General Question

Jude's avatar

When a friend or family member directs you (via link) to a large # pictures from their recent trip (we're talking at least 200), do you tend to look for (and click on) the ones with people that you know in it?

Asked by Jude (32207points) May 24th, 2009

Just received an email from a friend who came back from England. About 400 pictures in her photobucket. I looked at, maybe, 4 that were just scenic and then would search out the ones with my friend and her g/f in it. Just wondering if it’s just me?

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3 Answers

jbfletcherfan's avatar

You’re doing more than I would. There’s no way I’d go through all of that. That’s a lot to expect of you. A friend sent me about that many a couple of years ago from her trip to France. I looked at about a dozen & then waited until the next day to write & say how wonderful the pictures were. I really think it’s inconsiderate to send that many & expect you to view them all. That’s just my opinion, of course.

casheroo's avatar

Depends on if I’m interested in the scenic pictures or not. I’m usually not, and just look at the ones with people in them.

janbb's avatar

Yes – when I am sharing photos of a trip, I try to pare them down to the best 40 or 50; scenic and/or people. I’ve had friends send me 400 or more pictures of a trip and I think it’s very inconsiderate. I just slideshow through as many as I have patience for and then say “thanks for sharing them.”

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