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Jude's avatar

Meaning behind the lyrics of Radiohead's "Reckoner"?

Asked by Jude (32210points) June 7th, 2009

You can’t take it with you
Dancing for your pleasure
You are not to blame for
Bittersweet distractors
Dare not speak his name
Dedicated to all you
All you human beings.

Because we separate
Like ripples on a blank shore
(In rain, in rain)
Because we separate (in rainbows)
Like ripples on a blank shore (in rainbows).

Take me with you
Dedicated to all you
All you beings.

What do you think?


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2 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

Just reading the lyrics, i think it means we are all one, reckon that there are external things that separate us, or “distract” us. These differences make us beautiful – colors in a rainbow, rain falling on water – but don’t let them distract you from the fact that people are all people, “all you beings”.

my .02 :)

hearkat's avatar

I like @epy’s interpretation.

I just wanted to mention that there are a couple of sites for discussing lyrics:

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