General Question

What is so (romantically) appealing about "crazy" women?
First off, I realize that not every man is a crazy-chaser, so answering that you happen to prefer a woman with her feet planted firmly on the ground isn’t helpful. But there are a lot of guys who go for the nutty chicks, and I’m interested in discussing why this might be.
I suppose I should also define what I mean by “crazy.” This definition could be accompanied by a psychological illness, but is not necessarily always represented by a diagnosable issue. “Crazy” girls are simply those that most people might consider off their rockers, at times. They could be destructively selfish, incapable of true honesty, obsessed with themselves, or unable to control their tempers. They might also have extreme trouble getting their shit together and respond irrationally to normal situations or any combination of the above.
Every woman I’ve ever known to fit this definition has always had very many men “in love” with her. These crazies would also cause men to fall for them far more quickly and deeply than the average woman. It even seemed that some of the men would know the woman was crazy and not care (“I know, but I love her.”)
Some crazy women that I knew would be incapable of maintaining a relationship, thus, allowing a new guy to fall for her every month and discarding him shortly afterward (only for his obsession to linger), and others maintained long, but largely dysfunctional, relationships with those that fell for them. Either way, as I mentioned, these girls always had guys falling for them far more quickly and deeply than their equally attractive (but normal) counterparts. I should also mention that the men who fall for them are typically quite normal. Finally, the age group of which I’m speaking is in the 24–35 range.
I hope other people have observed this phenomenon and have some interesting insight to contribute.

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