Fluther, who do you think is the father of this child?
Need everyone opinions on a “paternity” matter. In the link below you’ll find a picture of a baby, 5 men, and the babies mother. ONE of the men is definitely the babies father (and no she didn’t sleep with all of them, we just wanted some options to make this more interesting).
Of the 5 men pictured, who do you think is the father?
Top left man = 1
Man second from top left = 2
Man second from top right = 3
Man top right = 4
Man next to the mother = 5
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133 Answers
I can’t decide between 1 and 3. But I think it’s one of those two. I’ll go with 1.
I might suggest zooming in on the photo a bit (I won’t be offended if anyone downloads it).... The pictures can be far more in focused than they appear right away. But keep the guesses/picks coming….
Number 4.
By the way, she fine.
Are we allowed to know why we’re being asked?
@augustlan Well to clarify a bit, one of them is definitely the father… the problem is, it’s one of two of them…. and there’s a bit of a debate as to which of them…. we wanted to get none-biased opinions.
@augustlan Are we allowed to ask why this poll question hasn’t been removed?
@bob_ Cuz it’s not a poll, it’s a legit question… This is simply the only format in which to ask it.
this no way to tell paternity. I honestly thought it was a psych experiment.
Okay everyone stop guessing right now, there are only 2 possibilities, I could throw in 5 photos of people that look like this baby and you wouldnt guess, but if you only have 2 options, its pretty clear who the babys daddy is! look here and tell me, left or right!
here” target=“_blank”><img src=“http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/lkidkyle1985/whosbaby.jpg” border=“0” alt=“Photobucket
@creativejuices Well obviously this isn’t exactly scientific or fool proof…. we’re just looking for opinions…
Well, the baby does seem to share coloring with only one of your choices, but it’s still not proof. If I were either of these two gentlemen, I’d want a paternity test pronto!
well all we got is the photo right now, i know its not a fool safe way to know whos baby it is, but i think it looks a lot more like one of those guys than the other.
Numero uno.
Edit: Aww shit, I thought I was being clever. Sorry to copy you, Randy.
lol…......... I want to see how many more votes we get in this, so I’ll update tomorrow with the two it’s actually between (rather than 5) ....... But keep the picks coming…. right now general consensus seems to be for guy #1…...
@Allie I don’t mind sharing. =)
Hey, I wanna be clever, too! I vote for Nummer vier! Ja!
I’m thinking #1 no doubt.
Soapbox: you owe it to the father, the child, and yourself to get a paternity test done immediately.
edit: This was a lot of fun, by the way. I actually played around with the image for a few minutes using a photo tweaking program.
Going by the chin, I reckon it’s number 3.
Number 3 for sure. Shape of the mouth, set of the eyebrows, width of the facial structure.
Out of curiosity, did you ask the 5 guys for permission to post their pic?
I didn’t look at the pictures, because in my opinion, paternity isn’t a matter that can be put up to vote, or based on looks. Only DNA can determine the paternity of a child accurately. Trying to guess is simply entertainment.
“Well obviously this isn’t exactly scientific or fool proof…. we’re just looking for opinions…”
Does what we say actually have some variety of bearing on what you decide? Because I really hope not. Get a paternity test, jesus.
Number 1! Now get a paternity test…
Don’t even bother looking at pictures. Similarities come and go, and the face will change as the child gets older. Do a DNA test to find out the result, don’t rely on random internet people’s thoughts.
Who’s the daddy?
Ask permission from the bill payer before calling
The baby looks more like the mom, but I have to go with #4. But you really need a paternity test.
Number 1. They have the same nose.
And no one would think my daughter was my daughter but she looks just like her father – in a dress.
My vote is also 1 or 5. I’m leaning towards 1, but I think it could definitely be either.
I say #1. They eyebrows look alike, as well as the chin, hairline, and nose is closest.
That was fun! Let’s do another!
Mr. ubersiren thinks it’s #1 also.
42. No, seriously, I say #4.
I thought 3 till I saw the other picture, which looks like 2.
The baby really looks more like the mom, which is a good thing.
This is really no subsitute for a paternity test.
Just to clarify for the many of you who seem to think custody of a child is dependent on the consensus winner here. WE ARE JUST LOOKING FOR OPINIONS…. IT HAS NO BEARING ON ANYTHING.
The reason we are asking is because one of the two guys who it could be is a close friend, and when we showed people we know they instantly said it’s his kid… but we figured that’s a bit biased, cuz who the heck else would they think was the father? So we figured what better place to find unbiased opinions.
