General Question

How to really finish up all musical ideas in head, without getting discouraged,overwhelmed,or procrastinate?
what do you do when you’re a kind of a “person of ideas” , but totally suck at finishing-up ur ideas one-by-one until it’s 100% completly done, in the most ‘professional’ way?
for example,
I am often frustrated with how almost everyday, I could often come up with 4–5 ideas of new songs, from the melody down to the tiniest arrangement of music (whether it’s symphony, rock, pop, trance, New-Age, etc) , but then I always have serious problem to really ‘polish’ and finish-up all my ideas down to the details.
As a musician, I often still struggle very hard in lyrics, it doesn’t come so naturally to me . but on the other hand, musical ideas often come very easily & quickly to me.
but i am always so frustrated whenever I got ‘stuck’ in finishing-up writing a lyrics in ONE song idea, while ANOTHER new ideas of tunes suddenly just come-up in my mind again!
Likewise, I also often suck at the ‘technicalities’ of operating the music sequencer software(program) like Cubase , Fruity Loops (FL), Reason, etc.
stuff like , for example, balancing EQ, reverb, ‘envelope’ , all the ‘wiring-up’ from here to there , finding nice VST instruments, and most frequently, when I’ve made a single tiny little mistake while recording! I am currently only quite good at recording in WAV/Audio form, not MIDI, hence, the ‘problem’ with WAV is that I have to try to record it perfectlly, if there’s a tiny little mistake, I have to ‘fix’ the mistakes in minute 1:28, for example, and that require ‘technical’ thing/detail again like: using Cross Fade , and then Fade In, Fade Out, until the “new” parts get well-balanced with the “old” parts…..something like that.
But bottom-line is, very often I just can’t stand all those ‘technicalities’ to finish-up 100% on EACH song (or idea) , in order to sound “professional” !
and this has always been my problem, that recently it just made me kinda frustrated & depressed, because right now, I have probably like 100 ideas of good tunes (even i’m confident to say: great tunes & musical ideas) , but yet, when other people ask me how many songs I’ve COMPOSED, I usually say : “currently only 5 of them are 100% finished. the rest is still just an ‘ideas’ ”
How could you work-through this “finishing-up details” problem ?
especially when those fresh new ideas keep coming like crazy inside your head that you just can’t switch it down , ...yet you KNOW that you probably is going to have a hard time to really really sit-down & finish up those damn ideas ONE by ONE ?
Please, I need advice from those of you artists, who’ve been in this kind of situation, and have managed to work their way through this ‘stuck’ problem, or i’d rather say, “too-full of ideas, but lack follow-through” problem.

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