General Question

cookieman's avatar

Are we no longer allowed to post questions celebrating the achievment of 10K lurve?

Asked by cookieman (41924points) May 28th, 2009 from iPhone

I posted two of these today to congratulate dynamicduo and cwilbur.

Both were modded or “pushed”. The suggested edit was to move them to the chatroom (which I don’t participate in).

Seeing as there is a long tradition of these celebratory questions here on Fluther – does anyone have any insight into what may have changed.

for the record, I have never been modded before and have no issue with the mods themselves

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73 Answers

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

That can still be done in a private/public message.

jonsblond's avatar

The Times They Are A-Changin’

chyna's avatar

I really hope they are not taking these types of celebratory questions off. I don’t use the chatroom either and I like to be able to congratulate people for their achievements. Most of the time, I would not notice unless it was posted.

Blondesjon's avatar

Godammit! That’s the only reason I even fucking answer anything.

I’m Out!

cak's avatar

Oh, now this would be sad. Not being about to celebrate each other’s Fluther achievements? I’d love to hear the answer on this one. Seems like it was okay for some…why not others?

10k, is a biggie. One would think it would be good for Fluther to celebrate those members.

mcbealer's avatar

mod squad strikes again

jrpowell's avatar

I think it was the two in one day. And more people are getting close. So it could be four in a day next week. I was bummed to see them get nuked but I can see why it was done.

I personally like them and I am a total question snob.

cak's avatar

Generally, I haven’t had a problem with moderation. In fact, I thought it was fine. However, this seems rude and an insult to the two members that were being celebrated.

Not something nice to see on Fluther. So what if it was two in one day? That seems like a GOOD thing. Not something bad. It wasn’t yet another “does he like me” question. It was dedicated members, being celebrated.

Completely ridiculous.

Blondesjon's avatar

@johnpowell…Who are you man? What happened to when it all used to be about the music, man? We used to be golden, Pony Boy.

cookieman's avatar

@johnpowell: I can understand the two-in-one-day theory. I was only planning one, but then @dynamicduo pointed out @cwilbur – who also deserved recognition IMHO.

Blondesjon's avatar

@cak…I would almost wager it was brought about by a certain faction, that became recently active here on Fluther, complaining about fairness in moderation.

jonsblond's avatar

@cak Or another “What super power do you have?” question. Blerg!

cak's avatar

Why couldn’t the question have been modded to be edited – say to combine the two?

Instead they were pulled and the two members that deserved the same as previous members that were celebrated, were treated poorly. It’s just rude.

@Blondesjon – I guess. A lot of good that has done.

tinyfaery's avatar

Fairness in moderation? No such thing as fair when people are involved. Certain thread topics should be grandfathered into the new mod rules.

I’m a bit pissed-off by this. I got a 10K congrats. Everyone else should get one, as well.

whatthefluther's avatar

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again here: Congratulations @cwilbur & @dynamicduo!
@cprevite….Sorry about going off topic…wtf

jonsblond's avatar

Did syz get a 10000 party? She hit the mark a few days ago. Congrats to you to syz!

Blondesjon's avatar

Thank you @whatthefluther.

Congratulations cwilbur, dynamicduo, and syz! Fluther on!

whatthefluther's avatar

@syz….Congratulations…I lurve you…wtf

cak's avatar

Syz got it, too? Wow! YEAH SYZ!

Congrats to cwilbur, dynamicduo and syz! Great job!

tinyfaery's avatar

Yay for everyone! Hopefully they see it.

Jeruba's avatar

It seemed harmless enough. I thought it was good for the community. What has changed in the few weeks since this (which was well after the spate of new arrivals)?

cookieman's avatar

Yaay for Syz. Missed her to.

@cprevite: sorry for going off topic

Jeruba's avatar

@cprevite, did you just post a message to yourself?

whatthefluther's avatar

@cprevite…I know @cprevite won’t mind…wtf

cookieman's avatar

@Jeruba: I didn’t want to be rude. ;^)

cak's avatar

@cprevite you know when @cprevite reads that message, he might get confused. I know @cak did!