The mother and the “supposed father” seem completely content to raise the kid and seem to have no questions as to it being theirs. I do not know if this will ever go as far as a paternity DNA test.
I do find it pretty interesting how many of you think I“M the father btw… :P (I’m not)
@westy81585 Incidentally, if there is a DNA test down the road because something bad happens in their relationship, actual paternity may not matter from a legal perspective. In California, after two years of a kid being raised as a certain man’s son, the man becomes a “psychological father” and gains all the rights and responsibilities of the biological father.
My sister found this out when she tried to get rid of her ex-boyfriend by letting him know that she cheated on him and the kid wasn’t his after all. She got a lawyer, and he told her she was SOL since the child was three years old. The “psychological father” paid child support until her son was 18 and remains in their lives today. Just sayin’.
None of the above.
It’s Bendrew
I think it’s either 1, or 4.
Which two could it definitely be?
also, i need a picture of the ears. because, to me, that is something people usually forget to look at. #5 seems to have the same ears, but i’d need a better picture.
@casheroo I guess we have enough opinions (and enough people who think I’m the father…).... The options are 2 and 4…. Those are the potential fathers.
The irony being that I got more votes than both of them combined…
@westy81585 then I say 4 for sure, they have the same smile and the same hairline.
@westy81585, out of curiosity do the potential fathers and the mother know this link with all of their pictures and that baby’s picture was posted?
@SuperMouse One potential father does. We didn’t want to stir up any waves with the rest of them.
@applesaucemanny You were one of two to pick 2.
@westy81585 Did you ask for the baby’s permission? I mean srsly.
@westy81585 ‘s photo submitted, I think its number 4… But, then again I am a biased submitter…
@Lkidkyle1985’s then yes number 1 would be the choice (I think) between those choices.
I would also like to point out that I find it funny that the majority of fluther did not choose the guy who is supposedly the father.
@RandomMrAdam hahaha, yah, most of them seem to think I’m the father.
I guess it’s 4 then, out of 2 and 4. which guy are you? 1?
well, I’m number 4, and so far this is what I’ve gathered.
Mother = Blood type O
Guy number 2 = Blood type O
Me, guy number 4 = Blood type A+
Baby = Blood type A+
From what I found on every website dealing with blood type probability suggest it’s impossible for two people of O Blood type to have a child with an A+ blood type.
A paternity test is getting done later this week, and some results should arrive to determine whether I am, or am not the father.
So anyone who guess number 4, it’s looking like you’re right.
Congratulations @RandomMrdan! You’re a father! (Type O is a recessive type, and types A and B are dominant. The mother has type OO, You have either AA or AO, and the baby has type AO since he got an A from you and an O from the mother.)
Way to go @RandomMrdan ! Welcome to 18 years of child support!
Yeah, that I’d rather not win.
Were all of these guys really candidates?
no, only me and guy number 2 were candidates.
And thanks everyone =)
Why has it taken so long to get a true paternity test? Did she not write a name down on the birth certificate?
@randommrdan Have you been helping with your possible child? Hopefully you don’t piss her off, if you are the father, because she can sue you for retroactive child support.
@casheroo I’m not Dan, but I’ll fill you in as I’m a good friend.
The paternity test hasn’t even been done yet, because it’s just come to Dans attention that the child looks like him yet. He was “hooking up” with the mother back around the time she became pregnant, but she stopped hooking up with Dan and went back to her long time x b/f (Guy # 2). So when she became pregnant she assumed it was his (I also assume his name is on the birth certificate).
I don’t think there’s any bad blood between he and the mother either. Whether or not she had an idea this may be dans prior to this all is anyones guess (She’s not the brightest star in the sky, but not stupid either).
And as far as child support, I don’t think Dan would have any problem paying it… but moreover I don’t think a court would hold it against him for not having paid 5–6 months of child support for a kid he didn’t know he had.
@westy81585 I think ignorance isn’t an excuse. I do know it’s a PITA to change who the birth father is, on the certificate.
Also, I have a friend who paid child support every month. The mother got mad one day and sued him for “back” child support. She lied and said he never paid any. If it’s not done through the courts, even if there is no bad blood, you need to get it documented. Hopefully Dan is smart enough to do that, if he is the father.
I’m thinking #1 or #3. If I have to chose one, it would be #1.
Yes, now I read the responses. I see it could be #4. Glad to hear there are paternity tests to make sure. Cute baby—congratulations!
