Would an "unmoderated mode" work?
Asked by
_bob (
June 5th, 2009
So, yes, this is yet another question about the moderation on the site, but its purpose is not to bitch and moan.
Some people here have had “issues” with the moderation of the site. Some feel the rules are not applied evenly, or simply don’t agree with the rules. Would it be possible to have an “uncensored” version of the site, where one would choose if he or she wanted to see all questions/responses? Would that work? What are your thoughts?
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133 Answers
Yes it would, there would just be a LOT more flame wars and controversial questions.
Removed by Fluther moderators.
was that answer really removed or did he just type that as his answer? lol
I think Yahoo answers has something like that.
I wouldn’t want to use it.
@westy81585 But then, say you grew tired of all the flame wars and whatnot. Then you could simply opt out of the unmoderated mode, right? And @tyrantxseries typed his answer on his own.
@westy81585 If it was really removed, there would be no “great answer” underneath the post.
I love that fluther is like a totalitarian state, who wouldn’t like that?
@bob_ You just avoid the flame wars and questions that you don’t want to comment on… I’ve been on other forums that were like that (or much more loosely moderated).
In general I have no qualms with the mods here. But occasionally I feel like they’re treating me like a 6th grader in the lunch room.
edit :: there actually is a site that is kinda like that. And apparently what I posted there made it over here. I didn’t think that would happen.
@jonsblond I’m pretty sure I’ve had an answer removed after it was great answered a few times, and those stayed even though the message was gone, lol.
@bob_ It wouldn’t be Fluther.
@johnpowell Thank you for your thoughts. Really helpful.
::edit:: Hmpf.
Ever read Lord of the Flies?
lol…I love how people who oppose it aren’t even explaining anything.
I just think most of the problems are with modded questions, not modded answers. I happen to like the absence of flame wars and off-topic comments. But as I suggested in a question of my own, I think there should be another page where polls and other “childish” questions should be allowed. Not flame wars or “do you think I’m cute?” questions, but ones that maybe wouldn’t make it on the main site nowadays, like “what is your favorite Animal Collective song?” Sometimes I just want to ask a simple poll or survey.
But is there any instance of removed answers that prompted you to ask this?
[mod says] As of this post, no answers have been removed by moderators.
@westy81585 Look at the chronic disease question. It has many “real” removed by fluther moderator posts. You’ll notice the difference.
Why would the folks, who actually put the time and money into running this site, want to change it when it works just fine for an overwhelming majority of the users?
Get a fucking MySpace account.
Response moderated
Go right ahead. Build it yourself.
Fluther is moderated, that’s part of the culture. You are free to build your own website community where there is no moderation whatsoever.
Come off it Bob. There’s no need for that rudeness. You’ll only get yourself moderated, thus raising your anger.
an option under the (Removed by Fluther moderators answer) to “show”
sorry couldn’t help myself I got it from one of bob previous answers on another thread
@Dansedescygnes My answer of “no” was a poll type answer, just want you want. No?
This site is no different than any other site like this I go on. AIROW, wis.dm. fluther—all the same. Every time someone suggests an idea that goes against what the site has been in the past, people get extremely defensive and start posting rude comments.
Refresh, I edited the comment.
@ this totalitarian bullshit – welcome to life, you’re free to follow the rules or go elsewhere. Is there a gun to your head, @hiiiiiiii? This is not a totalitarian state, you do disservice to all those living in such places. Seriously.
@Dansedescygnes True. I’m not saying I don’t like it here. I’m here for a reason.
@hiiiiiiii – You keep repeating the same question. If you don’t like being on a modded site, why stay?
If you don’t like your goverment would you leave the country?
@bob_ . . .Careful, your real face is showing.
I don’t need to waste my time explaining basic logic to you, @hiiiiiiii. You don’t live here, for one. Two, this is not totalitarian. Three, get real.
I should explain further about my earlier comment. There is a subdomain here that is used for testing. It used to be that you could post stuff there and it wouldn’t show up here. Apparently they changed that. It used to be that your comment was only visible on the testing site.
@hiiiiiiii – Apples and oranges. I love it when someone tries to compare it to political tyranny. It’s a website. Don’t even try to bring it to that ridiculous comparison.
@Blondesjon Careful with what? I hate to sound childish, but you started with the rude language.
totalitarian state
Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system that strives to regulate nearly every aspect of public and private life
@hiiiiiiii . . .Don’t you need to go help your mom set the table?
