I got kicked out of kindergarten for breaking windows (I just wanted to see if the pebbles would bounce off the windows). They threw me out of third grade because I was too radical. After that, I was home schooled by wolves in the artic tundra.
Later on, I served time in a brothel. I was the iron boy. As in ironing; get your minds out of the gutter. And no, I didn’t get any freebies. They gelded me.
Later on, after my ball reinsertion (not something I recommend, as it is somewhat painful), I signed on to a pirate ship off of Sumatra. By that time, I spoke some seventeen languages; 18 if you count wolf.
Once I was given an IQ test, but I flunked. I think it was because I was answering the questions upside down. I mean, no one gets a zero, right?
Finally, I found a school that would take me in. Funny thing, though. This school had a big old wooden door, and if you rapped on the thing lightly, no one could hear you, so you had to hit it really hard. They called it “The School of Hard Knox,” because of the gold bullion stored in the basement. And no, I didn’t get any free samples.
Once I tried for a Ph.D. in whistling, but the school, once again,refused to take me in. I think it was my tattoos, although they said I didn’t do well enough on the tests. I thought I did fine on the GED. I even got one question right!
So there you have it. My opinion is basically worthless. I have no education. I’ve never held a legal job. And my experience is all generally considered immoral. It’s no wonder everybody lurves me!