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Jude's avatar

Need suggestions for boy names (first and middle). The last name is Mitchell?

Asked by Jude (32210points) June 15th, 2009

Doing this for my cous’.

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77 Answers

veganpeanutbutter's avatar

Zorion. Ha.
I just googled “strange boy names.”
I’m glad such websites exist.

My favorite boy’s names have always been “Adrian,” “Kaiden,” and “Kai.”

Judi's avatar

Any family names to consider?
Are they looking for different?
What is their vision for the child? Adventure, curious, steady, wealth? A perfect name for an office door may not be the perfect name for a world explorer or a a scientist, or an artist.

Jude's avatar

@judi Those have been taken by the other siblings.

Jude's avatar

@Judi Their one son’s name is “Bowen”. It’s different, yes, but, really, they’re looking for anything that sounds good together. Not sure about the vision…

sap82's avatar

Joshua Andrew Mitchell, Initials: JAM

Not the worst I have ever heard.

jonsblond's avatar

Like @sap82 I was going to go with Andrew.

Benjamin Andrew Mitchell. Using the letter B, the same as the older brother. Also using the fluther founders as inspiration. :)

Ben Mitchell sounds cute!

Jude's avatar

I’ve always liked the name Joel. Joel Malcolm Mitchell (Malcolm after his Grandpa).

Jude's avatar

@jonsblond Great name. And, Ben is the name of my cous’ brother. :)

sap82's avatar

@jonsblond We are having a child soon. We have been discussing boy names. We can’t seem to find any we like, but Andrew does seem like a good middle name.

augustlan's avatar

Bailey Allen Mitchell.

jonsblond's avatar

@sap82 Congratulations! Andrew is a great middle name. This thread may give you some good ideas. :)

Supacase's avatar

I like the name Cavan. It is different, but not unheard of or nutty, much like Bowen. It sounds good with the last name Mitchell.

Cavan Andrew Mitchell?

DominicX's avatar

What about “Dominic”? It’s melodic; it flows off the tongue. I’m not sure why I like it, I just do. :P

Judi's avatar

My daughter was going to name her child Ryven weather it was a boy or a girl. She ended up having a girl.
Ryven James Mitchell?
I like common middle names in case they don’t like their first name they can choose to go by their middle name.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I think Brennan would make a great first or middle name.

Les's avatar

@veganpeanutbutter: My name is on the list for strange girl name. Except, my name is spelled “Leslie”, not “Lesley”. I don’t think I’m that strange. :-(

Facade's avatar

Carim (pronounced like the words “care” and “rim”) Lee Mitchell

Jude's avatar

@augustlan Bailey’s cute. Although, it’s the name of their dog, lol..

Great names, everyone. Will pass them on to her..

augustlan's avatar

@jmah Well, at least we know that like that name! ;-)

DeanV's avatar


Jude's avatar

@augustlan Yup. That would Mama’s other baby ;-).

shockvalue's avatar

Paul. get him in to hair cutting.

CMaz's avatar

Barack Hussein

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Rory James
Julian Snow
Craig Orion
Gillian Sean

aprilsimnel's avatar


That’s all I got.

casheroo's avatar

Alton, Clint, Corbin.

chelseababyy's avatar

Lucas Edward Mitchell

Mr_Callahan's avatar

Aaron Michael Mitchell.

DeanV's avatar

Mitchell Michael Mitchell.

augustlan's avatar

@dverhey Why not just go all out with Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell? ;)

DeanV's avatar

@augustlan I dunno… Less tongue twisterey?

cyn's avatar

Edward Michael Mitchell??

filmfann's avatar

I know 3 different Mike Mitchells. Might want to stay away from that.
Hunter James Mitchell.
Of course, if we vote, the answer will be AstroChuck Mitchell.

DeanV's avatar

@filmfann I dunno, PupnTaco Mitchell could be good…

Jude's avatar

Lol, some of these are great! Thanks for all of yours suggestions. I’ll be sure to pass them on to Mama-to-be.

knitfroggy's avatar

Cooper Allen Mitchell sounds good to me. Or Henry Alexander Mitchell. Henry Mitchell sounds like a guys guy.

