Milo!

Food fit for royalty

What a party!

casheroo's avatar

@gailcalled is that Milo? hahaha

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey, Milo! You’d make a great ringbearer!

SuperMouse's avatar

@casheroo be thankful you were tapped for moral support, my offer of a round of applause was summarily ignored! Don’t forget, every band needs its groupies!

cookieman's avatar

@SuperMouse: I was actually picturing you, augustlan, bythebay, and asmonet as back-up dancers. “The Flutherettes”

Milo doing and interpretive dance number sounds good too.

AstroChuck's avatar

Ooh. Shake your jellies, girls!

SuperMouse's avatar

@cprevite, you have redeemed yourself well Grasshopper, you ask me to dance at this amazing shindig, and dance I shall….

mcbealer's avatar

<——this gnome loves shindigs
in fact, all my friends thought I coined the phrase in the seventh grade, ha ha

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m not much for singing
but I’m great at taking care of drunk people and making sure the wedding stays on course

SuperMouse's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir you are officially invited to join The Flutherettes.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@SuperMouse is that the band? or the wedding planners group, lol?

SuperMouse's avatar

The Flutherettes are highly skilled group of dancers who will perform at the ceremony.

chyna's avatar

Cake? What about the cake? Who is making the cake?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@SuperMouse oh, you bet, I can dance for sure…did for over a decade…what kind of dancing are we talking? I can do the wedding belly dance or a nice argentine tango number that I can choreograph for the couple

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@chyna heh, i don’t who’s making it but i’ll be in charge of eating it

EmpressPixie's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir: I’ll join you in a wedding belly-dance. I believe there are a number of other belly-dancers about as well.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I am in for the belly dance. However, one thing cprevite didn’t ask before my recruitment was whether I can dance. I can’t. So hopefully you and EmpressPixie can teach me.

ru2bz46's avatar

Ooh, @SuperMouse, that’s hot. If you can dance like that, I’m all yours!

AstroChuck's avatar

Do the Flutherites need a pole? I could provide that.
This is shaping up to be one hell of a shindig!

chyna's avatar

I want to be one of the dancers!

Judi's avatar

I haven’t seen soapchef since she got a job. Maybe she’ll bake a cake!

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Harp can make another amazing cake! I’d link a picture if I wasn’t on my iPod.

bythebay's avatar

I’m thrilled to be a Flutherette; whatever shall our costumes be?

cookieman's avatar

OK, add @chyna in as a Flutherette.

I’m thinking torquoise, iridescent dresses with a little tassle fringe (jelly-like) and y’all should wear little round, bookish glasses.

cookieman's avatar

So with @Harp on cake, we’re good with food.

Still need flowers – anyone a florist?

AstroChuck's avatar

@cpcrevite- Turquoise dresses? No, no, no. I’m thinking sequined g-strings and pasties with tassels.

cookieman's avatar

@AstroChuck: Dude, it’s a wedding – not the bachelor party.

You can plan that though

fireside's avatar

We’ll need a couple of stationary cameras and a bunch of people to go into the crowd and record interviews, ceremony, band, etc… Then I’ll take all the footage and edit it together into a dvd.

The Fluther Funk Wedding Jam Featuring:

Gary and Sherry

The Virtual Fluther Funk Band
The Flutherettes

Astrochuck’s Afterparty

MacBean's avatar

I wonder how many people saw this question and thought “What the hell? NO!” before clicking and seeing exactly what was going on…

bythebay's avatar

@fireside & @cprevite: Kudos for your creativity
@AstroChuck: Just Wow for your fashion choices! ;P

Are we Flutherettes just back-up dancers, or do we sing as well? I’ve also wanted to do back up on ‘Midnight Train to Georgia’. We could change the lyrics to ‘Midnight train to Fluther’.

cookieman's avatar

@bythebay: Thanks for the kudos. This is too much fun.

