Will you tell me about the last time life threw you a major curve ball and you just thought 'wtf, holy hell'?
I think I might be pregnant again with my oldest being only 3 mo. We used protection and this can not happen, I know, but my period’s very late and I’m going to the doctor tonight…I did not, in a million years, expect to be dealing with this decision now…I’ve just been in a daze all day…
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Well if so at least they’ll be close in age.. oo
Wow, @simone_de_beauvoir! Congrats! You’d be able to handle whatever comes your way with style and confidence, I’m sure.
For me, the biggest curve ball I can remember is my apartment flooding last summer. It was a disaster. Could have been worse, of course, but was still pretty freaking bad. Then, my car got stolen less than 6 months later. Good times.
Luckily, I have a great friends and a laid back attitude about most things. I had 2 days of being an emotional mess after the flood, and about 15 minutes of panic before the maniacal laughter set in when the car was stolen.
Sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches. And yes congratulations if you are ^-^ kids are amazing : )
When my house lost $150,000 in value and still falling. I owe way more than it’s worth.
@SDB, are you nursing? That would make your period wacko
could just be stress, happens all the time.
@Judi I am, but not exclusively
and I’ve had 2 periods since birth, solid, 28 days apart
Basically in my life I’ve only been late 3 x
2 babies, 1 miscarriage
@LKidKyle1985 it is possible; I had a LOT Of stress last week, more than normal
Happens all the time when you have a disabled and ailing husband, a bipolar son and a teenage daughter.
Just this week I got hit with a $700 vet bill and a $1300 car bill for my daughter’s car, a court hearing, my son’s ARD meeting, and a letter from Adult Protective Services about my son. And I got my tax refund, which has vanished before I even have deposited it, thanks to the first two events.
May as well laugh, because if you cry your nose hurts, and these things will still have happened.
I’m not pregnant, but I haven’t had my “monthly fun time” in 6 MONTHS! I went to a doc. Just stress..
my mother just told me it happened to her a few times after she was pregnant. Your body is probably just straightening itself out.
@Loried2008 it would be unusual but it is possible, I suppose
yes I’m not normal x) people continue to tell me I’m lucky
@Loried2008 oh it’s fine
i hope you get your stress reduced
i don’t mind my periods
me too! I’m startin to get a lil freaked out Oo
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – A friend of mine and his wife had life all planned out. They were going to wait two years after the wedding and then have a boy, followed in due course by a girl. Instead, 8 months after the wedding she gave birth to a little girl prematurely, then within one month she got pregnant with twin girls that were born at 6 months, meaning she had three infants to care for all at once.
They went on to try twice more for the boy, and succeeded with try number five. However, out of the four girls and one boy they have, they couldn’t pick a favorite. They love them all.
Hopefully you are not pregnant right now but can become so whenever you want to. However, if you are pregnant it will turn out that this will be a special child, just like your others.
Let us know how things turn out.
Becoming pregnant on birth control pills backed up with a diaphragm. Twice.
Good luck with this, living with the power of choices doesn’t necessarily make them easy or comfortable.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir My periods were perfect after I had my son, then at 18 months they got all sorts of crazy! I used to only ever miss a period if I was pregnant, but now I’m having upwards of 65 days cycles! So, your body might be just figuring things out. Hopefully
…hey simone, beautiful things happen when we least expect them to…
@BookReader yes, of course, the baby would be a beautiful thing
my other 2 are but now?!!! when the other one’s still breastfeeding?!! I just did this!!! lol
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I hope things work out the way you want them to work out!
Yes, while my life seems like nothing except for curve balls, I thought I had slowed down on them, at least…a break would be nice! I finally finished chemo and all the cancer crap and while going through the repeat base line exams, slowly, I started to find out that 2 plus years of chemo, 13+ surgeries and countless meds have seriously compromised my system. From heart damage to a weakened liver and other things in between. Today, yet another doctor…I get to have my tonsils out! I need another biopsy and my bone density sucks. Oh, the ankle surgery to repair the weakened bone and damaged tendons, will be shortly after the tonsils. Enough, okay?
I get so damned tired of the medical stuff! GRRR! Oh, and I just the got the mother of all paper cuts right before I logged on!
@Simone_De_Beauvoir- now, the rest of my story/the curve: we had two babies, and they were 11 months apart…then came the announcement of another baby on the way…then came my diagnosis and prognosis of cancer- one year maybe three years to live…
…it has been perfect…even the worst of times, i have savored…none the less, what works for one person may not work for the next…when i think of jp and simone, i think, “amazing”...good luck!
The pregnancy curveballs were many years ago for me. My most recent were 2 trips to the Emergency Room with my son in less than 3 weeks… both of which could have ended very, very badly. As a single mom, my son and I are all each other has, and I can’t imagine losing him. I am very grateful for the big and small blessings that have allowed him to resume his normal life physically unscathed. And I think he has learned and grown a lot from those experiences.
@hearkat i’m thankful it has worked out for you and yours
The last curve-ball tossed my way was meeting the love of my life. The problem? We were both married to other people.
Okay, for anyone keeping score, we’re NOT pregnant again
I moved to california with my family for affordable college prices (in state). I expected to get into the University of California at Riverside (entomology program). I achieved an international baccalaureate diploma in my previous state, and a smithsonian internship.
The reason I didn’t get into UCR is because I didn’t meet A-G requirements… I didn’t take a fine art course because my schedule was full of practical sciences and math… and my practical art for the IB diploma was a class on computers. It as a real FML moment. Especially because I was accepted to a half a dozen universities in Virginia with college credits up to a semester knocked out before freshmen year.
Wow, Simone you have had a heck of a ride!
@cak and @Simone: Thanks. There’s still some emotional healing to do, but I believe it will all work out in the long run.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – Now you can relax for a few minutes (before someone starts crying or walking).
@Darwin lol, just a few minutes, but yes
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Hey, if you want to borrow the 6yr old in my house, just let me know. He’s in a mood lately…not a very good mood. BLAH! Hope you are breathing easier!
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