I agree with the sentiment that if you are only here to make waves and piss people off, go somewhere else. We enjoy things the way they are and do not take kindly to fucking trolls. I would seriously bitchslap @hiiiiiiii right now if I could. It’s not funny. It’s not cute. Get a life and get off Fluther if you aren’t going to be a productive member of our little society.
could you repeat that, I’m not sure I understand you
@bob_ You don’t sound like you hate to be childish one bit.
@hiiiiiiii Are Ben and Andrew coming in and making you eat peas at night? OF COURSE NOT. Once gain, get real. I know damn well what totalitarianism is :)
@bob_ . . .Because I’m tired of folks who aren’t smart enough to start their own site coming in here and trying to change this one.
this is what would happen
no totalitarian state I know does that to
you wouldn’t like it if the government owned the internet and said what you could and couldn’t write
@Blondesjon I’m not trying to forcibly change this site. I’m asking what effect a change would have.
The thing is, we all (hopefully…but apparently not) read the guidelines. If you didn’t like the premise, why join? If you didn’t want to work within the guidelines, you had a choice. I don’t understanding the bitching about the moderation.
So that means that all websites should be completely closed to suggestions?
I’ve spent time on two other sites like this one and the people there were open to suggestions [most of the time]. I also think it’s silly to be so opposed to suggesting changes especially when someone talking about a change doesn’t mean it’s going to be changed. In fact, most of the time, nothing happens at all. But people should be able to discuss something they want to see changed.
@Dansedescygnes . . .I’m a true believer in democracy and it seems to me the majority don’t care for any change to be enacted here. Discussion or no, it’s not cared for.
This is what is known as a fact of life.
Doesn’t matter. It can still be discussed. No where in the guidelines does it say you can’t discuss it.
I also find it funny that people are comparing it to a democracy and a dictatorship at the same time. On AIROW, we all knew it was a dictatorship technically. The site owner decided what changes happened whether or not we liked it. Several times, though, he based his changes on what the users said.
@Dansedescygnes If you go back and read from the beginning, the answers were not mean or smart ass until hiiii started with his usual inane banter.
@Dansedescygnes If this question were about honestly suggesting new ideas or opening up to change, it would be a different story. This question was posted because @bob_ got modded repeatedly while hijacking my earlier thread along with @hiiiiii and @ummmm. It’s silly and childish to join a well established group with the sole intent of acting like a complete dumbass and pissing people off.
@Dansedescygnes – There isn’t a problem with discussing things, but when a site is clearly set up a certain way and it’s been discussed over and over and over again…enough.
It’s always going to be modded, the chatroom operates a little differently, but the site is always going to be modded.
@essieness That is not why I asked this question. Believe what you want.
@Dansedescygnes Fluther is open to suggestions. When you have 20 questions in one month concerning the moderation process it gets tiresome.
Sorry if I came across like that I was just trying to give good suggestions, and point out the pros and cons to fluther.
@Dansedescygnes . . .Then go there. You are obviously the personality type that thrives on this kind of drama.
The site owners coddled you all because they believe that everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. You have taken advantage of that belief for much too long.
Go fuel your rage somewhere else. It’s childish and it really is getting old.
Well, I hate to say it, but no one’s making you read this question or comment on it…
Yeah, I’m the one who’s angry. This is hilarious. I love hypocrites and irony all combined in one. :)
We all know the owners are god are fluther is perfect (no sarcasm really)
Response moderated
@Dansedescygnes . . .Exactly! That’s why you need to find yourself a site that caters to that.
@bob_ . . .don’t be jealous because i play the game better than you.
I am not angry at all. Only one of my questions has been modded and I realized I could easily ask it on some music site. You’re the one who’s hurt because his precious Fluther is being criticized. It’s hilarious and adorable. The same thing happened on wis.dm when people wanted a “block feature”. People felt the site was being criticized and they got all defensive. Just like you’re doing right now. It’s nothing new. And being on three sites like this and a moderator on one, I’ve seen it all.
I’m not joking really I know people think I troll but Blondesjon has the best replies in this site, he makes good points and is just great on most questions
@Dansedescygnes . . .If I came into your home and began to criticize what your mom and dad have been doing with the place you would probably take offense as well.
@bob_ You actually answered the Smurf Balls question! WTF?
Only difference is, my home that I live with my family in is not yours. It’s mine and my family’s. But I am a full-blown member of this site and therefore, this is my home too.