And if ya got the pipes, we could always use back-up singers.

bythebay's avatar

@cprevite: Pipes? I don’t know about pipes, but I can hold my own. Nobody runs screaming when I sing. Plus, we Flutherettes will harmonize quite beautifully, I’m sure!

elijah's avatar

I’ve been known to dance on my bar….. but I don’t think it’s that type of party. or is it? I see we have tassles and a pole now

cookieman's avatar

@bythebay: Like angels.

@elijah: Those ::ahem:: accessories, are for AstoChuck’s Afterparty. (as coined by @fireside)
Do you juggle bottles a la Cocktail.

elijah's avatar

@cprevite No, I can’t juggle but occassionally I jiggle.
May I suggest T-n-A with AC!

SuperMouse's avatar

The only thing I am worse at than dancing is singing, so I’ll just lip sync.

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey, do we really need to wait until the wedding to have this afterparty?

lefteh's avatar

I’m free tonight..

Strauss's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir , a tango it shall be. I’ll be sure to strap it on—my accordion, that is!

@flutherettes, looks like we got a full backup choir with full choreography and costumes.

This has the makings of a musical better than anything Rodgers & Hammerstein, or Andrew Lloyd Weber, or High School Musical 1, 2, and 3 combined!

aprilsimnel's avatar

I can sing! I wear glasses!

Dog's avatar

I think the Bride to be and Groom are hauntingly silent.

bythebay's avatar

@Dog, maybe they’re at the store registering for “stuff”!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Dog or doing other stuff to celebrate, ahem

ru2bz46's avatar

Quiet guys, she’s crafting a response…

sccrowell's avatar

HI EVERYONE!!!!! I haven’t had time. Right now I’m at work pretending to work. I’ve only had time to GA everyone, but then I read @cprevite‘s Belly Dancing Q, and was about to ask, what you mean, NO POLES??? Then I read @AstroChuck‘s response, and started laughing out loud… Talk about getting busted at work…. Gosh, I want to go home… I have soo many thngs

Dog's avatar

YAY! All is well!

Now about the open bar… :)

whatthefluther's avatar

@Dog…Fully stocked (within reason), open bar…I’d have it no other way for my guests.

@sccrowell…I sure hope you are on your way home…I miss you.

to all…Look for date confirmation tomorrow. See you around…wtf

sccrowell's avatar

Okay, this really sucks. Hey babe oh shot!!‘n. Car rolling over on I-5, oh my god, if u believe in god please say prayer

sccrowell's avatar

Oh my gosh

ru2bz46's avatar

Prayer said. Are you OK?

sccrowell's avatar

Thank you @ru2bz46… I was driving home, the freeway at a standstill southbound due to new accident,

sccrowell's avatar

hell, firetrucks and paramedics already on scene when a car rolled over… S%#t… I couldn’t beleive it!

Judi's avatar

I think they should register at, them we could all buy gifts sent to them through the fluther link.

sccrowell's avatar

Sorry, I didn’t mean to put a damper on our Reception!!! I guess u should make dinner and get started on all my replies…. I have many!!! Question? Who’s willing to give me away? Question #2, Is there a limit to Bridesmaids and Matron of honors?

sccrowell's avatar

WoW we just had an 4.7 mag

AstroChuck's avatar

It’s been upgraded to a 5.0. Fortunately, nobody hurt.

Judi's avatar

didn’t feel a thing up here in Bakersfield.

cak's avatar

WOW! I’m glad you guys are okay. I’m on the East Coast, we don’t get that here.

Judi's avatar

we don’t get tornadoes or hurricanes here, so it’s all good.

Judi's avatar

@sccrowell ; Were you fluthering while driving?

ru2bz46's avatar

We get the occasional tornado in Northern California. Glad you’re OK @sccrowell!

