General Question

Tink's avatar

What is one of your texting or email pet peeves?

Asked by Tink (8673points) June 16th, 2009 from iPhone

I really hate one word responses!!
When I’m texing someone and I write like a paragraph they just answer ok or yes it just kills me! And sometimes they do it on purpose
What’s yours?

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91 Answers

gymnastchick729's avatar

when people correct me on my spelling or text talk

Annnab's avatar

That’s really annoying, esp when you’re trying to have a real conversation… I hate it when my parents use lol when they text

Pcrecords's avatar

I dislike my network sending me chatty texts where essentially they aren’t actually attempting friendship so much as a ‘bolt on’ for my account.

Tink's avatar

@gymnastchick729 – I make up my own alot of the time and they don’t get it
@Annnab – I know right?! Yeah they try to be “cool” like WTF is that?

marinelife's avatar

That it exists.

Pcrecords's avatar

Also, hate round robins where someone updates you on their life and when you reply they don’t respond personally. Get a website, or at least a twitter account.

Tink's avatar

@Pcrecords – Ugh I hate those people!

Pcrecords's avatar

@marina lovely that you get along with fluther but have a peeve with email and text.

Lupin's avatar

A midnight text: “Sup”
I’m sleeping you jackass! Blocked!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

LOL. I hate LOL so much!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@Marina I’m with you on that one.

Pcrecords's avatar

Twice today I’ve heard blocked with regard to text. As you Americans have to pay to receive (seriously daft setup) text do you also get to block senders?

Tink's avatar

I didn’t know you can block people

Pcrecords's avatar

I’m referring to @Lupin saying blocked.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

People (particularly one of my coworkers) who send me “whats up” text messages, yet when I actually respond with what I’m doing, the conversation goes absolutely nowhere. That definitely applies to instant messaging as well.

Pcrecords's avatar

To put this on it’s head though. Sometimes I love it when it seems the night is over and your off to bed and a friend texts to see if you want to come out. It’s when text comes into it’s own, it’s too late to call but what harm can a text do?

To back up @Lupin though sleeping with a phone near my head and that midnight text when I have to be up in the morning? BAH!

Tink's avatar

@Pcrecords – Is that a question?

Pcrecords's avatar

It possibly is… A sub question I guess. I mean I really don’t care enough to ask it properly.

Joe_Freeman's avatar

I don’t like getting sucked into a texting conversation. Texting is too slow and cumbersome for a back-and-forth conversation of any length. I think it’s best for quickie alerts like “i’ll be there at 6:45” or “check your email, dude,” that sort of thing. If we all had QWERTY keyboards then I might feel otherwise.

Pcrecords's avatar

I do have a qwerty but I liked text conversations even before that.

Wait I just thought of another one. My friend used to text me across a pub table when he was annoyed. So his phone goes down, mine lights up… Nobody is fooled!

mangeons's avatar

I hate most text talk, like “wutz up y rnt u ansering ur emails dude tht rlly sux” I usually at least use proper language on texts.

I hate when people just stop replying, without even saying bye.

I don’t like texting on phones without full keyboards (or QWERTY keyboards… I have one.)

Joe_Freeman's avatar

Major email peeve: When someone “replies” to your email only so they don’t have to do a Send, that is, the subject and content to which they are replying is irrelevant, but they are doing a Reply so they don’t have to dig up your email address. Not many people do this, but my sister does, and it’s so annoying. She even leaves the old subject intact! She simply cannot understand why anyone would object to this email abuse. Is there a name for this psychotic behavior?

mangeons's avatar

@Joe_Freeman I do that with emails as well as texts unless I am sending out a group message. I do change the email subject most of the time though. It’s just easier to hit “reply” than typing in the whole address.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

10 minutes of texting instead of a 1 minute phone call.

Pcrecords's avatar

@Joe Freeman I agree with you on the subject line, however you get the address up is down to you but not to change the subject and delete any former text is just lazy.