Is it ironic that @hiiiiiiii is the one who has convinced me the most that this is a bad idea?
I also think Blondesjon has good replies?
@bob_ Yes. @hiiiiiiii is either 12 or a complete idiot. I’ve seen some of your other posts. While not always enlightening, you’re not quite that stupid. Don’t let yourself get lumped in with him.
@bob_ You were on wis.dm.
You saw how well unmoderated mode worked out.
@Dansedescygnes . . .A member under the guidelines of this site. Guidelines that you seem to feel that you can pick and choose as you like.
funny that when you refer to your home you say that it is yours first and then your family’s…hmmm
@essieness Erm, thanks? I bet you’re not that ugly yourself.
No where in the guidelines does it say you cannot discuss how this site runs or should run.
This question, bob, myself, and all others who have been discussing this proposed change are not breaking any guidelines.
And nice try at psychoanalysis. Again, cute.
@Blondesjon Again, nobody is trying to pick and choose the guidelines.
@bob_ I was actually trying to be semi-nice to you. But thanks for that underhanded remark anyway.
@Dansedescygnes . . .No psychoanalysis, just pointing out the obvious.
i thought i had a high opinion of myself…sheesh…
We can discuss it all we want, but it is a benevolent monarchy. We are always free to set sail and leave. And come back.
Actually, no, because nothing you’ve “pointed out” has been obvious.
You haven’t explained how I’m picking and choosing guidelines. You haven’t explained why you feel you are forced to comment on this question.
folds arms as Blondesjon is doing all my work
@essieness Aw, c’mon, you call me stupid, I joke back calling you ugly, and I’m the mean one?
Also, I’m sorry you felt I hijacked your question. It was not my intent.
@bob_ I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was calling you stupid. Poor choice of words on my part. I was calling @hiiiiiiii stupid. Incredibly so.
@bob_ What the hell… Sure. :)
@bob_ . . .I’ll continue my life’s work to not be a mannerless bitch
I would like to say something in regards to those that feel that the Fluther team never listens to suggestions. Just recently Bendrew started a new feature where you could see everyone’s questions/answers on their profiles. Many disliked the idea, including a few mods oh noes…mods have a mind of their own??? quick, someone put an end to this! and said so under the comments section of the blog post. They got back to us (also in the comments) saying that they have temporarily disabled the feature and will restart it once they have taken the suggested improvements into consideration.
What part of that sounds like they don’t take feedback seriously? The only difference is that it has to be something the majority wants (as was clear in the comments of that blog) rather than what a few people would like, which is typically the case in questions like this.
Good lord…. I was only gone like 30 minutes….. wtf happened in here?
@westy81585 It doesn’t pay to leave for any length of time.
Exactly. If only a few people want it, it’s probably not going to happen; people are just discussing it.
@Dansedescygnes Would you believe that it was a civil discussion? I don’t believe that you were involved in that one. Were you?
It was until people started getting angry and saying things like “get a fucking MySpace account” and what not. People get too defensive about suggesting change to the site, so it doesn’t stay civil for long.
I said “nowhere in the guidelines does it say you can’t discuss it” and my response was “you’re childish and angry”. You tell me who’s being civil.
No mods- interesting concept. Let’s explore it:
Imagine if the gloves were off and the rules dropped.
No worries about posts being removed or questions denied.
Would the conversation in the threads become civil on its
own or would it disintegrate into personal and verbal attacks? Perhaps
the better nature of man would prevail and we could all
follow a mature civil line of discussion. While I think it is possible
I do not think it is likely.
If those who are bored (and waiting for question to come
along that interests them) are allowed to post off topic without
moderation the structure of the questions would crumble into
chaos. Our mods spend a lot of time keeping threads to topic
so I believe that this would be the largest problem right off.
The next problem would be questions. Many are not well thought
out or are duplicates or are asked just because someone wants to
verbally spar. Then we AGAIN have the same issue with bored
members making up questions without thought just to stave off boredom.
Nope. I do not think it would be much fun to hang here nor
would it stimulate meaningful or educational conversation.
@Dog That’s a very good point. The people who opted for the unmoderated mode would probably increase the workload of the mods. Makes sense.
@Blondesjon I’m sorry I called you that. You do actually need to get some fucking manners, though. As @jonsblond said, most of this thread was not a civil discussion, maybe, as @Dansedescygnes said, because people don’t respond well to being told to “get a fucking Myspace account”.
