How much does a seat belt ticket cost in Ohio?
How much does a seat belt ticket cost in Ohio?
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Did you get one? You can call the number on the ticket to find the amount due.
I know for a fact it is 25.00 in WV. :(
@chyna: I’m laughing, but I assure you it’s full of love.
From here
“Drivers and front-seat passengers must wear a selt belt, even if air bags are available. Drivers can get hit with a $30 fine, and passengers with a $20 fine, for ignoring the rule. However, since disobeying the seat belt rule isn’t considered to be a moving offense, no points will be applied to a driving record.”
I guess I got off easy because I was also speeding. He let that go.
You are lucky not to be in Texas. The fine starts at $200 here, and they are running the “Click It or Ticket” campaign right now.
@Darwin :: Same thing in Oregon. I got one in high school. That was about $80. And that was 15 years ago.
@asmonet yes i did wind up getting one unfortunitaly.
it wound up costing me $59 after everything :( i dont want to get another one ill tell you that much.
Its $30 for drivers and $20 for passengers. then they have to add on the court costs which is another $29. I never did get why they charge you a court fine if you never even show up to court..
@Thizdude: You think all the people who file your paperwork, arrange scheduling and god knows what else are going to do that for free?
Our legal system costs money to keep running. You clog up the system with a disregard for laws put in place to save lives and you deserve to be ordered to pay them for their troubles.
@asmonet i unserstand where you are comming from with they have to do alot of work so they should be paid for their troubles. but i told the officer i would just pay cash right now and he refused so really i feel that i shouldnt have to pay that extra. he is the one that went through with all the paperwork and all the troubled when i had cash on hand to pay the tickets for everyone in the car. so at a certin point i see where you are comming from but if im able to pay for it all in cash when in happens there should be no need for the paperwork and everything else since it doesnt even show up on your record or go against you. its just a ticket that does nothing else but make u pay a little bit of money
@Thizdude – You are lucky the cop didn’t also cite you for attempting to bribe an officer.
The payment for a citation has to go through proper channels so it can be shown that you did indeed pay it (the fact that you got the citations as well as the fact that you paid the fines also goes to your insurance company from the courthouse). Why do you think you are so special that tickets shouldn’t go on your record? Having a record that shows tickets or not shows how good or bad a driver you are, including how willing you are to follow the rules that the majority have agreed are necessary.
Yes, you can think of it as “just a ticket that does nothing else but make u pay a little bit of money” but it is supposed to reinforce the idea that there is a law that requires you and your passengers to wear seat belts, whether you like the law or not. In our country, if you don’t like a law you don’t ignore it. Instead, you campaign to change it.
@Darwin i never said tickets shouldnt go on my record. The seatbelt ticket on the other hand does nothing. nothing goes against you and it doesnt matter. all you do it pay for it. you get no points on your license or anything. its basically just a dumb law made so that the government can make more money. its not like its going to make me want to wear a seatbelt any more than i do now. it actually makes me just want to not wear it any more. it should be my choise if i want to wear it or not and if i get in an accident and i get harmed then its my fault because i made the decision. i dont need a cop worryng about if im buckeled up or not. why doesnt he go out and worry about bigger and more important crimes then me doing no harm and minding my own business just because im not buckeled up.
@Thizdude: “it should be my choise if i want to wear it or not and if i get in an accident and i get harmed then its my fault because i made the decision.”
When you are not buckled up and are in an accident, you become a projectile and can kill or injure someone else.
The cops are protecting other people from you when they stop you for not wearing your seat belt.
And who do you think has to clean you up off the road after an accident where you are thrown from your vehicle? And who pays for your hospital bills if you survive, and your funeral if you don’t? You won’t be doing those things. You’ll be dead or paraplegic.
If you don’t like a law, campaign to change it. Don’t just ignore it.
@Darwin this is nothing against you but that video deffently seemed fake to me. it looked more like the kid in the back should have had his face smashed in and it barely did anything to the mom driveing.
on the other hand yes i do see where you are comming from on all your points. they are good ones. im not sayin that other tickets shouldnt have court fees and all of that good stuff. but for a seatbelt ticket? now if i did something like speeding or running a light or something yes i feel i should get charged with a court cost plus a fee because i am putting others in danger. but by not buckeling up myself the only one that im putting in danger is myself. i wasnt doing anything wrong. if i did something wrong and then got pulled over and got a seatbelt ticket then i would understand. but i did nothing at all that diserved for me to get pulled over. i just pulled out of my driveway and he gave me a ticket? this world has so many rules that make no since
And I now know how much it costs to run a red light in WV. (I swear it was yellow!) $162.00.
“by not buckeling up myself the only one that im putting in danger is myself”
You didn’t even bother to read what I wrote. Yes, you are putting others in danger if you don’t buckle up, and you will make others have to do unpleasant work if you have an accident like that.
You were indeed doing something wrong: you broke a law and were called on it.
You are lucky you aren’t my kid – the car keys would be mine for a month if I caught you driving without a seat belt, or using your cell phone while driving.
@Darwin: A month? He’s lucky I’m not in charge. He’d never get them back. Ignorance is one thing, stupidity is another.
Got a seat belt ticket in central Ohio earlier today. It was issued by a state trooper. Cost… $105.00!
I see online that a sppeding ticket with the incorrect vechicle listed is a fatal error and wouldbe dismissed. I wonder if it would be the same with a seat belt ticket. I was driving a green pick up truck and the vechile on the ticket is listed as a white chevrolet 1500
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