It’s the email equivelent of replying to a letter on the back of the senders notepaper.

mangeons's avatar

@PandoraBoxx I usually prefer texting because I have Unlimited Free Texting with my plan, so I don’t want to use up all my minutes with long phone conversations when I could need the minutes for an emergency call.

DeanV's avatar

Just textspk in general. I h8 txtspk.

Pcrecords's avatar

@Pandoraboxx sometimes it’s nice to be able to keep a record though. I’ve had some fairly memorable texts in my time. Definate keepers.

Tink's avatar

@PandoraBoxx – I have free texing an I hate talking on the phone

Tink's avatar

@Joe Freeman – I reply rather than starting a new one I only start a new one when I want to talk about something else

Tink's avatar

Who’s still following this question right now?

Pcrecords's avatar

I am!

I can forgive and understand txt abv. 160 characters is a tight edit sometimes but when people carry that over to email, that’s just evil.

Tink's avatar

:) Mostly teenagers do that

Pcrecords's avatar

Wmplati !!!!!!

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

If I didn’t respond to the first one, it probably means I’m busy and that you probably shouldn’t send me 5 more asking why I didn’t respond.

Oh yeah, if you’re going to spam your entire contacts list, please put my address in the “Bcc” field so spammers don’t send me even more unsolicited mail.

Tink's avatar

@Pcrecords – Huh?
@The_Compassionate_Heretic -Some don’t understand that

Pcrecords's avatar

What’s your timeframe on that cause I generally only follow up a day or so later.

When people do it to me, generally I’ve disregarded it when busy and then totally forgotten it.

Pcrecords's avatar

@tink1113 that is cutting edge Lol. If you don’t understand it… Gosh it’s like Nathans Run, your just too old…

Also, I’ve already forgotten what it stood for.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

One last thing, “pwned” is not a word and was never meant to be spoken aloud.

Tink's avatar

@Pcrecords – Right now have one up to 3 days that I’m currently following my time frame is when the conversation just dies and I start a new one

Pcrecords's avatar

Wet my pants laughing at the irony. ...remembered it.

Pcrecords's avatar

Sounds like a winning timeframe tink.

Tink's avatar

Oh yeah :)

Tink's avatar

What is it?

charliecompany34's avatar

i’ll send a deep text to somebody and they reply, “ok.” or “k”

the new rule on texting: text to people who are a lot like you. you’ll get the results you want. texting for a booty call? might as well draw straws.

texting intellectual thoughts? good luck. the receiver needs to be just as intellectual as you or you’ll still get the one-word response.

need detailed info? just say “call me.”

texting is a great tool, especially if you just want to communicate without talking in real time. but i really think we have entered a new realm of communication that is making Alexander graham bell turn over in his grave.

dude, i came up with the telephone—greatest invention since sliced bread—and now all y’all wanna do is text and type.

Tink's avatar

@charliecompany34 – Yup I see him too :)

knitfroggy's avatar

I get sick of all the forwards that I get on my cell. Some of them are funny, but it’s really irritating when I get one forward and then pretty soon, I’ll get five more of the same thing because the person who sent it to me, sent it to a friend who also sent it to me. I guess I should be glad that they are thinking of me.

I was in the breakroom at work one evening sitting with some co workers and this one lady opens a text someone just sent her. It had a sound attached that was saying “Here N-Word N-Word N-Word” really loud.of course it was really saying the N-Word She snapped her phone shut real quick like and looked kinda funny. Two of the ladies that were sitting with us are black ladies. I thought this woman was gonna pass out. The other two ladies didn’t act like they heard anything, but I know they did, it was loud. I was embarrassed for my friend and felt terrible for the black ladies sitting there-I adore both of them and wouldn’t want them to have their feelings hurt! She was so mad at whoever sent that to her that she took them out of her phone. She said she wouldn’t have appreciated that text no matter who was sitting near her.

Tink's avatar

Oh I had forgotten about fowards they are irritating!! Especially stupid picture ones. They take forever to load so when I get one I always delete it and it’s always the same person

charliecompany34's avatar

i hate fowards! can’t you just write me something from your own mind or heart?

