General Question

lloydbird's avatar

I'm quite new to Fluther, but I'm not quite sure what its for,even though I enjoy it very much. Can you clarify,please?.

Asked by lloydbird (8740points) June 19th, 2009

The reasoning behind Fluther.

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35 Answers

TaoSan's avatar

uhm, ya, ask a question get answers maybe?!?

DeanV's avatar

Try here for some of the best Fluther questions. Personally, I would say the community created here is one of the most important things for me. Learning new stuff and discovering new music is nice too, though.

Tink's avatar

Fluther- A website designed to answer your questions, have fun, meet cool strangers, and provide you with the latest trends

applesaucemanny's avatar

like yahoo answers but like 1,000 times better!

DeanV's avatar

@applesaucemanny I don’t even like to mention Fluther and Y! Answers in the same sentence. Any site that puts an exclamation point in the middle of their name has no credibility in my eyes. Which is why I hate Panic! at the Disco…

lloydbird's avatar

But what is its purpose?
Said with respect and admiration!.

TaoSan's avatar

The purpose?

uhm, ya, ask a question get answers maybe?!?

DeanV's avatar

I think that can only be answered by Bendrew. I mean, we all love it, but they will be the only ones that would really know it’s original purpose. It’s different to everybody, I guess.

lloydbird's avatar

@TaoSan @dverhey So what is its aim?

jrpowell's avatar

This might help.

lloydbird's avatar

@johnpowell Excellent, But what is its aim?

lloydbird's avatar

Please understand my friendly,helpful intentions, but don’t you feel that you should state where you want to go in order to get there?

lloydbird's avatar

What do you want the outcome to be?

marinelife's avatar

It seems to me that you have received the answer to your question very clearly stated and many times over.

Is there something you are implying?

A user asks a question. Fluther users with expertise in that area answer the question.

lloydbird's avatar

@Marina So ,Beyond basic Q @ A what is there? Is there no ultimate aim?

lloydbird's avatar

Please don’t get me wrong, because I want to help, but what am I (we) working towards?

RedPowerLady's avatar

The ultimate aim is to create a website where people can either:
1. Ask practical questions and get answers to there everyday problems.
2. Ask questions that provoke thought and great discussions.

So far this goal has been accomplished and we are loving it.

Therefore “we” are continually working towards creating an online community where the above things can be done.

The ultimate goal to have a place that is easily accessible to get their questions answered & therefore to have people be a bit more enlightened .

Is anything unclear about that?

Basically the goal has been accomplished and we are helping it along by making it high quality and getting more fantastic members (as well as appreciating the ones already here).

Tink's avatar

It’s to ask things people don’t know?

marinelife's avatar

It is not basic anything. The questions and answers are the point, oublio.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@lloydbird Except it’s not just help (#1 in my original response). It is also thought provoking questions and answers. Things that make us feel more like a community and get our brains working. Social questions that have far reaching impact or are just fun to think about (#2 in my original response).

lloydbird's avatar

I want to go to such a town, so I work out how to get from here to there, and then take steps, if I just drive about aimlessly,I might get there, by chance .But chances are that I might just drive about. Where are we aiming to go?

RedPowerLady's avatar

@lloydbird We’ve already got there. We are in town. Now we are just bringing in tourists (i.e. you) and having a jolly old time.

Would you care to stay? If so I jovially recommend reading some of the links posted in this thread and the threads that you were linked to. Stay awhile and have a good time. Then you may get the jist of things.

jrpowell's avatar

It is really a basic Q & A site. That is all. And I am sure Ben and Andrew went to make some money from it.

It is that simple.

lloydbird's avatar

@RedPowerLady Well I’m enjoying my tour very much, there is some impressive architecture about the place and a lot of potential for wide benefit, I just hope that the collective wisdom that is being “tapped” into becomes more issue focussed and perhaps less random.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@lloydbird Now for that kind of concern you can always use the Contact button at the top right of the page.

marinelife's avatar

Perhaps you should wait a while before leaping in with your judgment on.

YARNLADY's avatar

I think the purpose, if you want to call it that is to give us who enjoy this type of thing a place to enjoy ourselves.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

The purpose is to find ourselves.


TaoSan's avatar

The aim?

I think the aim is hm, ya, ask a question get answers maybe?!?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Fluther exists on the surface as a Q & A site, but underneath all that, in an underground bunker hidden in the mountains of a country where most Americans cannot get a passport to, are the plans for TOTAL DOMINATION of the world!

We are Jellies, resistance is futile.

LexWordsmith's avatar

Fluther is for helping each other with info, but some people mis-use it, generally by hijacking Qs as venues for flame wars.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@lloydbird: If you want to look at Qs about a certain topic, we have topics that you can click on and read all those related. Otherwise, if you want to tap the collective re: specific issues, I’m afraid you’ll have to ask a question about them. From your last comment, though, it seems like you want Fluther to be more like a topic based discussion forum (like, say, Penny-Arcade) than what it actually is. And that’s just not what it is.

lloydbird's avatar

@EmpressPixie Thank you for your answer,and thanks to all who have responded to this question. Please understand that I am very new to interactive internet sites, one week old as a matter of fact when I serendipitously found this venue. I was so impressed
that I took the leap and joined (the only site that I have ever joined). I believe that I get it now – uhm, ya ask a question and get answers,right?!!

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