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What do your new friends know about you as a person, see in you, recognize in you that your old friends have no idea about?
New friends meet the person you’ve become. In what way have you grown that a long time friend won’t immediately see, acknowledge, or give credit for?
I’ll go first:
When I was a teenager and in my early 20s, I was a horrendous bitch to a lot of people. I was angry and frustrated with life and took it out on a lot of people. It got worse when I unknowingly got Addison’s disease. I was depressed, sick, and pretty much miserable. People who knew me then didn’t like me much. Sure, I had some good friends who had been there along the way and were loyal to me, but my general acquaintances didn’t enjoy my company. After being diagnosed with Addison’s and getting out of a not so great marriage, I figured out who I truly am at heart and have focused my energy on portraying my inner happiness rather than being ugly and negative. The change has been amazing. Of course my new friends don’t understand when I tell them what I was like back then, but there are a few people who knew me then and are back in my life now. They tell me all the time the change is remarkable. I’m literally a new person.
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