Dog's avatar

I am still in NY and was awakened by an alert about the earthquake back home. Hoping it was not too bad- my spouse has never experienced one so I am not sure how he will react. The kids know what to do though.

wundayatta's avatar

I will bring my trumpet and flugelhorn for the funk band. If you want to do some world music, there are a few other things I could bring.

cookieman's avatar

@daloon: Excellent. Horns are essential for a proper funk band.

Re: the 5.0 quake. Apparently the first-ever Fluther proposal rocked the world.

essieness's avatar

Funk band, belly dancers… this thing is gonna be awesome! What about blackjack and hookers? Just kidding

By the way, apparently Dallas had a minor earthquake on Saturday. Very random.

sccrowell's avatar

Ohhhh @Cprevite I just reread the awesome Band you and so many others put together. Geezzz, I will never be able to thank you or show how happy you all made me feel….

Dog's avatar

That party was so awesome I am still hung over!

chyna's avatar

And what do I do with this garter belt I caught?

gailcalled's avatar

@chyna: Look over the hill and see whether Lochinvar is approaching.

sccrowell's avatar


Grisaille's avatar

No, fluther is NOT the appropriate medium for proposing marriage! Have you seen the skeezy bastards around these parts? Nothing but godless liberals!

* spits *

…Oh, wuzzat? He’s proposed already?

Huh? They’re already happily married?!

Oh, well, shit.

I missed this thread the first time around, for some reason or another. I have visited… but it seems I never commented (shame on me). I don’t think I really got to extend my congratulations.

You both make my shriveled heart go pitter patter. Though I should be throwing you a party, I instead want to thank you for giving us this gift; the opportunity to see all of this.

Thank you.

And congratulations.

whatthefluther's avatar

@Grisaille….Thank you very much for the kind words. Actually the question had been shut down from additional comment for quite some time. Maybe it was because we were working with @PnL on the interview, but I wouldn’t know. You see, Andrew shut it down and notified Sherry of his action, probably shared his reason and told her to contact him if/when she wanted to reopen the question. I, the poser of the question, was never notified. But I’m used to it. When we both returned from a hiatus, Sherry received PMs from Bendrew welcoming her back and noting that they missed her. I did not receive a note of any kind. It seems Bendrew and sferik are suckers for a pretty face and their actions (or lack thereof) confirm the report that I have heard since I joined, that all three gentlemen are adamantly anti-pegasi.
Thanks again. See ya…Gary/wtf/lower class jelly

Grisaille's avatar

I’m a lower class jelly, too. Does that make us… ahemsurfs?

Not a problem. You and I have many a correspondence back and forth, so this was just a “formal” thank you/congrats.

And hey, we’re all suckers for a pretty face. Can’t blame ‘em.

cyndyh's avatar

If you guys can be surfs without being serfs then I’m your fan. :^>

Cheers, Gary. I’m glad you’re back, too.

andrew's avatar

Wait, you’re surprised that we’re suckers for a pretty face? Oh, please, gary, the only reason we let you on the site is because sccrowell begged us. Now, where is she?

Also, the reason we archived the discussion for a bit was because we were concerned about graffiti in case it got a media hit.

Grisaille's avatar

Makes sense.

gailcalled's avatar

@andrew: But Gary has the best Fluther hairdo, bar none. Even wilder than Bendrew’s.

jsammons's avatar

I know it’s late but congratulations! May you have a happy life together!

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m so late, it’s unforgiveable. Congratulations to both of you and here’s wishing you a long, prosperous, and wonderful life together!

MissAnthrope's avatar

You know, I was watching this thread as it unfolded and I could’ve sworn I chimed in. I think I must have had to leave the computer suddenly, but whatever the case, I wish you both some very, very belated congratulations! :)

cookieman's avatar

Whoa!! This thread is open again?!?!