Tink's avatar

They are all stupid
Especially the ones that go “Foward this message to 10 people and someone you like will tell you they love you at 10:00 and if you don’t..”
I get at least 3 of those each week!!!

charliecompany34's avatar

@Tink1113 oh God, i so agree with you!

Tink's avatar

Yeah sometimes I just wanna throw my phone you know?

Tink's avatar

At them!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i hate when someone texts me something, and i respond a few minutes later, and then they’re like “what”.

for example the other day my friend texted me about something some lady she met said, and i was like “oh that’s annoying” and she’s like “what” and i’m like “what the lady said” and she’s like “what lady?”.


Tink's avatar

Let’s gang up and beat them up. Are you guys in?

knitfroggy's avatar

I’ve always wanted to participate in an angry mob. Count me in!

Tink's avatar

Ok grab your cellphones thats all you’ll need. We can kick their asses with them. Or you can also bring weapons. Oh don’t forget your chargers so we can tie them up too!

Tink's avatar

We strike at midnight!
I’ve already foward them a warning

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@Tink1113 Hold up. What are we doing at midnight?

Tink's avatar

Kicking stupid peoples asses that foward stupid text messages read on to know more details

Tink's avatar

One more hour people!!!
Start getting ready

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

If I receive a text that says, wtup, sup or “I’m so bored” then I’m not going to respond. My friends know better than to waste my text allotment on shite and acquaintances who don’t pay attention to when I point that out will have to deal with my silence. Also, when I give an answer and the person pretends not to understand so they can keep talking to me just to try and keep me talking to them… ARGH! I fucking hate text speak and I hate texting except to use for flirting under the radar and talking to long distance friends.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I hate people who keep texting when you ask them to pick up the phone and call. Odds are, if you’re somewhere that you can’t talk, but can take the time to text, like class or work, you should be focusing on that.

Tink's avatar

Ughhhhhh!!!! I just got another one of those fowards right now!
I might start the riot earlier

Resonantscythe's avatar

@Tink1113 I’m with you on the one word answers, it’s infuriating trying to converse with someone who gets lazy on you.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

It should be obvious when you receive one word answers from someone not on intimate terms with you that it means that person is either busy with something or not interested in bs text.

Tink's avatar

@Resonantscythe – I know and then when I get mad they text me back and ask me why I don’t answer back hello it’s obvious why you dumbass!!

Tink's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence – But they want me to text back

Tink's avatar

People it’s time attack

Resonantscythe's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence I thought it was obvious, but I mean when the person claims to be into the conversation. I ask if they wanna be let go and then reply with something along the lines of “why? Do YOU want to be let go?” And then I facepalm And ask them what’s up with the one word answers to which they reply something along the lines of “I dunno” which just makes me facepalm harder .

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@Resonantscythe: wow, you’re a whole lot more patient than I am. Talk like that is pretty useless to me and I just stop responding

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Why is the interruption of receiving a text message regarded as socially allowable, and allowed to take precedence over a face-to-face conversation? Why don’t people put their phones on mute when they’ve made plans with someone and are doing something?

Resonantscythe's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence Patience is the only reason I’m not criminally insane with the way my family is. Ironically they are all horribly, terribly, nigh insufferably impatient.

Example: My mom: “get down here!” Me “okay” *ten seconds pass(I shit you not) mom:“I said GET DOWN HERE! WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO YELL FOR ANYTHING TO GET DONE AROUND HERE?! EVERYDAY YOU ALWAYS FIND SOME WAY TO HOLD THINGS OFF!! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU ANYTHING WORTH DOING SHOULD BE DONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! i BROUGHT YOU UP BETTER THAN THIS! WHEN DID YOU GET SO LAZY!!? I CAN’T BELIEVE THE WAY YOU ACT SOMETIMES!![Meanwhile I’ve been downstairs since the first third of the rant and ask what she needs, but she continues going for a little bit before finally telling me what she wants(after I talk her down)]

PandoraBoxx's avatar

@Resonantscythe, you do know many people aren’t like that at all, right?

