General Question

PapaLeo's avatar

Can you have food that's both kosher and halal?

Asked by PapaLeo (2360points) June 18th, 2009

A co-worker and I were talking at the proverbial water cooler about all the things that have pork in them: gel caps, coffee pads, etc. We surmised that you could always avoid pork if you chose something prepared kosher or halal. The obvious question, then, was: can you also have both?

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10 Answers

whatthefluther's avatar

From Wikipedia, “Halal”: There is a great deal of similarity between the laws of DhabiÄ¥a halal and kashrut, and there are also various differences. Whether or not Muslims can use kashrut standards as a replacement for halal standards is an ongoing debate, and the answer depends largely on the individual being asked.[3] While some Muslim halal authorities accept kosher meat as halal, none of the Jewish kosher authorities accept meat certified as halal as kosher due to different requirements.

If a food were blessed appropriately to both standards I would guess, why not.

whatthefluther's avatar

Here is a comparison of dietary laws.

eponymoushipster's avatar

yes, you can. but they’ll fight it out in your colon.

Bagardbilla's avatar

Many years ago, when Halal meats were not available on this country, many Muslims I knew (who incidently lived in close vacinity of Jewish neighborhoods) would shop for and eat Kosher products.
Jews living in Muslim countries buy Halal meats but have to bless them themselves if a Rabbi cannot be present at the time of preperation.
Nowdays I can find Halal meat even at my local farmers mkt… and it’s ORGANIC!

Mtl_zack's avatar

Someone who follows Muslim dietary laws can eat Kosher but someone who follows Jewish dietary laws can not eat Hallal.

Harp's avatar

The distinction between Halal and kosher becomes important only where animal products or alcohol are involved. Those aside, any food that’s kosher would pass as Halal.

The sticking point for some Muslims regarding kosher meat is the Muslim requirement that God’s name be pronounced when the animal is slaughtered. This is not a kosher requirement. But there is a hadith which states that pronouncing God’s name before eating the meat will fulfill this requirement, so many Muslims are OK with kosher meat if a blessing is pronounced before eating.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

A vegetarian non-processed food diet would be inherently kosher and halal. I love of people have the misconception that everything you eat has to be blessed by some authority. That’s not true. Except for meat, any food that one prepares oneself in accordance with their dietary laws needs no other blessing. Now meat is a little different, but essentially the same, since killing the animal is part of processing food, and most of us don’t kill our own cows, meat must be approved by the appropriate authorities.

PapaLeo's avatar

Beautiful answers, everyone, thanks for the contributions. I guess I could have looked it up myself, but, as you can probably tell by my delayed reaction, I’m up to my ass in alligators at work, as one of my co-workers puts it.

And besides, I love the personal perspectives and experience. Fluther on!!

La_chica_gomela's avatar

lol, i just noticed a hilarious typo in my answer. I wrote “I love of people…” instead of “A lot of people…”. I guess I’m just a very loving person… ;-)

PapaLeo's avatar

@La_chica_gomela I saw that. I thought the same thing.

But that’s a good thing, right?

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