Jeruba's avatar

@Jeruba, look out. These guys are talking to themselves.

chyna's avatar

Congrats to syz too. I’m sorry I missed that one.

cak's avatar

@cak….how many of those pills did you take? I think everyone has lost it! Including @cak.

richardhenry's avatar

[mod says:] Hi guys, we’re listening. I’ll respond shortly with a full explanation once me and Andrew have talked some more.

cookieman's avatar

@richardhenry: Thank you.

I also sent a PM to the mods regarding this.

whatthefluther's avatar

I believe 10K lurve is a more significant than recognizing someone’s birthday. But I suppose those will become a thing of the past as well. Maybe that would be a good compromise: lose the birthday notices…long live the 10K lurve recognition.

cak's avatar

@whatthefluther – I think the 10k is more important, as well. I see it as a benefit for Fluther and for the Fluther member. For Fluther, it looks far better to have established members, or members meeting that 10k mark – it shows some level of dedication to the site, and possibly a reflection of quality interaction with other members. The celebration thread is a good thing for everyone. I just see it as a way to thank the person for participation and congratulate them for a job well done. (job…for lack of a better word…sorry – queasy right now!)

not that I don’t want to celebrate a birthday. If I had to pick one, I’d pick the 10k, though.

figbash's avatar

I think they’re sweet, and well intended, but I can see how after awhile, all kinds of celebration notices could start to fill the pages. I’m not saying they don’t belong – but maybe as a post in the blog section, where people can also comment? Between 5k, 10k, 20k lurves and other celebrations, it could get overwhelming. Where do you draw the line?

chyna's avatar

@cak Why the queasiness?

cak's avatar

@figbash – I haven’t seen too many 5k celebrations. I thought it was reserved for 10k.

cookieman's avatar

It has only been for 10K.

cak's avatar

@Chyna – some meds they started me on, temporarily for my heart. I don’t think it’s agreeing with me. Then again, I want my heart to beat, so I think I take it!

Likeradar's avatar

Aw, bummer. It’s a nice community building thing to celebrate valuable, long term jellies. :(

Congrats, recent 10k-ers!

chyna's avatar

@cak Yes, keep taking it. We want you here forever.

richardhenry's avatar

[mod says:] I’ve been rewriting part of our internal guidelines in regards to this, and we’ll be updating the public guidelines today or tomorrow. More details on our changes to follow.

whatthefluther's avatar

@richardhenry,...You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar (and @andrew aint bad either). I eagerly await a favorable resolution of this issue as well as the distinct pleasure of celebrating your 10K lurve achievement. I lurve you…wtf

cookieman's avatar

@richardhenry: Not to jump the gun, but that sounds like you’re enforcing guidelines that have yet to be published.

But, I agree with wtf, I hope we have a reasonable solution so we can continue this tradition with all Flutherers – including you.

Allie's avatar

From the guidelines: “If your question is an attempt to connect with people (as opposed to an attempt to figure something out)...”

Edit: Nevermind. New guidelines soon.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I’m relatively new here but doesn’t this sort of question promote an insular community within a larger community? An “in crowd” as it were? Some people might even call it a clique.

Response moderated
jonsblond's avatar

I don’t think so. It’s just a celebration.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@Blondesjon My question was an honest one. Surely you can see how this can make other users feel left out.

For example this is the first time you’ve so much as addressed me.

Blondesjon's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic…Yes it was.

i fucking LURVE you man

andrew's avatar

@cprevite Well, currently the guidelines state that questions that aren’t really questions get pushed to editing, so that’s not the issue.

@Blondesjon Unnecessary.

@all: With this in mind, and until we institutionalize congratulations with a feature, we’re amending the guidelines to allow infrequent congratulatory meta-questions.

