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I'm a kid with ear congestion and home alone.. Help?
I’m seventeen years old, and very troubled.
My birthday was last sunday, and what a present I just got!
I was feeling fine, lately. Had a bit of a recurring cold, I’m more of a sniffler than a blower, when it comes to mucus buildup.
Anyway, my cold was pretty much gone, by last night, but now, as I woke up four hours ago(at 8AM), My left ear was completely blocked up. I can swiftly inhale through my nose to get my hearing back, but as soon as I yawn, or cough, it re-clogs.
I found a method on another site for pressing the tip of my finger into my ear, and pulling upwards on the skin to loosen the canals, or somethin’, and after trying that, and failing for nearly two hours, it got worse! So much for that. I tried the ValSalva, also, to no avail.
Now I’m sitting here, with a burning headache primarily on the left side of my head, and my ear still clogged. Any activity makes the headache worse, and there’s pain inside, and around my ear. I was going to try the “Lay in a bathtub, and submerge your ear” method, but I’m scared of causing permanent damage. I’ve been laying down nearly four hours straight, If I lay on my left side(The congested side)I exerience tiny amounts of pain and popping noises ensue. I hear the same small pops laying on my right side. Typing this now, I’m leaning my head against my left knee,(congested ear down,) And experiencing said pops every couple minutes. I’ve been failing to fall asleep, and writhing in my pain.
My useless father is still at work, he tossed me two Sudaffed’s, and scurried off, while my mother is getting her nails done. I’ve got a date with my girlfriend tommorrow. This had better not last, or I’ll force my father to take me to a doctor.
I’m alone at home, and cannot drive yet. Please help.

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