Do you think that you have a "secret admirer" on Fluther?
Asked by
Jude (
May 22nd, 2009
Out of curiosity (not to be taken seriously). =)
I’ve been getting lots of individual (response) lurve in the last couple of weeks, but, it hasn’t increased my total as much (not that I care :)). Maybe, someone has maxed their lurve allowance when it comes to me??
Is this happening to some of y’all?
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64 Answers
I don’t think I do. If it’s been happening, I haven’t noticed. Wouldn’t be surprising if people did that on here, though. I’d be willing to do that with certain people. As a matter of fact, I do that with certain people.
Lurve is usually for awesome answers and though it is truly warm, cuddly and inviting it is not like roses unsigned or a bottle of good wine thus I would have to determine that you yourself do not have an admirer but your answers are being romanced instead. ;)
Addition: I do that with people, but still only if I like their answers. My lurve ain’t free!
I haven’t paid close enough attention to the Lurve points and individual response points, and I will only give Lurve to really good responses that are relevant to the Question, or add something new to the discussion.
I have wondered if someone were to develop a crush on another Fluther if they’d pursue communication via private message to see if it could develop into a friendship and maybe something more.
now I be feelin’ a bit silly…
All my admirers are proudly out of the closet.
yeaaa i told dave a long time ago…
Yeah that happened to me a while back. I’ve also maxed out on lurve for some other users. I think it probably means you guys just have similar view points on subjects.
@jmah I admire you a little. Here you go » ♥
@AstroChuck…You need not hope any longer…I admit it…I lurve you!
@PupnTaco…Yes, I came out of the closet, but that was supposed to be between us! The world now knows: I lurve you, Dave!
I’m thinking the answer is pretty much a big, resounding no but I am accepting applications :)
I give lurve to people who I know I’ve maxxed out on, I want them to know that someone agrees and enjoyed their response. I get a lot of lurve that I get no points for, I still like that I get the lurve though…secret lurve whore
Most definitely have one but she’s quite vocal…Hardly secret.
lurve on the charge
@casheroo Not so secret any more. :-)
@whatthefluther I thought you were engaged already; now you’re chatting up Dave?
I’ve maxed out on many people and some have maxed out on me; I’m flattered, but don’t think I have any secret admirers. (If I do, would you please stand up and make yourselves known?)
Milo here: I have been courted, wooed, bribed, cajoled, flattered, fawned over and importuned to ditch Gail and take up with the courtiers, wooers, bribers, cajolers, flatterers, fawners, and importuners. So far, I have said, “No.” However I am still willing to read resumés (include financial information, please).
@janbb…sccrowell is equally enamored with Dave! Do I hear threesome?
No not me although I do like casheroo even if she has tattoos. :)
@SeventhSense Oooh, ooooh! I have tattoos! Do you still lurve me?
O dear, sweet Milo, please come to live with me. I have soft cushions, lots of tuna and a lovely birdfeeder outside my door…
Finances were better a year ago, but I believe I could support a cat in the style to which he’‘s become accustomed.
@janbb: Milo here: I will start packing immediately. Have your pilot gas up the Lear Jet. I’ll send coordinates for the closest airport.
I have a fondness for cute little birds too. :)
@Milo I’ll warm up the fluffy cushion and open the tuna.
@SeventhSense waddles away, blushing
@janbb…ok, so I was kidding about the threesome. However, I am a product of the 60’s and 70’s and give my lurve freely and it is never jellygender-specific (I do not suffer from jellygenderphobia). I also lurve you (although I’m a bit envious of the attention you are giving Milo…not that he is not worthy, of course)
I’ve had a bazillion fluther crushes. One is secret right now only because I haven’t said anything or figured out how to work it into conversation. I think maybe it’s a little mutual.
I’d like to think I might have a ‘secret admirer’ on Fluther but I just don’t know for sure. I consulted my Magic 8 Ball and it said “the answer is unclear”.
i fluthe all y’all. er uh, love, no lurve. you know i lurve ya.
i do have a few crushes on this site though.
maybe it’s a conspiracy. :)
@charliecompany34 Fluthery will get you nowhere! :-)
@whatthefluther I agree, I have non-gender specific “crushes” on many jellies (as a matter of fact, several of them seem to be dogs!)
And so to bed, to sleep perchance to dream…
My crushes are pretty well known. You know who you are ;)
Since it is a holiday weekend who is up for a lurve-in? As opposed to a love-in which was often associated with a protest of sorts, this lurve-in acknowledges and commemorates our servicemen and women and police officers and firefighters and others who gave their lives to preserve and protect our freedom and liberties and lives in the United States.
@Dog…Thank you! See new question. See ya…wtf
I don’t think I have any secret admirers. I assume you’re talking about the romantic kind. I don’t have any public admirers of that sort, either. I think it’s the vibe I put out. Even if anyone were interested, they wouldn’t want to try to deal with that. When I was looking, I had a number of secret admirers who later became not secret—at least to me. It was a revelation.
Oh yes, Kevbo. It’s mutual. I’ve just been waiting for you to acknowledge me.
You bring the wine. I’ll bring my flower.
Shoot, I’ve maxed out on tons of jellies. :(
I still throw my lurve around like it’s confetti, though.
I had a bonafide secret admirer back in highschool… anonymous notes and all. I don’t think anyone here is crushing on me, though.
With only five lurve points, I hope not!
Maudie (and MIlo) still love Harold and his boys.
Milo says “Sniff,” to wtf (but he wants you to know that his attention can be bought with one pickled vole).
Milo…You have quite the sophisticated palate. My guys, Thomas and Buddy, being avid hunters with little patience, prefer vole tartare, but I’ll check with our local specialty grocers and get back to you
@SirBailey Welcome to Fluther!
I see we are all sending gifts to our own fluther-deity Milo. We will send him caviar on a bed of fresh squab with hints of catnip and smelt.
Milo here: That’s like asking whether Vladimira is a shrimp.
For the three people here who haven’t seen my portfolio: (credit to Rooeytoo for the humiliatin’ ones.)
@gailcalled I think you posted the wrong URL. Googled this Vladimira. Some form of model?
@gailcalled The Pantheon of Fluther make me dizzy. There seems to be a promiscuous Zebra here as well, who is sometimes a 300 ft black woman. Your cat looks like a spiffy God. Not sure if shrimp goes well with His Catliness though.
Milo loves shrimp en brochette. But Vladimira may be too much shrimp for even Milo.
I love the black and white cats. They have the coolest personalities. I have one who visits me from over the fence. Of course when the mood strikes his fancy. He can’t be held down. Maybe that’s why I like him. :)
Pepe le Pew is a real charmer. He frequently brings me birds and displays them like art. He left a Mourning Dove spread out so perfectly it was almost a calling card from a terrorist. I caught him harassing a baby bird in the yard once and he just stared at me like “What? I wasn’t going to hurt him?”...Little devil. I love that cat.
Sounds like Pepe le Pew and Milo have similar moxie!
most definitely…funny, i was just now sitting outside and he came over…hadn’t seen him in weeks..suddenly the yard is alive with screaming birds..there’s a robin’s nest up in his favorite tree..they scared him off by dive bombing…he’s up to his old trcks.
No, I’m sure I don’t have any secret admirers.
@cak…Only because your many admirers are not afraid to admit it. I lurve you…wtf
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