Likeradar's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic I gotta disagree with you. No one is excluded from being able to reach 10k lurve, and from what I’ve noticed everyone who achieves it gets a congrats thread. It’s not like people who have 10k get some kind of prize (or is there a secret 10k society party with pancakes and guacamole?), it’s just a public way of recognizing that someone’s been really funny/thoughtful/helpful.

richardhenry's avatar

[mod says:] To give you an idea of how we’re going to approach these questions in the future, I’ll show you what we just added to the internal “mod handbook”:

Social/congratulatory meta questions are typically questions congratulating someone on their birthday, or on reaching a certain amount of Lurve points. As a rule-of-thumb these are fine, but must be well formatted and written, and where possible combined together. If a second “congo rats” question is posted within 24 hours of another one, we should push the new question to editing and ask the user to post it again a little later to prevent the homepage from being flooded.

There’ll be a more easy to digest form in the public guidelines once Andrew gets around to pushing them.

Basically, features are on the way that will make congratulating people on things like reaching a certain amount of lurve, or their birthday a lot easier and you won’t have to do it in the form of a question. Until that happens, we don’t want Fluther flooded with “congratulations on your 10k!” questions; because it’s a fact of matter and a matter of fact that a lot of people will be hitting 10k soon.

So, @cprevite – feel free to repost your congratulations questions as a combination. Our main concern is flooding, and we don’t want several of them in a row.

Hope this helps, and stay on the lookout for the social features we have on the horizon.

I think you’ll like them.

I’m going to go and do some work that I get paid for now. <3

whatthefluther's avatar

@richardhenry…Keep it up and we will be celebrating your 10K lurve very, very soon. May your compensation match the quality of your work…you will be deservedly rich…wtf

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@Likeradar Pancakes and guacamole? Sounds like a bizarre party. I’m in!

Blondesjon's avatar

@richardhenry…May your man-children be virile and steadfast and your daughters pure and matronly. May your lurve be counted in the hundreds of thousand by the time those children reach ten thousand. May your feet stay on the ground while your hands reach for the stars.

What I’m trying to say is, I don’t think starfruit is really a fruit at all.

I’m hungry…let’s get a taco.

Allie's avatar

@Blondesjon Holy whack, man. I actually like that mumble jumble nonsense. =]

cookieman's avatar

@andrew and @richardhenry: Thanks for the explanation. If a combo-congratulations was all that was needed, you should have said so from the start (instead of requesting I move them to the chatroom).

That being said, I am happy to oblige. Thanks for taking the time.

ad astra pers a pera

richardhenry's avatar

@cprevite It’s hard when we don’t have a clearly defined “what to do” for dealing with a particular situation. Thanks for your feedback though. :)

andrew's avatar

@cprevite Just to be clear, prior to today, they were not a valid question per the guidelines, and we’ve been removing them for some time now.

TaoSan's avatar

frontpage frontpage frontpage

you guys setting the stage for selling to google or something?

richardhenry's avatar

@TaoSan Yahoo Answers. Or maybe Dogpile, I hear they wanna move into Q&A.

TaoSan's avatar

babby meets frizzer rofl

cookieman's avatar

@andrew: Well just so long as you’ve been removing the other congratulatory questions “for some time now”.

Otherwise, the handling of yesterday’s similar “questions” would seem punitive at worst, ham-handed at best. Thanks again.

richardhenry's avatar

@cprevite Ham handed. We’re sorry and we’re always working to make our handbook better, the guidelines more helpful and our application more consistent. Happy Fluthering.

cookieman's avatar

@richardhenry: Understood. No harm – no foul. Thanks for the feedback.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Did someone mention ham?

cak's avatar

@cprevite mucho lurve!

andrew's avatar

@cprevite Sorry, we’ve been removing things like “Happy Birthday” and “Happy Easter” for over a month now… I hadn’t noticed tinyfaery’s 10K post last month.

Congo rats tinyfaery!

essieness's avatar

Well that was a good read. Phew!

While I love the congratulatory threads, I think I really like the idea of a special feature or button to do the job. Less flooding + lurving those jellies that hit the 10K milestone = happiness.

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