Dose this mean The Fabulous Fluther Funk Band is back in action?

and I won a “Cake in the Frizzer* award. How cool.

chyna's avatar

@cprevite Don’t forget I was one of the dancers in the Fabulous Fluther Funk Band. Don’t start practice without me.

gailcalled's avatar

@chyna I told you that the red tulle and gauzy wings would come in handy.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I want this question to get 100 GAs
let’s go people

chyna's avatar

@gailcalled I snorted on that one! GA

gailcalled's avatar

@chyna: I bet that Molly has washed, dried and pressed the entire outfit for you.

jlm11f's avatar

removed by me due to duplicate post

Dog's avatar

Heeeyyy! The party continues! Awesome!
Lets get some tunes going!

Grisaille's avatar

I miss gary.

Dr_C's avatar

me too

augustlan's avatar

Me three.

Dog's avatar

Me four.

arnbev959's avatar

I love Gary.

Dog's avatar

I love Gary too.

rooeytoo's avatar

Seems like he was here not too long ago, do you think he is having a bad spell?

augustlan's avatar

He was actually on tonight, at least briefly. I believe he said he isn’t able to be on as much, so a bad spell is definitely a possibility. :(

Dr_C's avatar

Maybe not a bad spell… any guy that was married to such a beautiful woman would certainly spend more time on her than on fluther.

delirium's avatar


jonsblond's avatar

Gary and Sherry sittin in a tree…

Darwin's avatar


Judi's avatar

Are we revisiting this post as part of the “treasure hunt?” It seems like a lot of old posts are popping back up again.

rooeytoo's avatar

I received a cake in the frizzer award and then it was rescinded. So who knows????
I just stopped in here because it showed up in my list (and of course so I don’t miss anything exciting)

tandra88's avatar

Ironically, every post here has a GA here!
Congrats though!
Wait, has the wedding happened yet!?
I wanted to give some my famous Popcorn balls!

Dog's avatar

The wedding was months ago- and the reception parties on!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Fluther is an appropriate medium for just about anything as long as it is below Rated R.

Jude's avatar

Happy, happy! Joy, joy! Couldn’t have happened to a nicer couple!

bhec10's avatar

Wow! Beautiful example of what fluther can do :)

Congratulations @whatthefluther and @sccrowell !!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

112 GAs woo hoo!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Judi yes! I got too excited

rangerr's avatar

I’m sad I missed this in real time. But goodness, did I squeal the entire time I read it.
Congrats, guys!

tinyfaery's avatar

Awwwww. How did I miss this? I suck. Boo…

Dog's avatar

@tinyfaery I would lurve you but it feels wrong lurving “I suck”

augustlan's avatar

I lurved her anyway. Suck and all. :P

avvooooooo's avatar

I love this thread. Too bad I was recovering from having my tonsils out when this all went down. :(

Jude's avatar

Hmm, I think that I’m gonna lurve her, too.

tinyfaery's avatar

ooOooh…it feels sorta kinky.

Darwin's avatar

Oh, boy! You guys are having a lurve in!

rangerr's avatar

@Darwin Will the married couple join? I’m anxious.

Dog's avatar

It is a lurvely party in here.

avvooooooo's avatar

@Dog… Not til the 29th I think.

Strauss's avatar

Stat with a reunion of…

The Virtual Fluther Funk Band!

yetanotheruser: lead vocals
Darwin: vocals
Jack79: guitar
blondesjon: guitar & vocals
Aboynamedboobs03: guitar
boots: bass
Allie: percussion
jonsblonde: cow bell
AstroChuck: drums
Dog: harmonica
jonsblondesjonson: flute
shrubbery: keyboards
TaoSan: comic relief

Dr_C's avatar

@Yetanotheruser… I feel left out! No guitar and vocals for me?

Judi's avatar

I wanna sing too!!

Strauss's avatar

@Dr_C The list is not exclusive, just a starting point. always room for more guitars in a funk band, and we can go with 10,000,000-part harmonies if we want. We’re that versatile!

Rock on @Dr_C !

