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What is the cheapest and safest country/city to visit, and how much money would you save to spend a week there?
For example, lets say someone from the UK decided to book a vacation to new york city in about a month from now and they asked me how much a vacation like that would cost, just to stay in nice-ish hotel and eat some good food, nothing too fancy. I’d say, “eh, probably about $2700 more or less.”
I’d tell him that because:
- The flight would be around 1000 dollars (more or less a hundred or two depending on how lucky).
- An average (not fancy but not dumpy) hotel would probably be $200 a night x 6 = $1200
- You’d probably spend around $50–100 a day on food, activities, subway and taxi rides, and going out (alcohol), so lets average it to $70/day so lets say you’d need about $490, or round it up to 500, just for spending.
So in total – 1000 (flight) + 1200 (hotel) + 500 (spending) = $2700 for a week in New York for someone from out of the country. This is not an exact number by the way, but just an estimate.
Anyways, back to my question: are there any countries like this that are relatively safe, great to travel to, and have a really LOW “per week” cost that includes round trip flight, food, drink, and maybe a couple activities? What’s the cheapest country you have ever visited and how much do you think you spent on the entire outing? (i’m not including hostels, I want to get an idea of what an actual decent hotel costs to get a better idea of what kind of money is spent there)
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