General Question

kurtieb's avatar

My wife is disabled and i had to quit my job to take care of her full time is there some way of collecting benifits for doing this?

Asked by kurtieb (1points) June 15th, 2009

she is allready on medicare and ssi….and has been for years

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2 Answers

Darwin's avatar

If you are the caretaker of someone on ssi you can be granted a small ssi payment as well, but it isn’t much. That is what happened when I quit to care for my husband. It was a couple hundred dollars a month. If she is eligible for Medicaid she might be allowed a visiting nurse or an aide so you can get a part-time job outside of home.

Otherwise I suggest you figure out some way to work from home. I sell books online, one neighbor is a medical transcriptionist, another works for an insurance company, and yet another operates a “golf shop” out of his garage (and flirts with being cited for running a business in a residential zone).

knitfroggy's avatar

When my mother in law got sick with MS before she passed away the SRS office set her up with a home health care agency. They paid my brother in law for forty hours a week to take care of her. He was basically an employee of the home health care agency. It worked out well for them for several years.

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