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asmonet's avatar

(Mildly NSFW) Have you ever been to an adult slumber party?

Asked by asmonet (21465points) June 16th, 2009

Not the candy, giggling over boys and pillow fights when you’re twelve kind. The kind of Tupperware party that only women go to. And by Tupperware I mean vibrators. And porn. And lingerie. And whatnot.

I was recently invited to one, for about the hundredth time by some coworkers and am finally able to go without a scheduling conflict. I’ve heard of them, but never in any great detail.

As far as I was aware it was mostly a night to hang out, buy some naughty stuff and have some drinks. But, as it was recently explained by someone else, there may also be games and craziness. I’m going regardless, but I was wondering if any of you fine Flutherites have ever been, and what was your experience?

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31 Answers

tinyfaery's avatar

No. But it sure sounds fun.

My cousin once had a lingerie party. It was pretty tame and the clothing was ugly.

Judi's avatar

I have been to one. The stuff was risque, but we weren’t asked to do or say anything compromising and our order forms were secret. It must have been over 20 years ago though. am I that old?

Jude's avatar

First off, Cheerios sounds fabulous – especially of the Honey Nut variety. :)

I’ve been to one. You get to ask questions (if you want to ;-)), pass around and ogle detachable penises (ha), taste edible lotions and whatnot and get sex tips. And, with a few cocktails, inhibitions go out the window.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’ve been to a few. The experience you have will depend on how outgoing your hostess is. Sometimes, they demonstrate the toys on willing participants. No one takes their clothes off, but some people have no problem laying down and having some toys placed on their crotch in front of other women. Even so, it was all in fun and not at all uncomfortable. What I liked about the ones I went to was that they aren’t just geared toward straight women. They would make it a point to talk about and introduce items for same-sex couples, too.

You get to handle every product and get a feel for it, from vibrators to lotions and beyond. You ask questions about things, if you’re so inclined and everyone tries to chime in with knowledgeable answers. It tends to get pretty loud after people have downed a few drinks and because women can get high-pitched and giggly, be prepared to take a break outside. Heh. :)

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Just remember they’re coworkers, not social friends.

asmonet's avatar

@PandoraBoxx: Oh, trust me. I don’t know any of these women well enough to go spilling info in any setting. But it seems like a fun way to get to know pretty much all the women in the company and buy some fun stuff in the process.

@DrasticDreamer: That was exactly the kind of thing I was expecting, thanks!

Thanks, everyone.

Anyone else? ;)

eponymoushipster's avatar

sure, i’ll go. i can just sit back and watch. oh, and i’ll bring cake and coffee.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Judi who doesn’t like cake?!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Sounds like an adult-teenager party to me.

I guess that’s just the old-fashioned in my new-fashioned veins.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater nah, i had one of those and Chris Hansen showed up.

asmonet's avatar

I like cake.

LC_Beta's avatar

Yep, they’re called Pleasure Parties in my circle. They are basically tame – husbands tend to eat all the food, comment on the lingerie they like, and leave. The girls pass products around (including vibrators and other toys) and usually do a little dirty talk.

prude's avatar

no, never been to one.
dunno if I’d go to one if invited either.

asmonet's avatar

@prude: Well, at least you’d be living up to your name. :)

Why not?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@asmonet ok. i’ll bring cake.
btw, did you see the thing on HBO about blow job classes?

@LC_Beta sounds like a top shelf evening. i’d pass my wife/gf a few bucks if i saw something that suited her. plus i get snacks.

asmonet's avatar

@eponymoushipster: No, I don’t have cable. But have you seen anything on HBO? There’s your blowjob class right there.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Nothing like that. It’s not along my interests but even if so, I’d not engage in it with co workers. Awkward.

asmonet's avatar

Well, all the women in my company are 20–30. It’s not as awkward as you’d think. :)
And this is mainly the 21–25 range.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@asmonet that’s Cinemax after midnight. ”skinimax” if you will.

casheroo's avatar

They’re called “Passion Parties” where I’m from.
I went to one when I was hugely pregnant. It was pretty fun. Oh, and the vibrators and sex toys were presents by an 18 year old. She looked 15, and telling us about sex. It felt so wrong. Good times!

prude's avatar

@asmonet if you really knew me, you’d be surprised.
I wouldn’t want to go because of embarrassment or anything like that, it would be because I already have my own toys that I am perfectly happy with. I can’t imagine that anyone would have much more of what I wanted/needed;)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo depending on what part of Philly, an 18 year old might have a lot to share. heh.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Be prepared for people to talk on Monday to their other coworkers about the night’s events. .

wundayatta's avatar

If they don’t take their clothes off, then I don’t see why I should go.

phil196662's avatar

Oooo YES! and that bowl of Condoms!

prude's avatar

no, I haven’t

phil196662's avatar

But One at a time is good too… @prude

Violet's avatar

I have not, but I would love to go to one! Does anyone have a link?

rockzom's avatar

Sounds boring. Have an orgy and be done with it.

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