I have become so enraged by some of the comments on this page, that I feel the need to make a comment. In answer to “As a parent with children in the public school system” firstly, I don’t believe that anyone prior to your comment stated that they “know everything”. As a parent and a teacher with 2 Masters in Education and Science, I am perplexed as to how this was construed from any of the previous statements. Secondly, there is no doubt both morally and legally that any sexual advances towards children, from any adult, particularly in a position of trust is wrong. This includes, swimming instructors, priests and teachers.
It sounds like you have had a difficult time with your children at school and I am truly sorry for that. What susanmaria12 was discussing was a completely different issue, about how parents as a general rule speak to teachers with complete lack of distrust, distaste and are (to quote) “closed-minded, bigoted, abusive, ignorant, and/or offensive”. When I go to an accountant (despite having also studied economics at degree level) I don’t feel compelled to tell them how to do their job. When I go for a meal at a restaurant, I don’t talk to the chef afterwards to advise him on my opinion.
Consistently, I am approached by parents who feel that despite the curriculum framework, the homework policies, spelling programmes and advice from the Catholic Education Office, many parents believe that they know best. They choose to ignore theologians involved in the construction of curriculum documents and have no understanding of the constraints within a timetable.
Perhaps these parents need to consider why there seems to be a higher percentage of ‘bad’ teachers in the world. Maybe because through negative attitudes and misguided views, it is in fact some parents who are responsible for 70% of new graduates leaving the profession within the first 3 years.
I’ll finish my comment by saying that, in general, this applies to a minority of parents and the majority I have experienced have been relatively supportive. Remember, that we have a shared goal, the education and enrichment of your child! However, when a parent is abusive, not only does this knock confidence, is causes ill feeling and can hinder building an effective relationship with his/her child.
Some advice? My child is not perfect and neither am I. I have a strong faith and gain lots of strength from this. I treat everyone in a way that I would also like to be treated and make sure I smile as I walk away from school.
Everyone remembers a good teacher!