General Question

RedPowerLady's avatar

Would you ever consider using the internet to fundraise for your own personal needs?

Asked by RedPowerLady (12638points) May 26th, 2009

What if you had a surgery or a medical procedure you needed but could not afford? What about another circumstance?

A friend of mine said that she helped a friend raise money by building an internet site and sending it to loved ones. They raised about 5,000.00 for this one woman. She was suggesting I do it (I have a surgery I need but can’t have until I have enough money) but it just seems too embarrassing (even though it’s desperately needed). At what point would you sacrifice your humility, if any?

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26 Answers

Ivan's avatar

I think you just did.

Clair's avatar

you can’t be proud when you are in desperate need.
but then again, most everyone has money problems that could be solved with an extra 5K.

antimatter's avatar

Hell yea, good idea, why did I not think of that?

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Ivan huh? Did you read the question?
I said that I couldn’t do it because of embarrassment. I was asking to see at what point would people the general population do this? No reason to be ignorant and nasty.

RedPowerLady's avatar

In all honesty I don’t know if I could do it because of the pride/embarrassment/humility factor. I’m just curious how many people would and under what circumstances.

dynamicduo's avatar

Personally, I would not. And if I really needed the money, I would certainly not do something as impersonal and unoriginal as making a website – I would talk with my family face to face.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@dynamicduo That certainly does make more sense, lol.

My friend who was telling me about this “fundraising effort” she did seemed to think the internet could reach more people. Like friends of friends and such. It seems a bit impersonal.

Clair's avatar

Yea, it is a bit impersonal for friends and family but if you used it at a church or email through work, you could get it out to quite a few people and widespread it if you were serious about it.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I say no but only because I’m not that desperate or afraid yet. As uncomfortable as the thought is to ask, I’m confident the responses would be positive it’s the asking part

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Clair Very true. I didn’t even think about church groups.

@hungryhungryhortence it’s the asking part I completely understand :)

hug_of_war's avatar

I’d feel too guilty.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@hug_of_war: I’d feel too guilty also even though loved ones would think it’s silly in the face of some dire need. As roundabout as it is, I’d prefer it if it were friends or relatives who took up the site so I’d be off the hook for outright asking, even though it all comes down to the same thing. Kind of. Ugh, I read this and think for other people, “just do it!” but cringe because I know I would not unless pushed and goaded.

Jeruba's avatar

I have been present at a number of events, such as an organization banquet or a large club meeting, where someone has stood up and said something like this: “I know Wanda would be terribly embarrassed to hear me say this, but she isn’t here tonight, and the fact is that her husband is in dire need of surgery that they can’t afford. I just want to let you good people know. If you can find it in your heart to contribute something, I’ll be glad to pass it on to them, either now or later.” And I have seen people leap to their feet with checks and twenties and fifties in hand. The more people flocked to offer something, the more others jumped from their seats.

If you have a friend or relative who can speak up for you in some community to which you belong, that might be the best and most personal way.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I definitely would. I can’t understand how people could let a sense of false pride stand in the way of asking for help when they desparately need it. There are several excellent online sites that are specifically designed to help people in need. (Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, the Christians got that right).

casheroo's avatar

I would never be embarrassed for something like that. It’s money for something necessary, something that everyone should be able to receive but it’s too expensive. People know how hard that is, and are usually willing to help.
Don’t be embarrassed. People will help and you can get the surgery.

randall's avatar

i think it is not allowed or something to do with the law

jonsblond's avatar

I have heard of websites dedicated to helping other people. I can’t remember the names, sorry. I would do it if I desperately needed the help. You might be surprised by how many people are willing to help.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I would not do it personally, as I prefer to earn everything I get. I also would not donate money to someone who did, as the internet is not an environment that encourages trust, and I am suspicious of anyone that asks for money without providing a service in return. However if someone wants to do it, and there are people willing to donate, then that is their issue and I have no problem with it.

walterallenhaxton's avatar

I haven’t yet. I have not been able to live in my house for 8 months. It can be nerve racking being homeless on your own property. So far I have not needed to. Having your own property and access to water is a big plus.

DarkScribe's avatar

With the level of spam and the measures taken to combat it, how would you publicise a fund raising effort? My spam filter knocks out dozens of begging emails a day. Here, in Australia, if you send out spam with an identifiable return address – needed for fund raising success – you will get a huge fine. A “more than your house is worth” fine. I think that a fund raising effort through local media would be more successful. In the case of a needed but unaffordable operation, I would canvas Surgeons looking for someone willing to make a “Pro Bono” effort for the positive publicity involved. Writing a bunch of snail mail letters certainly couldn’t hurt.

Jeruba's avatar

Looking for a surgeon who would work pro bono is a great idea, especially if the surgery could be done on an outpatient basis. Of course, there is all the other related expense—the facility, the anaesthesiologist, the nurses, etc.—but one thing might lead to another.

walterallenhaxton's avatar

@DarkScribe I would use a web page. I just wonder how a giver would verify the genuineness of the need.

FreddieMack's avatar

A 16 year old kid awhile back, made a webpage where you could put your advertisement on it for 2 bucks. The kid ended up becoming a millionaire because so many porn sites and normal sites like amazon, paid 2 dollars for their logo to be advertised on his website. It was nothing other than a blank page full of links and animated gifs to different sites and they were all clustered together into a square. It wasn’t fundraising, but it was just a different way to make money and he did.

As far as fundraising on the net, you should not lie about a sickness or a handicap online to get money. It is morally wrong to do so. Think about the kids and adults who really need that money. If you are on a computer creating a fundraiser for yourself when there is nothing wrong with you, then maybe you should think about the people who actually need it and donate your money to them through their online fundraisers.

YARNLADY's avatar

@FreddieMack @walterallenhaxton Most of the valid appeals for money on the internet are easy to verify by going to the local news service, or doing a minimum of research. Some scammers get away with fooling people, but that is rare.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i don’t know if i would, but i see nothing wrong with it. people have the free will to donate or not, and if they take it upon themselves to do so, then great! i’m not sure about the pride thing. i mean, if you have a medical procedure that needs to get done, you have no reason to be ashamed. medical bills are outrageous, and everybody knows it.

plethora's avatar

It’s all in how you ask. Get someone who knows how to put together an email campaign and then go to it.

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