Jude's avatar

Lurve Julian Snow!

augustlan's avatar

Blue Freedom Mitchell. :)

breedmitch's avatar

B. Reed Mitchell

essieness's avatar

@Les I’m Leslie too :)

My grandfather’s middle name is Charleston, and I always thought it was nice. It goes well with Mitchell.

Charleston no ideas for middle name Mitchell

shrubbery's avatar

I like the names Conrad, Oliver and Lucas.
Not too common, but not too out there.

Mr_Callahan's avatar

Michael Vincent Mitchell

Clair's avatar

i’m sad to see that eponymoushipster isn’t here suggesting george washington or alister crowely or something

sakura's avatar

Jayden, Xavier, George is cute but not sure it goes with Mitchell erm in my family we have Martin Mark Andrew Geoff
Rich(ard) Billy (haha just thought Billy Mitchell – character in Eastenders!!) Issaiah Benjmin Sebastian Damian Joshua Kevin Luke Joseph Alex Anthony Darran Brandon erm… I think thats about it on one side anyway…! Hope these help :)

sakura's avatar

ooo thought of some more Matthew, Jacob, Thomas, William ooo Willem is nice too… Aaron Daryl…Willem Xavier Mitchell??

Clair's avatar

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

mbubbles's avatar

i like @sakura‘s answer. what kind of name are you looking for?

Jude's avatar

@mbubbles My cousin’s looking for anything that sounds good with Mitchell as the last name. She already has a girls name picked out (Isla being the first name), but, is stuck on a boy’s name. Now, they’re leaning towards Cameron Mackenzie Mitchell.

mbubbles's avatar

I think Alexander Joseph Mitchell sounds good, but correct me if i’m wrong. I’m better with girl’s’ names.

sakura's avatar

Cameron Mackenzie Mitchell sounds cool I like it :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, hey! I suggested Cameron. Cool!

Jude's avatar

I just talked to Le Mama and Cameron Mackenzie Mitchell it is!

sakura's avatar

fabulous cool name :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I approve! :D

Jude's avatar

I do, too. :)

Jude's avatar

Cameron Mac Mitchell was born October 19th ~ 7lbs. 8oz. ~ 20.5” long! Mom pushed for 15 minutes. No doctor was present. The nurse had to catch the baby! Both Mom and babe are doing well.

augustlan's avatar

@jmah Congrats! Love the name they ended up with.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yay! Babies!

sakura's avatar

Yippeeeeeeee! We need a pic if allowed!

Jude's avatar

Here he is.

(Second photo is Cameron with his Daddy, Chris and his big Brother, Bowen).

casheroo's avatar

oh my gosh, he is so cute! love all that hair!

Jude's avatar

It’s funny because both Mom and Dad are sandy blonde (well, when Dad had hair he was sandy blonde).

casheroo's avatar

well, you’ve seen pictures of Cash…he had dark hair like that when he was born, so it most likely won’t last

aprilsimnel's avatar

Cheeks! Bite! Eeeee!

augustlan's avatar

So cute! Those cheeks are so pinchable! One of my girls had pitch black hair when she was born, and a lot of it. She’s a sandy blond, now.

sakura's avatar

Sooo cute thanksxxxx

Jude's avatar

Both boys have what is known as the “cinnamon bun swirl” (coined by their Grandfather). It’s actually called a hair whorl. Their Great-Grandfather who past away last year had the same thing.

Bowen told his Grandma that Cameron wasn’t coming to his house, because they didn’t have a bed for him. Haha. He then changed his mind and was showing Grandma his little baby brother.

Jude's avatar

He’s got Le Mama’s chin cleft. He’s been a really good baby.

shrubbery's avatar

@jmah awwww so cute! looks real healthy too :)

filmfann's avatar

@jmah just a beautiful baby! Congrats!

Jude's avatar

He’s getting to be a big boy. He’s got his Momma’s cleft chin.

callie77's avatar

Halton Kaine Mitchell—> Halton Jaymes Mitchell
Layton Karr Mitchell—-> Layton Jaymes Mitchell

filmfann's avatar

@callie77 Welcome to Fluther. Lurve.

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