Judi's avatar

Maybe I’ll just be a go go girl. :-(

Strauss's avatar

@Judi You go-go, girl!

Do we need a go-go cage?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Wait! ::puts hair in beehive, grabs tambourine:: Ahem. OK, give me a Dmaj7. Lalala lalala laaaaaaaaa…!

rooeytoo's avatar

I will bring a didgeridoo to add an aussie touch and maybe clapsticks too.

cyndyh's avatar

I play several instruments. Do you have room for a sax player?

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@Yetanotheruser hahaha “jonsblonde: cow bell.” Awesome.

markyy's avatar

I don’t play any instruments (sad isn’t it) so I’ll be the only audience. Should I grow my hair for some headbanging?

@omfgTALIjustIMDu We need more @jonsblond?

jonsblond's avatar

I’d be doing myself a disservice and every member of this band, if I didn’t perform the HELL out of this!

One, two, three, four…

Strauss's avatar

A-five and a-six

Dog's avatar

@NewZen Did you just accept @whatthefluther‘s proposal? ;)

markyy's avatar

@self You snooze you lose. If you like it than you should have put a ring on it. Anyway, have fun with your little ménage à Zen.

markyy's avatar

*Then.. I hate myself, and the edit function..

rooeytoo's avatar

@Dog – good one! I sure they would make a lovely couple, but Sherry might be a little put off!

fireside's avatar

116 GQs for this thread!
That’s great!

Jude's avatar

Who’s going to bake the rather large jelly wedding cake? (remnants of said cake will definitely need to be stored in the frizzer)

Judi's avatar

@jmah, dou you think the cake is in the frizzer at their house?

MacBean's avatar

Aww, lookit you people, still trying to get the Cake in the Frizzer award. Don’t give up! <3

RedMosquitoMM's avatar

This is pretty fantastic.

cookieman's avatar

Yup…it’s one of the classics.

Steve_A's avatar

Oh wow I am late! lol just found this how cool! congrats to both!!! Great Question indeed!!!

Dr_C's avatar

I never get tired of this thread. I miss you guys! Hope everything is well @whatthefluther & @sccrowell!!!!! We love you guys!

augustlan's avatar

Where have these two wandered off to, now? Missing them!

rangerr's avatar

I don’t wanna know what they are doing :)

Strauss's avatar

can you say “honey moon”?

chyna's avatar

They are on a honeymoon? Yea!

Strauss's avatar

@chyna I think that’s how rumors get started

whatthefluther's avatar

Well dear friends….as you may know, I am rather persistent and remain undaunted in pursuit of important endeavors, but this latest scheme took a bit of time and lots of crafty manipulation (such as getting the corporation which employed Sherry to go bankrupt yet provide her a nice severance and both of us some rather fine luxury items at below clearance prices as it closed its doors), but I have finally obtained Sherry’s undivided attention, 24/7, so actually, the honeymoon has just begun. And, truth is, we have not felt compelled to include traditional travel to secure an atmosphere of romance and passion. So, we have both been away from our beloved fluther (as well as countless mundane activities), enjoying each other and life itself to the extreme. So, tho we promise we will not continue to be strangers to fluther, we also enthusiastically advise that we have just embarked upon a magnificent honeymoon of eternal romance that is certain to last a lifetime. However, as always, I will do my very best to periodically provide updates.
See ya…..Gary/wtf

Dog's avatar

I sooo LOVE this question! It never ceases to make me smile!

chyna's avatar

This story just keeps getting better.

Strauss's avatar

@whatthefluther God to hear from you, Gary. I was starting to wonder…!

richardhenry's avatar

@whatthefluther Aw. :) I wish you both the best, truly.

augustlan's avatar

Thanks for the update. We love you both, and want you to enjoy every minute together!

cookieman's avatar

Well this deserves a toast!

Hip Hip Hooray!

Have fun you two.

Arp's avatar

Awww :D

This discussion has been archived.

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