I want to jump on the “I Picked It” bandwagon too! I originally said 3 or 4! Now I admit, I didn’t say definitively, but I did pick 4 as a choice!
So I just read all this… So, @RandomMrdan, you’re #4 and you’re now saying you’re pretty sure it’s your baby (based on responses here and the blood type thing) but you’re going for a real paternity test next week? I hope you find out what you need to know!
I’m dealing with a situation like this (not my baby, but my boyfriend’s) and we’re wondering how much a paternity test costs. Will you let me know?
<copies @bob_‘s happy dance>
I would say # 1 or #5
Looking at the child, do we leave out the possibility of this woman having an alien abduction?
WTF?! Someone call me and tell me what is going on….
@mowens why? Is one of the pictures of you?
Uh oh. I think #2 just showed up…
OK, I took another look, and I have come to the conclusion that #1 (@westy81585). looks “ripped”! Anyhow, fun question, interesting responses, good to see a group of good friends having fun here…..wtf
@SuperMouse hha, mowens is another of the group of friends (not in one of the pictures)... But apparently no one told him what was going on.
@whatthefluther Define ripped please….. lol
@westy81585…I hardly think that is necessary…suffice it to say: “it takes one to know one.” See ya…wtf
I feel like I’m watching an episode of Maury.
@essieness if that was the case, they’d all have to posing at a weird angle on a video screen, with an oversized sports jersey on.
@essieness: Me too, and there are too many commercial breaks! I want to know who the baby daddy is, already! Come on! We only have 30 minutes!
@eponymoushipster And they’d all be calling the mother a ho while their girlfriends start taking off their earrings and shoes getting ready for the big showdown.
@essieness YES! “he don’t luuuuvvve you! he luv ME!”
i forsee this in your future. hehe
how quick can you take your earrings out?
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
We’re taking the test tomorrow afternoon, and should get results in about 2–3 days
I am hurt Dan… I am really curious though…
if you’ve seen the photos, I think it’s pretty obvious.
@RandomMrdan I’m not sure if you’ve answered this upthread, but are you planning to share the results with Fluther?
yeah, I’ll get everyone updated once the results are in.
Im sure he will. He is just going to ignore his good friends. :)
boo! The image is gone now..!!
the mother/boyfriend didn’t like that the question was asked here without consulting anyone about it. I wasn’t even consulted. So we had Westy take the photo down.
you didn’t ask me before posting this question, though I’m not really offended though.
Did you ask him before poking the girl?
@filmfann I’m assuming you’re referring to the b/f…. and I imagine no, because they weren’t dating (and hadn’t been for some 6+ months) at the time.
I wasnt ased anything either.
Did the results come back yet?
@augustlan….I think it is an open and shut case strictly based on blood type, unless of course there are more than the two potential fathers. But I would like to hear the official results, as well.
Come on guys….you promised!
To my knowledge randomdan will get the test results back tomorrow, so relax and wait :)
they are not in just yet, but should be in as early as tomorrow….patience…
The results are in, I am 99.9978% sure to be the father.
<passes cigar to RandomMrdan>
Maybe next time Bendrew.
@RandomMrdan…I think that is enough to get you convicted in a court of law. Congratulations, Papa!
@RandomMrdan CONGRATULATIONS!!! How old is your son? He sure is a cutie and from the pictures you posted he looks a lot like his old man!
Welcome to child support!
He is just about 10 months old. Thanks everyone!
@RandomMrdan Congrats buddy! I bet that’s a load off your mind!
Wow! So, what happens next? And is the other guy all flipped out that he isn’t the father?
I can imagine, he’s having a hard time. I know I would. Next step…spending time around my son, so he becomes more comfortable around me, and eventually is staying over with me from time to time.
I suppose joint legal custody, and all that good stuff too.
wow…...... i feel like i’m an uncle now
@westy81585….OK uncle….no smoking flavored tobacco or that other stuff when you are around @RandomMrdan‘s kid…got it? Enjoy the kid…they are all precious. See ya…wtf
why didnt you add my picture? I look s lot like dan…. wou;dve been interesting.
I’m not sure why he put up random people anyways, there were only 2 possible people who could have been the father.
@RandomMrdan: To provide a control group, of course. If we had all said the same wrong answer, we would know it was useless to guess, but if there are distractors, then you can tell if we were right, or it was just random chance.
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@La_chica_gomela THANKYOU… I explained this to all of them like a dozen times.. I had learned in multiple classes that you HAVE to have a control group, but none of them understood.
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