@bob_ . . .I think Mother Teresa expressed it best when she shrugged her shoulders and said, “Meh.”
wow. did i come late for the party or what.
yeah, without moderation, this site would be just like any of your other craptastic, bound for the floor QnA sites. some of which are now defunct.
Basically, we’d have all the people who get high on Jesus, and everyone who’s too old for 4chan coming in here, and it’d look like Braveheart.
What it funnels down to is this: Fluther has moderation. It is what it is.
Not for me. One of the reasons I lurked and then joined this site was because of the moderation.
Another site I once belonged to and had enjoyed degenerated a lot because of trolling and personal attacks of really descriptive nature.
For all of you wis.dm-haters out there: wis.dm was not shut down because we couldn’t handle ourselves without moderation. It was shut down because the people running the site were not making the money off of it they wanted.
@Dansedescygnes . . .perhaps if you’d have made the site a bit more like Fluther you could have kept the sponser…oh wait, we don’t need sponsers. My bad.
Many people here have valid points.. as usual i tend to agree with Blondesjon but that’s neither here nor there.
What does bother me is people constantly comparing sites. wis.dm was not AIROW… AIROW is not Fluther… the people are different, the discourse is different, the theme and feel is different…
STOP MAKING COMPARISONS… if those other sites were great.. find their clones. You’ve voiced your opinions.. they’ve been discussed.. jut because you can discuss them doesn’t mean anyone has to agree with you and there’s no need to beat the point to death.
also.. in honor of a jely who hasn’t been here in a while: “Penis”
@bob_ a quick aside.. if you’d ever seen a pic of Essie (i know you’re pals now)... you’d know that saying she’s “not THAT ugly” would never have entered your mind… Yummy-Hot
You and everyone else keep assuming that by mentioning those sites I don’t want to be here. THEN WHY AM I STILL HERE?
I was simply pointing them out because many similar things DO happen on this site and those sites. People suggesting changes, people getting butthurt about those suggestions, etc. It’s a universal thing.
@Dansedescygnes you are not the only person who has mentioned other sites, therefore are not the target of my comment… you are not the center of the universe.. stop being defensive. You’ve made your point. leave it alone already.
@bob_ i know it was a joke.. that was just an excuse to call essie pretty :p
Did I say I was the only one? I was one person mentioning other sites. You mentioned people who did that and the sites they mentioned in the comment. Therefore, it refers to me in some way and I have every right to comment on it. You’re the one who’s being defensive.
Ignoring any references to any other sites as they are completely irrelevant.
Also wanted to add the obvious to the conversation:
The membership of Fluther is what drives most of the mod work.
This means that the members are all in a way the mods.
Food for thought here- countries were brought up as a comparison and
I want to expand on that.
Lets say that Mod work is equal to a government in a country.
Somalia has no government. Hasn’t worked very well for them has it?
@Dog For the record, I never compared Fluther to a country, never called the mods or owners fascists or anything like that. I understand it is a private business.
@bob_ Rest assured my last response was not driven by any particular comment.
I just thought of another analogy- one that hits home.
I own a very fast car.
I am a very safe driver even at a high rate of speed.
It really bugs me that we in the USA do not have an Autobahn like in Germany.
But then I see how people here drive in the rain (and every day for that matter) and I am truly thankful that rules are in place to keep order.
Am I still bummed at times because I am not able to do as I want in my car? Yes.
But compared to the chaos that freedom would create I am good with it.
[mod says:] @tyrantxseries We realize it’s very easy to post the phrase “Removed by Fluther moderators” and it looks like your post was removed, but please don’t do it again. Deceitful and disingenuous activity is against the guidelines. <3
I’m looking for this supposed AIROW place and nothing is turning up in Google…
Oh, and thanks for the plug, @Dr_C. :)
Yes, just like the deep end of a pool works.
@Noel_S_Leitmotiv Oh, of course! I’d forgotten that the deep end doesn’t have any life guards. ;)
But its usually where you find the adults.
I’ve seen other websites that allow a free-for-all mentality and invariably it degenerates to a situation that is mean spirited and threatening. Web-stalkers and trolls love those sort of places.
Sites such as these are no different than real life: Theres little in the way of a gratifying experience without at least some challenge and risk of negativity.
BTW. Finally a discussion with some edge. Thank you Bob.
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