Resonantscythe's avatar

@PandoraBoxx ??? I was only talking about my family

Lupin's avatar

@PandoraBoxx “Why is the interruption of receiving a text message regarded as socially allowable, and allowed to take precedence over a face-to-face conversation?”
Exactly! I’ve had my phone ring while I was talking with someone. I let it ring. He asked “Aren’t you going to answer that? I said “No, I’m talking with you now.” He was very impressed. I always give the face-to-face person priority.
If I was out with someone and my date started to answer a text, I’d strongly consider there not being a next one. (Unless it was an emergency, of course.)

Joe_Freeman's avatar

@Lupin I always give the face-to-face person priority.

The day is rapidly approaching when this will no longer be the expected behavior, just as we have already reached the point where the drive-thru customers take priority over the people standing in line ordering their burgers and shakes.

Joe_Freeman's avatar

How about when someone replies to your text the next day or so, with a response like “She won’t be there”? And you think, WTF are your replying to? Can’t you re-establish some context before blurting out a meaningless statement? Do you think our former text conversation is the only thing I have going on in my life this year?

charliecompany34's avatar

ok, my wife calls me on the cell phone, but at that very precise minute i am conducting business or using the ATM—you know—things that are important. i refuse to answer a cell phone when i am talking face to face with somebody, especially if the person i am talking to is somebody who does not personally know my wife.

then i get the “why are you not answering your phone?” i’ll say, “well, i was talking to the kind bank teller and i couldn’t pick up.” for some reason, cell phones are ruling us and we have to put an end to that. but how?

Joe_Freeman's avatar

@charliecompany34 I tell my friends that if they actually want to communicate with me, they should email me or text me, because I rarely pick up the phone and often won’t even reply to a phone message, especially if it’s on my cell phone’s voicemail. This might sound rude but I feel I am giving fair warning, right there in the OGM, that the telephone is not an acceptable means of communication for me. People who can’t or won’t email or text me soon discover how hard it is to reach me. Eventually they will get the message.

Joe_Freeman's avatar


It’s the email equivelent of replying to a letter on the back of the senders notepaper.

Yes, very good! Sometimes I have to read the message to which she is replying to determine if it is at all related to the new discussion. She is adamant that there’s nothing wrong with this practice of hers.

Joe_Freeman's avatar

How about when you text someone and immediately receive a phone call in return? If I wanted to talk to you on the phone I would have called you! Don’t they understand that I am in a quiet environment like the library where I cannot speak?

Or how about when someone says “You didn’t answer your phone”? That’s right. Because I was driving, or I was in the bathroom, or I was in a face-to-face with a human, or I was in the shower, or I was sleeping, or whatever. Don’t they realize that taking the phone is not my top priority, that there are other things that can take precedence?

charliecompany34's avatar

@Joe_Freeman love this answer. MY POINT SO EXACTLY!!! you get bigtime lurve.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Also, people talked about how annoying email forwards are, but text forwards suck just as much. I have received maybe one or two clever ones, but, for the most part, they are just a waste of time and space.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Oh I forgot about this one:
when people get a new number and send you a text but don’t identify themselves. It’s really uncomfortable for me to text back, “who is this?”, feels rude to me but what to do?

seventeen123's avatar

i hate one word responses too! (:

Joe_Freeman's avatar

Thanks, @charliecompany34, bigtime lurve I can use.

@hungryhungryhortence, when people do that, I’m pretty sure they don’t realize that their text was unidentified. It’s a simple mistake anyone can make. I don’t think there’s anything rude about asking, “Who is this?”

@charliecompany34, you say “for some reason, cell phones are ruling us and we have to put an end to that.” Yes, I agree. There is something about cell phones that gives them extraordinary power over otherwise rational people. I don’t know why, but until we do, we’re probably not going to be able to solve the problem. And now that I finally own a cell phone, I too am an offender! Though I almost never speak on my phone, I can’t take my hands off of it since I’m always texting, taking photos, checking my email, Googling on the Web browser, looking at my photos, refining the contents of my address book, listening to music, identifying a song I hear, and so on. And I don’t even have an iPhone!

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